Scolopendra centipede. Description, features, types, lifestyle and habitat of scolopendra

House scolopendra is a common armored insect all over the world. It can be an exotic animal if a tropical species is acquired, the representatives of which reach 30 cm in diameter; or simply appears in the house by chance when we are talking about the centipede flycatcher, which lives in many regions of Russia and sometimes penetrates houses. The frightening appearance of this centipede immediately raises thoughts about whether it has poison that is dangerous to humans, and how to get rid of the uninvited guest.

What does scolopendra look like?

Look, one of these centipedes is peeking out from under the baseboard. Is it really scary? Meet the scolopendra from the family of labiopods. There are about 90 species of the order Scolopendra. They can be quite large and look absolutely terrible. Scolopendras usually live outdoors, in damp rooms, under fallen leaves, stones or under the bark of trees. And only the domestic centipede spends its entire life inside the home.

Most of them lead an active nightlife. The house centipede is grey-yellow in color with three black stripes along its back and white spots and has very long legs. The body consists of segments, and each of them has two pairs of legs. In total, the centipede has 15 pairs of legs, so the centipede does not live up to its name. Apparently, they called her that because of fear. The length of the scolopendra reaches from 2 to 4 cm.

House centipedes prefer damp areas such as basements, closets, bathrooms or closets. In the warm season they can be found in the attic. Centipedes usually overwinter outdoors. In summer, scolopendra lays up to 35 eggs mainly in damp places, as well as behind baseboards or under the bark of trees.

Young centipedes have four pairs of legs. During the process of growth, they molt and gradually add new pairs of legs. Their life expectancy ranges from one to six years, and they grow all this time.

What do centipedes look like, where do they live, how many legs do they have? Answers to the most popular questions

We are surrounded by many species of these nasty centipedes. Among them there are the usual house centipedes, and quite dangerous monsters like centipedes. Imagine, you are lying in a bubble bath with a glass of wine, and suddenly this multi-legged monster appears in front of you out of nowhere?!

We think that each of us has seen a centipede close to us at least once in our lives. At first, people panic, start screaming and run away in horror. At first the same questions appear in my head: “Who is this? How to get rid of it? Will he bite me?

. A little later, more logical and serious questions appear in your head. We have prepared answers for you that will cover all the “dark spots” on the topic of fighting these creatures.

Let us say right away that they cannot be classified as insects: from a scientific point of view, centipedes and insects belong to the same type (arthropods), but at this stage they diverge. Millipedes form the superclass of the same name, which belongs to the subphylum Tracheales. They are most often found in dark and damp places outdoors. For example, in a pile of leaves, under tree bark or stones, in beds and in mulch.

It is not difficult to recognize these aliens. They crawl only at night or in complete darkness. The bodies of centipedes are extremely mobile and clearly segmented: each segment has a pair of legs. Moreover, as you approach the tail, the length of the legs increases. Why - you ask? This allows the creature not to trip over itself and to move quickly. They have two poisonous claws on their heads, which people often mistake for jaws. Certain variations are possible with body color: it is usually gray with the addition of red, brown or pink. But sometimes you can see yellow stripes.

Where do centipedes live?

Where can you find the common centipede? Theoretically, she herself could fall on your face at night or peek into the shower during home spa treatments. But more often, centipedes live in warm and damp basements, closets and attics. Of course, they love bathrooms and greenhouses. There are also more inaccessible places. Experts recommend looking under concrete slabs and into all cracks, inside hollow walls, into sewer drains and boxes with old things. Moreover, it is much easier to “spot a centipede” in the dark: they are most active at night.

How many legs does a centipede have?

In general, they can have from 30 to 354 legs. One fun rule is that centipedes never have an even number of pairs of legs (always 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 or 15 pairs). The house centipede (flycatcher) grows legs as it matures, and they typically have 15 pairs of legs. Surprisingly, the last pair of legs in an adult female is the longest - almost 2 times longer than the insect’s body itself. And if you see an individual that has less than 30 legs, you know that it is still small.

Some biological features

Crimean, or more precisely ringed, scolopendra is a representative of the family of labiopods. In biological nomenclature it is called Scolopendra cingulata.

