Terrarium for a spider: indoor pet chooses dry mode

Spiders 08/07/202010263 views

So, you had a desire to have an exotic pet, and you wanted to buy yourself a tarantula spider. There is a lot that speaks in favor of your decision. Tarantulas are great animals to keep at home: they take up minimal space, you need to feed them once a week (or even a month), you can always surprise your friends and relatives with this pet. But where to start?

First, it should be said that not all tarantulas are safe to have as a first pet. Asian, Australian and African species are completely unsuitable as the first spider. The fact is that they are extremely aggressive and have a very toxic poison. Spiders of the New World are ideal for a beginner, namely most of the species from such genera as Acantoscurria, Brachypelma, Grammostola. These spiders are quite unpretentious, cheap and for the most part non-aggressive. In fact, you can get anyone as your first spider, but some of these animals can pose a potential, although not fatal, danger, and there may be species that are very demanding in terms of keeping conditions.

Kit for tarantula genus Brachypelma “Standard”

How to make and decorate a terrarium for a red-eared turtle: drawings, description, photo

Exotic animals are quite suitable for keeping at home. However, for their full existence it is necessary to create suitable conditions. For this purpose, terrariums are equipped.

Important: To keep pets in a terrarium, it is necessary to recreate an ecosystem similar to the living conditions of animals in natural conditions.

We will tell you what requirements a terrarium must meet to keep various animals. Let's start with the turtle. At home, you can keep land turtles, as well as freshwater turtles (including red-eared turtles).

The most important mistake is keeping these animals on the floor of an apartment or house. You can organize a ground terrarium; it must have suitable characteristics. However, it is unacceptable to allow a turtle to roam around the apartment; this is harmful for the pet.

There are many species of land turtles For home keeping, in most cases, medium-sized turtles about 20 cm are chosen. You can make a terrarium for a turtle yourself, what you need for this:

  • Purchase and glue glass;
  • Organize ventilation;
  • Carry out UV lamps;
  • Select soil.

For a small turtle of about 12 cm, a terrarium with a minimum size of 60x40x40 cm is required. But it is important to make sure that there is enough space if the turtle grows. If there are several turtles, the sizes should accordingly be twice as large.

The terrarium of land turtles should not be cluttered with various kinds of obstacles that will interfere with movement. The following soil should be placed on the bottom:

  • A mixture of sand and clay;
  • Hay;
  • Wood chips;
  • Large pebbles.

Terrarium for a land turtle
For red-eared turtles , whose size is in the range of 18-30 cm, a terrarium of 150-200 liters is required. Water should occupy 3⁄4, and land - 1⁄4.

Important: For red-eared turtles, it is necessary to organize a sloping bank with no scratchy texture. The water must be at least 20°C.

Terrariums for turtles should be well ventilated. For this, two holes are made:

  • The first is large, located on top of the terrarium;
  • The second is small, on the front wall of the terrarium at the base of the soil.

Air temperature is a very important factor that should be properly organized in the terrarium. The turtle terrarium is equipped with a 60 W incandescent lamp, which is installed on top. Bottom heating is not recommended, as it is harmful to the animal’s kidneys. The lamp should heat one corner more strongly, here the turtle will bask and eat food (temperature about 28°C). The house is installed in a cooler corner (about 24°C).

Aquaterrarium for the red-eared turtle

Scheme of organizing a terrarium for a turtle

Python house

Many people ask how to make a python terrarium. It’s not very often that you can find friends or acquaintances having their own house for exotic animals. Especially when it contains python. The first thing that comes to the average person’s mind when mentioning pythons is a large and dangerous snake. Experienced owners describe their pets as pleasant and calm creatures.

To achieve a pleasant and long life for your pet, it is important to take the arrangement of favorable living conditions seriously.

Before you make a terrarium for a snake with your own hands, you can try choosing one in a store. The aquarium for the python must be chosen with the utmost care so that it can be called ideal. To eliminate the possibility of escape from the aquarium, it is necessary to take an aquarium with a tight-fitting lid

It is important not to forget that an influx of fresh air is required. The area of ​​the home should be large enough for the python to move comfortably in it.

For example, for tiger pythons, the priority is the area of ​​the aquarium, not the height. It is permissible to lay newspapers on the bottom of the aquarium.

But different types of soil and wood must be treated with caution, as the process of rotting will occur in the aquarium. The python's home needs periodic cleaning and replacement of bedding.

Python house

Python is a cold-blooded creature, it is important to know how to make a terrarium with your own hands. This means that what is the temperature of the environment, so is the python’s temperature.

Therefore, it is very important to maintain the temperature within 27 degrees Celsius. Experienced owners recommend placing a ceramic heated element near the python’s home. The python will be happy to bask near it, but at the same time, it will be able to crawl into a cool corner without the risk of overheating. You should take a closer look at purchasing a thermostat to accurately control the comfortable temperature in your pet’s home.

In nature, the python is a hunter. The process of feeding a python should occur in the same way as in its natural habitat.

It is important that what the python will hunt smells like food, moves like the hunter's target, and is warmer than the environment. As the python matures, it will consume more and more food.

A very small individual can be content with a couple of mice a week. When the python grows more than a meter, it should be given either more mice or one rat. With a python about two meters long, a large rat would be very handy.

As the python grows, you can replace the rat with a rabbit. The bigger the snake, the bigger the rabbit. When the length of the python reaches three meters, it is permissible to feed it with an adult chicken. In addition to food, access to fresh water is important for a python. It is not at all necessary to give the python a bath; bathing can be partial. It will be enough to equip a large, heavy bowl in the aquarium so that the python can submerge half of its body. A DIY snake terrarium should have several important aspects.

Before purchasing such an unusual, cold-blooded pet, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules for safe keeping. It is necessary to communicate with the python not only during feeding, otherwise it will develop a conditioned reflex

When the python is in a good mood, you need to pick it up and pet it. It is important that the snake understands the difference between feeding and socializing so that it can tell the difference between its owner and a tasty dinner. It is important to never let children play with the python on their own, tease or offend it.

How to make and decorate a terrarium for Achatina snails?

Achatina snails are large sized mollusks. It’s easy to keep them, because these snails are undemanding to conditions. Even in the temporary absence of the owner, they can feel good if taken care of in advance.

A terrarium for Achatina snails can be made of regular or plexiglass, or you can use a plastic container. The “house” for snails should have small holes for ventilation. It must be of such a size that the snail does not escape.

Important: Achatina snails need space for a comfortable existence. A 3 liter container is suitable for one snail; for two snails - 5 l.

Container equipment requirements:

  1. Cover the bottom with flower substrate without fertilizers; snails love to burrow into the soil. Suitable substrates include sand, walnut shells, and coconut shells. The bad layer is clay and tree bark.
  2. The soil should always be moist, but not waterlogged. The soil is sprayed with a spray bottle daily.
  3. There is no need to install lighting lamps for snails. Soft, diffused daylight suits them. During the day, snails hide in the substrate and are awake at night.
  4. The air temperature in the container should be about 24°C.

To cover Achatina snails, fragments of flower pots, coconut shells, and stones are placed inside the container. Also, living plants are planted in the substrate: moss, ivy, fern, lettuce, cereals, etc.

Terrarium for Achatina snails: top view


A sexually mature male is looking for a female who is in the stage before her final moult. If he manages to find such a partner, then he stays next to her. Mating occurs immediately after the end of the molt.

The fertilized female builds a large cocoon from the web, where she lays eggs. She protects them until small spiders are born and undergo a second molt. After this, the spiders have eyes, and they can take care of their own food.

The cocoon is located under the bark of various trees. The most commonly used are oak, pine or palm. Often masonry is located in cracks in the walls of residential and commercial buildings.

The female lays up to 4 layers of eggs. There are about 180 eggs in the first layer. There are fewer eggs in each subsequent layer. Usually there are about 400 eggs in a cocoon, with a maximum of 700.

How to make and decorate a terrarium for a tarantula spider, ants, Madagascar cockroaches, and a praying mantis?

Insect terrariums must also have a number of certain characteristics. If everything is done correctly, the life of insects will be comfortable and safe.

Let's look at how to set up terrariums for various insects.