Scolopendra can eat any creature that does not exceed its size, so it even hunts small lizards or snakes. It reaches 10-15 cm in length and grows throughout life. Small individuals are light golden in color, becoming olive and brown with age. The photo allows you to evaluate the structure of their body, but not their coloring.

Their legs are short but strong, noticeably lighter than the rest. The body is flat and protected by a dense chitinous shell, which is extremely durable. Such features help the scolopendra to easily penetrate even small crevices. She runs very fast and has excellent maneuverability.

Scolopendra is an aggressive insect! Obvious interest in her or an attempt to catch her will inevitably cause an attack, remember this.

Brief information

Guests of Crimea, rushing to the beautiful beaches of the peninsula, rarely think about dangerous representatives of the local fauna. About such, for example, as the Crimean scolopendra. Most tourists are unlikely to meet her on their way. But still, so that your vacation is not suddenly and hopelessly ruined by a long-healing painful bite, it is worth learning about the habits of this dangerous animal in advance. It is equally important to know about the measures that will have to be taken immediately by someone who has been bitten by this poisonous centipede.

Scolopendra in the house

The ringed scolopendra can settle in the house. She is attracted by a favorable environment - warmth, the presence of damp and dark shelters, food in the form of insects. She doesn't eat human food or damage furniture. A positive aspect of its presence is the removal of all small invertebrates: cockroaches, spiders, flies. Such a neighborhood is safe until you accidentally step on a centipede or provoke it in some other way. In defense of itself, the scolopendra will bite. Residents of coastal areas where dangerous centipedes live should be careful. Do not leave doors open, and install mosquito nets on windows.

Features and habitat of scolopendra

Scolopendras are insects, or, more precisely, arthropods. They live in all climatic regions, but the giant scolopendra can only be found in the tropics; the large scolopendra especially likes to live in the Seychelles, the local climate suits it best. These creatures inhabit forests, mountain peaks, dry hot deserts, and rocky caves. As a rule, varieties inhabiting temperate zones do not reach large sizes. Their length ranges from 1 cm to 10 cm.


And scolopendras, who prefer to live in tropical resort areas, are simply gigantic, by the standards of centipedes, in size - up to 30 cm - you must admit, impressive! In this sense, the residents of our country are luckier, because, for example, the Crimean centipedes do not reach such impressive sizes.

House centipede - general characteristics

The house scolopendra, or common flycatcher, is often found in private houses and cottages, but you can also find it in a city apartment.

Due to its terrifying appearance, high speed of movement and, sometimes, sudden appearance, this insect often inspires horror and fear in residents of houses and apartments. The domestic scolopendra is a fairly peaceful insect and not dangerous to humans.

Structure and appearance

An adult specimen of the house scolopendra can reach 60 mm in length. Its body is yellowish-gray or brown with three reddish-violet or bluish stripes on its back. On the head there are compound eyes and long, thin mustaches, which provide the scolopendra with excellent vision and a sense of vibration.

The front pair of legs near the head was transformed into claws-jaws, used by the insect to capture and eat prey. The hind legs are very long, similar to whiskers; because of this feature, it is sometimes difficult to determine where the insect begins and where the end is.

Insect lifestyle

House centipedes are predators; they are excellent hunters and eat other domestic insects such as spiders, cockroaches, bedbugs and flies, which is why they are nicknamed flycatchers. In nature, these insects actively hunt both during the day and at night, but in an apartment they prefer the dark for hunting.

The flycatcher sits motionless on the wall or ceiling, guarding an unwary victim. Having caught her, the scolopendra inflicts a fatal poisonous bite on her and then slowly eats her. At the same time, the centipede is capable of catching several insects at once, which it will eat in turn, firmly holding the caught prey in its paws.


The Black Sea scolopendra is so independent and independent that it reproduces without a partner. Eggs laid in sand are fertilized in the absence of sperm.

For some time, an adult centipede raises its offspring, teaching the cubs to hunt and display a protective function. When the children are ready, the parent releases them from under the wing.

Important! The active breeding season of centipedes occurs in early spring, which causes inconvenience to local residents: centipedes are extremely aggressive

Scolopendra nutrition

It was already mentioned earlier that scolopendras are predators. In the wild, these insects prefer small invertebrate fauna for lunch, but giant individuals include small rodents in their diet. They also prefer frogs as a French delicacy.