Terrarium for a tarantula spider:

  1. Keeping a tarantula spider at home requires a spacious terrarium. There should be no objects with great height inside to prevent the tarantula from falling.
  2. Provide shelter. Pieces of bark, flower pots and other similar devices are suitable for this.
  3. It is not recommended to place stones in the tarantula spider's terrarium, as the insect may be injured.
  4. The size of the terrarium is calculated as follows: the length of the spider’s legs is multiplied by two. For example, the length of the legs of an adult spider is 14 cm.
  5. In this case, the size of the “house” should be 30x30x20 cm. Moreover, 20 cm is a safe height for a tarantula spider.
  6. Be sure to make holes on the sides and top for ventilation.
  7. The bottom is covered with soil, and branches are placed for tree spiders.

Terrarium for a tarantula
Terrarium for a praying mantis:

  1. A vertical terrarium is suitable for the praying mantis.
  2. Pour soil into the bottom and place a layer of foliage on top. If the foliage is large, additional cover is not required.
  3. Humidity should not be too high; spraying is not recommended frequently.
  4. The temperature in the terrarium is 25°C.
  5. The terrarium should not be placed in direct sunlight.
  6. Ventilation is required.

Contents of the praying mantis
terrarium for ants :

  1. To keep unusual pets, a narrow flat container is required.
  2. Sometimes 2 jars are used to maintain an ant farm, so that one fits into the other. Both jars are closed with lids. An ant family is located in the space between the banks.
  3. A terrarium for ants is called a formicarium. Sand or a special gel containing additives for ants is poured inside.
  4. Some people collect ants in the forest and collect soil there.

Terrarium for Madagascar cockroaches :

  1. If the terrarium for Madagascar cockroaches is not equipped with a lid, then lubricate its walls with Vaseline so that the insects do not escape. It is better to cover the home of Madagascar cockroaches with a lid with holes.
  2. There must be a lot of hiding places inside. To do this, they use egg trays; cockroaches love them for the presence of cells, toilet paper rolls, pot fragments, and wood.
  3. The flooring should be made of fragrant wood with sand. The wood is preferably coniferous, it is changed periodically.

Keeping Madagascar cockroaches

Feeding the spider

All conditions for the spider have been created, now you need to take care of the spider’s nutrition. You need to feed the spider with live food, such as zoobass, crickets and cockroaches. The food should be approximately 2 times smaller than the spider’s body. It is not recommended to feed spiders with vertebrates, except in cases where the spider is very large and can in nature eat the same mouse, such as Theraphosa blondi. Spiders should not be fed insects caught in the wild, as they may be infected with parasites or contain insecticides. Small spiders need to be fed as often as possible until they can eat and are not about to molt; adults - much less often. The ideal formula for feeding a spider is the number of molts + 1, where the resulting number will be the number of days after which the spider needs to be fed. If you forget to feed your pet, don’t be alarmed, spiders can refuse to eat for no reason for six months, and even, in rare cases, for a year, and this does not negatively affect the spider’s health, quite the contrary. It has been proven that spiders that were periodically hungry live longer than their counterparts that were constantly fed.

How to make and decorate a terrarium for rodents and hamsters?

In most cases, rodents, including hamsters, are kept in cages. Rodents can also be kept in terrariums, providing air access.

Terrariums for hamsters can be made of plastic. They have a number of advantages over the cage:

  • Firstly, sawdust does not fall out of the terrariums;
  • Secondly, at night you can’t hear the hamster gnawing on the bars of the cage.

A hamster can be kept in terrariums of varying sizes; the size of the pet should be taken into account. If there is a well-equipped “home”, the pet will feel quite comfortable.

How to design a terrarium for a hamster:

  1. Cover the bottom with sawdust or hay;
  2. Place a drum or wheel, a feeder, a drinking bowl;
  3. It is also necessary to have dry twigs and sticks; the hamster will sharpen its teeth.