Tip: Ringed scolopendra

Compared to its relatives from the tropics, it has a less dangerous poison. Therefore, lovers who want to keep these cute centipedes at home should first buy a centipede that is less dangerous to humans.

Then, having gotten to know this God's creation better, you can purchase a larger pet. Centipedes are cannibals by nature, so keep pet centipedes

preferably in different containers, otherwise the stronger one will dine on the weaker relative.

In captivity, scolopendras have little choice, so they will gladly try everything that a caring owner offers them. They happily eat crickets, cockroaches, and mealworms. In general, for a medium-sized insect it is enough to eat and fill up with 5 crickets. An interesting observation: if the scolopendra refuses to eat, it means it’s time to molt.

Since we are talking about molting, you should know that scolopendra can change the old exoskeleton for a new one, especially in cases where it decides to grow in size. The fact is that the exoskeleton consists of chitin, and this component is not naturally endowed with the gift of stretching - it is inanimate, so it turns out that if you want to become bigger, you need to throw off your old clothes and change them to new ones. Young animals molt once every two months, and adults twice a year.

Features of behavior

Like many other related representatives of the fauna, the Crimean scolopendra is active in the dark. During the day, it hides under snags, stones and in other shelters and can live equally comfortably on the seashore or in rocks, so you cannot be protected from encountering it throughout the entire peninsula.

The creature cannot be called shy, but its lifestyle is quite secretive. However, at the moment of danger, reactions are most likely to be aggression. By the way, almost all movements of a person who catches the eye of a scolopendra will be assessed in exactly this way.

Millipedes spend the cold season under a layer of fallen leaves or in self-dug burrows . They do not form families, so the hole is prepared exclusively for one individual. Awakening occurs in the spring, with the onset of warmth.

Crimean centipedes often consider houses and other buildings as an excellent wintering option . In order for a centipede to find a place comfortable, food must be available, i.e. small insects, suitable humidity levels and favorable temperature conditions.

Is the domestic scolopendra dangerous for humans? :

Many people like to keep various exotic, unusual and very dangerous animals and insects at home as pets. We are all different, and if for one person this or that type of spider or snake causes horror, disgust and rejection, then for another this creature will only awaken tenderness and a smile. One of these arthropods that causes a double impression is the domestic scolopendra.

Flycatcher habitats

True, it is not always a person who gets her on purpose; sometimes she moves into an apartment on her own, choosing dark and damp places. Bathrooms and basements are ideal for this. House scolopendra is also called flycatcher and centipede. Although this creature causes hostility among many, it is not at all dangerous to people, and to some extent is even useful.

The flycatcher eats cockroaches, ants, flies, bedbugs and other small insects and arthropods. In its natural habitat, the centipede can be found in the south of Ukraine and Russia. More dangerous real scolopendras also live in this same territory; they are large in size, and giant specimens can even kill a mouse.

Insect structure

The skeleton of the flycatcher consists of chitin, the skin is gray or brown. Scolopendra domestica has a body divided into 15 segments, and each of them has a pair of legs.

True, this creature has only 14 pairs of legs, because the first pair has changed into a kind of fangs, used as protection and fixation of the victim.

There are three stripes on its back, the centipede sees very well with its compound eyes, its antennae are well developed, and it runs well compared to other representatives of this species.

Flycatcher behavior

Scolopendra behaves in the house exactly the same as in its natural habitat. She looks for relatively warm, moist and dark places.

With the arrival of cold weather, the centipede burrows into the ground, hiding in the cracks of rocks, these can be baseboards at home. In spring, the arthropod awakens, although it is active only in the dark.

With the onset of drought, the house scolopendra migrates in search of wetter places.

Is the centipede dangerous for humans?

The flycatcher does not pose any danger to people; it bites only if it is held in your hands for a long time. The bite of the house scolopendra is painful. The sensation can be compared to a wasp sting.

But giant centipedes can kill toads and mice, which in their genetic structure are already more reminiscent of us. In any case, the wound must be disinfected and lubricated with brilliant green or iodine. Most living creatures do not attack people first, this also applies to scolopendra.

If you don’t provoke her, don’t frighten her and don’t limit her freedom, then she will never bite just like that.