Comfortable house for a hamster

Features of choosing a pet

In order to choose a healthy spider, you need to use a few simple tricks that will help protect yourself from wasting money:

  • the arthropod must be active and playful. In the case when the specimen you have chosen lies alone on the sidelines, is passive and constantly hides in the house, the animal is most likely sick, and you should not buy such a pet for home;
  • A healthy spider's abdomen should be even and smooth. If the abdomen is wrinkled or there are other pathologies on it, the spider suffers from dehydration and may soon die;
  • open wounds or ulcerative defects on the body of a tarantula are another reason to refuse to purchase such a spider;
  • It is best to purchase small spiderlings , since it is almost impossible to determine the age of a tarantula by appearance;
  • It is important to pay attention to the hairs that cover the abdomen. If they are not evenly distributed throughout the body or vary in size, the animal has health problems;
  • the absence of paws in most cases is not a pathology , since they will instantly grow back after the next molt. This only means that the animal was not transported properly.

Important! When choosing a tarantula, you need to pay attention especially to females, since males do not have longevity and live several times less.

What helps maintain humidity in a terrarium?

Keeping many exotic pets requires a certain level of humidity in the terrarium. For some animals, high humidity is indicated, for others, humidity is contraindicated. For example, hamsters will feel great in dry sawdust, Achatina snails vitally need a wet extract, mantises will not be able to survive if there are drops of condensation in the terrarium.

Important: The easiest way to maintain humidity in a terrarium is to spray the soil with water from a spray bottle.

The required soil moisture for pets is different:

  1. Humidity for Achatina snails is checked in this way - squeeze a handful of soil in your hand, if water drips, then the soil is waterlogged. Achatina snails react negatively to high humidity: they hibernate, become lethargic, and lose their appetite.
  2. Moisture is also important for ants. You can determine the level of sufficient moisture in the formicarium as follows: if perspiration appears on the walls, stop spraying.
  3. The soil in the praying mantis terrarium should be sprayed rarely. It should be slightly damp. How often this needs to be done is difficult to say for sure, it depends on the air circulation in the terrarium.
  4. The optimal humidity level for the tarantula spider is 35-60%.

You can determine the exact air humidity using a hygrometer .

A hygrometer determines the humidity level in the terrarium

What age should I take a spider?

Finally, you have decided on the type and begin to look for where to buy the pet you need. Almost immediately you come across a ton of advertisements, but for some reason they have a big difference in price. The fact is that the cost of a spider depends on age and gender. And then you say that it’s easier to buy a small spider, watch it grow, and the price is quite satisfactory. That’s how it is, but it’s better not to do this without experience in content. Young spiders are tiny and require much more care than adults, and besides, it is much more difficult to find food for small spiders than for an adult. As for gender, it is worth noting that male tarantulas live much shorter than females, and they are also much smaller in size, and therefore they are rarely of collection value. There are species in which the males are much more beautiful and brighter than the females, but this is a very rare case. Therefore, if you want the spider to live with you as long as possible, then you should get a female.

Kit for tarantula of the genus Caribena (Avicularia) “Standard”

How to make the temperature 33 degrees in the terrarium?

Important: Temperature is one of the most important requirements for maintaining the microclimate in the terrarium.

Terrarium animals are very sensitive to temperature changes. All animals have their own biological needs for thermoregulation.

Various devices are used to maintain temperature:

  • Heating lamps;
  • Heated mats;
  • Ceramic heaters;
  • Infrared lamps.
  • Heating thermal cords.

Warm areas are made for scaly ones. In these “sunny areas” the pets periodically bask. Then they crawl to places with lower temperatures. Heating lamps are suitable for this. They should be placed in such a way that the pet does not get burned from touching.

For snakes, heating mats are used under the ground; turtles are heated from above. To heat the snails, use a heating pad or rugs.

A budget-friendly heating method is to place the terrarium near heating radiators or heaters. But this method has a number of disadvantages that can affect the normal life cycle of animals. Still, it is better to use special devices for heating terrariums.

Important: You can and should monitor the temperature in the terrarium using a thermometer.

A little about folk signs

There are many folk signs associated with these insects. Since ancient times, people have monitored house spiders and, based on their behavior, predicted important events that awaited the family.

Here are a few of them:

  • if the spider crawls down, expect problems. It is much better if it creeps up - this is a profit;
  • seeing a spider in the morning promises bad news; in the evening, on the contrary, it promises good luck;
  • A large number of cobwebs under the bed for unmarried people promises new love acquaintances. A married couple needs to be more attentive to each other’s desires;
  • if he crawls over money, expect unexpected financial income;
  • The luckiest spider is white. Black is considered a bad omen and brings bad luck.

Not everyone now believes in omens, but there is one that even scientists agree on - you can’t kill spiders! And not because it will bring failure into your life. They are simply an integral part of the ecosystem. Small domestic arthropods are not dangerous to humans. At the same time, they catch harmful and bothersome insects such as mosquitoes and flies.

How to make and decorate a large terrarium from an aquarium for plants and flowers?

A terrarium is not only a “house” for your beloved pets. You can grow plants in a terrarium. Terrariums with plants have many advantages:

  1. They are easy to care for.
  2. This is a luxurious element of the interior.
  3. Suitable for people with a minimum of free time and a desire to have indoor plants at home.
  4. A good alternative to flower pots.

Aquariums are suitable bases for terrariums. But before you fill it with soil and plants, you need to understand which plants are suitable for terrariums:

  • Plants that prefer or tolerate shade easily.
  • Dwarf plants. It is important that the plant does not outgrow the walls of the terrarium, otherwise its appearance will suffer over time.
  • Plants that love humidity.

Plants that are most often grown in a terrarium are moss, cacti, and succulents.

If you decide to turn an aquarium into a terrarium with plants, keep in mind that the aquarium with soil will become very heavy. Therefore, do not place it on fragile tables. Also, such terrariums should not be placed under air conditioning or in close proximity to heating appliances.

Think in advance about how the lighting will be maintained. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for the terrarium, but darkness is also unacceptable. Optimal lighting is indirect diffused light. You can use special garden lamps.

Large terrarium for plants

Important: If you decide to use an old aquarium, wash it thoroughly with antibacterial agents or soap. Residues of dirt and bacteria can subsequently harm the plants.

To arrange a terrarium, in addition to plants, buy a soil mixture with drainage. It is desirable that the soil contains the addition of bog moss or sphagnum. You will also need pebbles (gravel), moss, all kinds of decorations, and gloves.

The following layers are placed in the aquarium:

  1. Pebbles or gravel . You can add a handful of activated carbon, this will serve as additional drainage.
  2. Moss . A layer of moss will prevent soil subsidence and retain moisture.
  3. Soil . The soil layer should be thick enough to accommodate the plant roots. Also, the thickness of the soil depends on the height of the aquarium.
  4. Plants . Plant the plants in the holes. Water the plants.

At the end, you can add decorative elements that will not be damaged by excess moisture. These can be any objects: shells, figurines, coins. At this point, the organization of a terrarium for plants is ready.


They feed on insects and lead a measured lifestyle, but use poison for self-defense. In nature, everything is interconnected, and poisonous missulens themselves become food for some types of wasps, as well as poisonous scorpions. For many years there has been a story among people that these creatures can dig deep holes, and therefore they are also called mouse spiders.

The poison has a protein base. The components affect the nervous system. Spiders do not show aggression. Only 40 cases of bites have been recorded in history. Severe symptoms requiring medical intervention appeared only in 10 cases. But it’s better to bypass this spider and not tempt fate.


How to make and decorate a terrarium with your own hands from a can, bottle, plastic

The plant terrarium is called florarium. You can grow plants in a bottle or jar. This flower arrangement takes up very little space, but looks impressive.

Growing plants in a jar or bottle is similar to growing plants in a greenhouse. The presence of container walls allows you to maintain the necessary microclimate of the florarium. Jars with plants are covered with lids or a small hole is left.

The disadvantage of growing plants in a jar is the difficulty of care. Cleaning a florarium and getting rid of dead plants can be quite troublesome. But, nevertheless, this does not stop connoisseurs of florariums.

For the florarium, you can use both glass and plastic bottles. Plastic containers are inferior to glass ones in their characteristics and appearance. The container does not have to be in the form of a jar. These can be vases, serving caps, large glasses, etc.