What is the danger to humans?

The appearance of the scolopendra is rather unsightly: long legs, a segmented chitinous skeleton. When they appear in the house, many residents begin to get scared and try to quickly take the first object they come across, such as a fly swatter, in order to kill or scare away the predator.

In fact, domestic scolopendras do not pose a particular threat to humans and, of course, will not lead to mortal danger. Although they can bite if you hold them in your hands for a long time or accidentally step on them.

Cruciferous flea beetle in the garden: 4 safe ways to control the pest

Of course, it’s not pleasant, because the bite resembles a wasp sting. It also causes redness, burning, pain, and swelling of the skin. But domestic centipedes are not carriers of dangerous diseases and are even shy themselves. When they see a person, they try to quickly go into the shadows and hide. Centipedes do not live in things or food. When the lights are turned on they usually go away quickly.

There are certain types of these centipedes, for example, giant centipedes, whose bite is more dangerous to humans. Domestic species are safe, although bites should be avoided, especially for people with weakened immune systems or excessive allergies.

Attention! If you follow the scale of pain, a scolopendra bite can be 20 times more painful than, for example, a bee sting.

Is scalapendria dangerous for humans?

The problem actually comes from the person himself, whose brain is capable of any fantasies, which is why phobias appear. This insect can bite a person, but it only defends itself in case of danger, and does not attack a person. Even if it does bite, the bite site quickly takes on a normal appearance. The problem may occur in allergy sufferers, whose bodies react inadequately to the bites of many insects. The only threat is the scalapendra's appearance. Naturally, no one will like such a neighborhood, especially if small children live in the house.

South Ukrainian scolopendra: what is the danger of its bite? — STOP 5, 02/19/2017

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Is the common flycatcher dangerous for humans?

All centipedes are poisonous insects, in which toxic substances are present not only in the jaws, but also in the claws and even just walking legs. Large tropical species are really dangerous for humans, but the Russian small common flycatcher is not dangerous, and the maximum that can happen after contact with it is redness of the skin, and only if it is very sensitive. This is due to the fact that the amount of toxin in northern species is very small, and the poison only threatens the prey for which it is primarily intended. Thus, the local scolopendra, familiar to everyone, is useful, not dangerous, and as long as it lives in the house, you don’t have to worry about pests appearing - it is a reliable guard against them.

If we talk about topical centipedes, they can be very poisonous. Some of them even pose a mortal threat to humans. Because of this, when getting an exotic insect as a pet, you need to understand that it is also a very dangerous neighbor that is capable of inflicting a bite that will require emergency medical attention.

Why is scolopendra dangerous?

As already mentioned, there are several varieties of centipedes, and some of them are quite dangerous. Dangerous scolopendra species live in forests or grassy areas. They are typically orange or dark red in color and tend to be larger in size than the house centipede. Their length ranges between 60 and 80 cm. Such creatures have from 30 to 350 pairs of legs. They are equipped with poison glands on the sides of their bodies.

With such size and weapons, centipedes easily hunt small rodents, including rats. But don't worry, these centipedes live in tropical and subtropical climates. Their bite is not fatal to humans, but quite unpleasant. Blisters and redness occur at the site of the bite, accompanied by pain and swelling. Symptoms disappear within two days.

The centipedes that you can find in your home are absolutely harmless and do not contain poison that is deadly to us. So if contact of the first kind happens between you by accident, you can be completely confident in your safety, despite their aggressive appearance. The house scolopendra is also called a flycatcher, as it feeds on small insects.

And to completely calm down, let's look at why we shouldn't be afraid of house centipedes. So, domestic scolopendras are absolutely safe:

  • they are not carriers of diseases;
  • do not eat our products;
  • do not penetrate our wardrobe;
  • If possible, they avoid a person, and when meeting him, the scolopendra will quickly seek refuge in a darker place.

Meanwhile, the presence of centipedes in our home may indicate increased humidity and possible mold. Centipedes also live in homes where there are other small pests. Centipedes are predators. They survive at home thanks to the presence of a food supply - other insects. And some of them can disrupt our comfort and cause harm to health, for example, bedbugs.

Scolopendra, who is this?