Important: You cannot grow plants that are incompatible with each other. For example, succulents and ferns. These plants have opposite watering requirements, so there is a risk that the florarium will deteriorate.

In addition to evergreen exotic plants, you can grow a single flowering plant in a jar. Recently, it has become fashionable to give such flower arrangements. The advantage of such a gift is its durability. You can, of course, give a flower in a pot, but a florarium looks more impressive and stylish.

Florariums are used to decorate home and office interiors. A row or series of florariums looks original. The process of planting plants in a jar or bottle is essentially no different from planting plants in an aquarium. However, planting plants in a container with a narrow neck is painstaking work.

How to plant plants in a bottle or jar:

  • First, layers are poured in the same order as in the aquarium: pebbles, moss, soil.
  • Use a long narrow stick to make indentations.
  • Carefully remove the plants, along with their roots, from the pots in which they were sold.
  • Using two long sticks, place the plants into the holes.

Caring for the terrarium is not difficult: just water the plants as the soil dries out, and also wipe off the dust from the jar inside and out. If there are no problems with wiping dust from the outside, then many may be puzzled - how to wipe the dust inside the terrarium? This is not difficult: you can wrap a piece of soft sponge on a flexible wire, which will simply cope with dirt. A soft-bristled toothbrush will also work if it is the right size for your terrarium.



Spiders, like all arthropods, cannot grow constantly, like you and me. This is due to the fact that they have a hard exoskeleton. Therefore, when the spider accumulates the required amount of nutrients, it refuses to eat. If a spider has stinging bristles, it scratches them off, so that the abdomen becomes bald. Gradually the abdomen turns black - this means that the old cover is moving away from the new one. The spider then spins a very sticky web, turns over on its back, and completely sheds its old skin within a few hours. After molting, a spider can grow 1.5-2 times within a few hours. Molting is an amazing period in the life of a spider. During this period, he is able to regenerate damage and even regrow lost limbs. The main thing is that if you are convinced that the spider is going to molt, you need to minimize contact with the spider, do not forget to maintain the required level of humidity, or even better, increase it, since this determines whether the spider’s skin will peel off well. Otherwise, pieces of skin may remain on the spider's body and lead to serious damage and even death. That's all a beginner needs to know about keeping a spider.

Author: Artem Zenkevich Source: [https://vk.com/paukinasekomie|ExoticPlanet]

How to make and decorate an eternal mini-terrarium from a light bulb?

Terrariums made from light bulbs look original and stylish. The most common light bulbs of different sizes are suitable for making such a terrarium. To begin with, we recommend trying to work with the largest light bulb.

You will need:

  • Large light bulb;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Round nose pliers;
  • Scissors;
  • Long tweezers.

Be sure to protect your eyes with goggles, as pieces of glass may fly off during operation.

Step-by-step production:

  1. Remove the metal seal on the light bulb base.
  2. Then use a screwdriver to very carefully break the internal parts of the light bulb.
  3. Using long tweezers, remove the “entrails”.
  4. Finish the hole well with a screwdriver so that there are no sharp edges.
  5. To stabilize the light bulb, make legs by adding 2-4 drops of silicone glue.
  6. Now pour sand and dry moss through the funnel and place the plants using long tweezers.
  7. You can use small pebbles and plastic figures as decoration.
  8. A mini-terrarium made from a light bulb can be placed on a stand. This will make it even more impressive.

Mini terrarium in a light bulb


Our list on most-beauty.ru continues with the wolf spider, which is widespread in different parts of our planet. The South Russian tarantula is found in Crimea, Adygea, regions of the Krasnodar Territory, Kuban and Donbass. In Ukraine, encounters with them should be feared in the southern coastal regions.

The poison, like that of the phalanx, will not lead to death, but causes unpleasant itching, redness, and severe swelling. Allergic reactions may appear after a few days. The swelling subsides after 3-4 days, but the place where the poison entered will still hurt for a long time for two to three weeks.

By the way, on our website most-beauty.ru there is an interesting article about the TOP 20 most beautiful spiders in the world. We highly recommend watching it!


Ideas for hanging and tabletop terrariums: photos

Below you will find ideas for plant terrariums of various configurations and with different plants. Get inspired to create beautiful and unusual home decorations with your own hands.