Scolopendra is a venomous animal with modified forelimbs, a segmented body, a pair of legs at each segment and sharp marigolds at the end. Scolopendras come in different colors: purple, yellow, orange, red, blue. As a rule, these are nocturnal predators; they emerge from their crevices at night and cannot tolerate daylight or sunlight. They can hide under tree roots, in burrows, cracks, and the ceiling of a house. They feed on small rodents, insects, and lizards.

The main danger is the device or poisonous apparatus, which is located inside the jaw in the form of channels with a poisonous gland located in the hole at the tip of the nail. The poisonous gland contains poison, which, when released into the victim, can cause poisoning, swelling, numbness, soreness and burning of the tissues on the skin.

Typically, the appearance of centipedes in a house or apartment is facilitated by favorable conditions for their life activity or an optimal habitat. These are food remains on the table, dampness and high humidity in the room. It is precisely under such factors that scolopendra most likely starts. Its most favorite habitat is a damp, damp place. Getting rid of the scourge of this insect means eliminating all damp corners and crevices in the room.


The scolopendra's body consists of two parts: the head and a long body. It is divided into segments. Their number varies from 21 to 23. All of them are equipped with a pair of light yellow legs that end in a pointed spine. Their average length is 2.5 centimeters. Each of them has a poison gland. Therefore, when the legs of a scolopendra come into contact with human skin, inflammation occurs.

The head is a plate with eyes, two antennae and a pair of jaws. During the evolution, the legs of the first segment of the scolopendra's body turned into poisonous claws.

The last pair of legs is also different from the rest - they are larger in size and directed backwards. The hind legs help the animal when moving through earthen burrows and during hunting, acting as a kind of anchor.

Giant scolopendra has a beautiful copper-red or brown color. Color can vary from yellowish to red, blue, green and purple. The color of an animal changes with age, and even among individuals of the same species it can differ significantly.

The predator's body consists of plates that are connected to each other by flexible membranes and protected by an exoskeleton. Giant scolopendra is a soft-bodied animal. This type of centipede, like many invertebrates, has to shed its chitinous exoskeleton, which does not grow, from time to time. This process is called molting.

Giant scolopendra, whose bite is extremely painful for humans, is often kept in captivity by centipede lovers

She is interesting to watch, but needs to be kept with care - she is a fast and aggressive animal. Inexperienced lovers are better off abandoning such a dangerous “pet” because of the very likely possibility of being bitten.

Since centipedes are flat and flexible, they can squeeze into a small gap and escape from the terrarium. They live in captivity for a long time - up to 7 years.

It is necessary to maintain relatively high soil and air humidity - animals are very sensitive to this indicator.

Centipedes in captivity feed on cockroaches, larvae and crickets. They eat slowly and infrequently. It is recommended to give them food 1-2 times a week.


The flycatcher is a predator and can hunt cockroaches, flies, termites, silverfish, fleas, spiders, and moths. She moves very quickly, her movement speed can be up to 40 cm per second. Excellent eyesight makes it an excellent night hunter.

All centipedes (and there are about a hundred species) have a similar body structure, divided into segments. However, the species differ in size and color.

Skutiger jaws are an excellent hunting assistant

Scolopendras often hunt at night, but can also hunt during the day. At night they eat sleeping insects, and during the daytime they hide in shelters.

When hunting, the centipede knocks down the prey with its legs, after which it captures it with them. In some cases, she catches several insects, eating one and holding the rest with her feet.

When trying to catch a skutiger, it may sacrifice its legs in order to escape. The latter can grow back partially or completely. In autumn, scolopendra can move into residential buildings.

The house centipede is not dangerous to humans

The black centipede is another representative of the scutiger order.

Fighting methods

House scolopendra, despite its name, spends most of its life in the wild. It usually settles under trees or under fallen leaves. It overwinters in secluded places, and with the arrival of stable warmth, it gets out of the shelter and goes in search of food.