A small terrarium in a glass cup is perfect for decorating your desktop.

Tabletop terrarium

Hanging terrariums of different sizes are convenient.

Hanging terrariums

Even teapots can be used, the main thing is to use your imagination.

Original florarium

Some flowering plants will thrive in beautiful terrariums.

Blooming florarium

Decorative terrarium in a round container.

Bright florarium

A tabletop terrarium will decorate any interior.

Small tabletop terrarium

Terrarium idea

Making a terrarium for plants or animals is not difficult if you approach this issue with inspiration and the desire to create a useful and beautiful thing.

Is it dangerous for humans?

Any spider in existence is considered poisonous. Another question is the concentration and amount of poison, as well as the strength of the fangs. The wolf has very powerful fangs; it can easily bite through human skin. But the wolf spider is peaceful and will only attack if startled.

Depending on the type of spider, a person may have a different reaction to the venom. Allergies appear in most cases. Severe itching and swelling develop, and sometimes the affected area goes numb. But if the individual is large, necrotic lesions may appear. Soft tissue necrosis appears. In both cases, you need to see a doctor immediately. Wolf venom is quite concentrated, and there is a risk of death.

The most dangerous species is the Brazilian wolf spider. If it bites a person, there will be severe pain and fever. Possible lethal outcome (the poison is so concentrated that it can kill an adult elephant). But if you provide help in time (find the necessary antidote), you can be saved from the bite of any spider. A person’s tendency to allergic reactions plays a key role.


Plexiglas is the most suitable material for a terrarium

The most suitable and affordable materials for creating terrariums are silicate and organic glass.

  • It is more difficult to break than ordinary silicate;
  • Containers made of plexiglass accumulate heat well and reluctantly release it into the surrounding space;
  • Its fragments rarely form sharp edges on which you can cut yourself;
  • Plexiglas is easier to process and fasten.

Plexiglas has fewer disadvantages than advantages, but each of them can become critical for a terrarium.

  1. Plexiglass is easy to scratch. Therefore, you can only wash it with a soft sponge or gauze;
  2. The surface of the plexiglass becomes cloudy over time and begins to turn yellow;
  3. Ultraviolet rays are harmful to plexiglass.

Thus, plexiglass is a good material for terrariums whose inhabitants cannot scratch the walls. These could be spiders, snakes, Achatina. To make terrariums in which animals with sharp claws (lizards or turtles) will live, you should choose a different material.

In addition to the plexiglass itself, you will need plastic corners and a metal mesh for ventilation. To make doors, you need two types of plastic E profiles. The upper profile should be 2 times deeper than the lower one. The size of both profiles corresponds to the thickness of the door material.

Choice of plexiglass

In order to choose the right plexiglass for a terrarium, you need to know that it comes in two types - cast and extruded. Casting is more expensive, but does not have most of the above disadvantages. It is stronger than extrusion and less cloudy. Some brands transmit UV rays well and are not destroyed under their influence. Therefore, it is worth choosing those brands of molded plexiglass that are characterized by strength, preservation of transparency and do not block UV rays. The sheet thickness should not be less than 5 mm.

Glue selection

The glue must meet two characteristics:

  1. Be harmless to living organisms, do not release chemicals upon contact with litter, water or excrement;
  2. Be durable and waterproof.

In practice, any silicone sealant for gluing terrariums or aquariums meets these conditions.

When working with such sealants, you must be careful, since drops frozen on the material are difficult to clean off.

Types of tarantulas

Science knows a huge number of a wide variety of spiders, ranging from poisonous ones to the largest individuals. The size of the tarantula's terrarium is selected based on the size and characteristics of the arachnid.

Using the same method, the breeder chooses a house for the spider. According to their lifestyle, insects are divided into the following types:

  • woody. The habitat of this breed is shrubs and trees under which they hide. In appearance, the dwelling is very similar to a nest made of cobwebs. It may be under a snag or in a hollow;
  • burrows. Spiders make large holes in the ground and settle there;
  • ground. This species prefers to settle on the surface. In most cases, spiders occupy the burrows of other living creatures to live.
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