In autumn, when the temperature drops again, flycatchers flock to warm residential buildings and, if there is sufficient humidity and plentiful food, happily remain there. And the owners of apartments and houses immediately face the question of how to get rid of the domestic centipede.

first of all, it is necessary to remove dampness and reduce humidity, special attention should be paid to the bathroom, kitchen and bathroom, in addition, it is recommended to ventilate the pantry; Sticky traps can help catch flycatchers - they are placed in the above rooms and changed as they are filled; if you find only one centipede, then simply throw it out of the house; Aerosol insecticides cope quite well with centipedes, and you can use any preparation against crawling insects: “Raptor”, “Combat”, “Raid”, etc. You can also use poisonous gels - among the most effective are Globol, Fas and "Storm"; pay special attention to the destruction of domestic insects - if the centipede does not have anything to eat, it will soon leave your house on its own; close all possible entry points for centipedes - inspect the foundation, floor, walls, window frames and doorways and, if cracks are found, repair them immediately. In short, in order to get rid of the domestic scolopendra, you need to establish ideal order in your home and try to constantly maintain it

Avoid stagnation of water and high humidity, carry out timely control of small pests and clean up the yard

In a word, in order to get rid of domestic scolopendra, you need to establish ideal order in your home and try to constantly maintain it. Avoid stagnation of water and high humidity, carry out timely control of small pests and clean up the yard.

One of the most dangerous and repulsive animals on Earth is the giant scolopendra. She is extremely fast, stealthy and aggressive. The predator attacks not only insects, its prey includes rodents, birds and lizards. The dexterity of centipedes is evidenced by cases when they climbed to the ceiling of a cave to catch a bat. While holding the prey with its forelimbs, the animal clung to the surface with only a few hind legs.

Preventive measures

Nobody has canceled preventive measures in the fight against “uninvited guests”. Be a guardian of your own home and follow some safety rules.

What are they:

  • if these arthropods are found in your home, you should not walk around the house without slippers;
  • before going to bed, check your pajamas and bed linen for the presence of centipedes, as these creatures are active at night;
  • since centipedes do not settle in houses in large colonies, by throwing only 1-2 representatives into the street or placing them in an airtight container, you can already sleep peacefully;
  • involve a pet, for example a cat, in eliminating the “tenants”, as it can cope with this task perfectly;
  • thoroughly ventilate and dry the damp room, and then the predatory arthropod will bypass your house ten times;
  • do not allow water to accumulate in the sink and bathtub;
  • Before building a new house, carefully consider the ventilation system so that condensation does not accumulate in the rooms.

Now you know many of the subtleties and secrets of a successful operation to destroy arthropods. We sincerely hope that this information was useful to you. Having received the necessary knowledge in theory, you can easily proceed to the practical part.

What are the dangers of meeting a centipede?

The danger of these predators is greatly exaggerated. All centipedes have venomous glands that produce poison, but many of them are harmless to humans because they simply cannot bite through the skin. These are cryptops, or blind centipedes, and drupes. A flycatcher living in houses can bite only for the purpose of self-defense. Most often, her jaws cannot bite through the skin. But if this happens, the bite will be equal in strength to a bee.

What does a scolopendra bite look like? It depends on the type of centipede. When the animal bites through the skin, it releases poison, which causes burning, pain and swelling. The bite may also be accompanied by nausea and dizziness.

The venom of the giant scolopendra is especially toxic. It causes severe swelling (the arm may swell up to the shoulder) and high fever. These symptoms persist for several days.

Video: Scolopendra catches and eats a mole cricket

The only documented case of death from a scolopendra bite is the death of a child from the venom of Scolopendra subspinipes. This species has several names: Chinese, Vietnamese or orange centipede.

Some species of these predators, when disturbed, secrete a protective fluid that causes burns when it comes into contact with the skin. For example, the Californian scolopendra has this feature.

After a centipede bite, you need to wash the wound, apply cold water and consult a doctor. Usually, analgesic drugs are prescribed and tetanus is prevented.

Female centipedes pose the greatest danger (they are more poisonous) to small children, people with weakened immune systems, and people with allergies.


In Russia there are centipedes that do not pose such a threat as tropical representatives. The domestic scolopendra, which lives in human homes, is practically harmless. It even brings benefits by eating flies, moths, cockroaches, bedbugs, and ants. It reaches a length of 2-6 cm. The scolopendra bites only for self-defense. Its jaws are very weak and cannot bite through human skin. But if this does happen, then the predator’s bite is as painful as that of a bee.


To prevent infection from the centipede's paws from getting into the wound, the bite site should be treated with ammonia, a solution of manganese, and an antiallergic drug should be taken.


Terrarium for ringed scolopendra

Keeping the ringed scolopendra is not particularly difficult. To keep centipedes, you need a fairly spacious terrarium 35-40 cm long and 15 cm wide. I keep them strictly separate to avoid intraspecific aggression.

I place a 3-5 cm thick gravel cushion at the bottom of the container to prevent waterlogging of the soil. On top, I pour a layer of soil consisting of peat with the addition of gravel and rotten wood in a layer of at least 10 cm. As a decoration, I place a moss-covered piece of a rotten stump in a container. Under it, the Crimean centipede makes its nest, in which it spends most of its time.

I consider the presence of rotten wood in the terrarium necessary. At one time, several centipedes lived with me, but, not reaching their natural size, they died one after another. And only in terrariums where there were rotten driftwood, centipedes felt great (one individual lived for almost five years, and I gave it to another terrariumist).

I water and spray the soil in the terrarium unevenly to create zones with different humidity. I don’t use lighting or heating and in general, I advise you to place the container with the “centipedes” in a cool place, since these arthropods are sensitive to overheating.

Contents of centipedes

Keeping centipedes is not particularly difficult. It is important to prevent arthropods from escaping from the terrarium. The centipede is an extremely active creature and is capable of skillful escapes.

It is recommended to keep these animals in high terrariums, like chameleons , pythons and geckos , due to the need of these animals for a specific microclimate.

The material should not be thin plastic so that they do not chew their way out. In addition, it is important to use optimal lighting.

It should be borne in mind that centipedes are extremely fond of making holes. Therefore, the bottom of the terrarium needs to be covered with something. You can mix peat, vermiculite and soil (10/20/70), this composition is suitable for tropical species, or you can mix sand and soil in half for desert varieties.

The temperature in the terrarium should be about 22 degrees during the day and 19 at night. You need to arrange shelters in the terrarium. It is necessary to spray the terrarium periodically to create humidity. There should always be a drinking bowl with settled water in the container.

Since centipedes are hunters, in captivity it is necessary to feed them grasshoppers, cicadas , crickets; for the giant variety of this centipede, mice may also be required. Feeding should be done once or twice a week. If the animal does not eat, it is likely that shedding will occur soon.

Giant scolopendra in natural conditions

Before molting, the centipede's color darkens. The molting process lasts from minutes to hours, which is determined by the size of the individual. After molting, animals are quite defenseless, since their exoskeleton becomes soft and vulnerable.

Within two weeks, the exoskeleton hardens. During this period, you should be careful with feeding: some insects can damage the centipede.

Flycatchers in the house - how to get rid of them

There are not many flycatchers in a living room, because this is an unusual habitat for them, and they are unlikely to breed in an apartment. Therefore, flycatchers can be easily caught and sent outside.

If it is decided by radical methods, that is, destruction, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of their nutrition, body structure and behavior. For example, if sticky traps are removed, they are ineffective in combating insects - the insect tears off the stuck legs and runs away. Baits for cockroaches and ants also have no effect on them, because flycatchers are predators; they feed on live insects.

You can kill a flytrap with any hard object, boiling water or insecticide (it’s more convenient to use sprays). Any insecticide will do; flycatchers are not resistant to them.

You can make the flycatchers leave the apartment on their own. For example, if you get rid of all the insects in the apartment, they will have nothing to eat and will have to go in search of a more suitable place.

They love humidity, so you can often encounter them in the bathroom. If you do not allow moisture to accumulate in the bathroom and ventilate it regularly, the flycatchers will soon become uncomfortable here and will leave.

You can also block access to the house for flycatchers by caulking all the cracks in the walls, floor and basement, as well as by installing mesh on the ventilation outlets.

Ways to fight

House scolopendra, a photo of which can be seen on the website, lives in humid, warm, dark rooms with a sufficient amount of food and a suitable temperature. It is very difficult to get rid of it mechanically, since the flat shape of the body and shell reliably protect it from external influences.

To combat domestic scolopendra, modern broad-spectrum insecticides, folk remedies, such as boric acid, cayenne pepper, and the help of professionals are used. But the most important thing is to remove the reasons why centipedes appeared:

  • get rid of mold and moisture in the house;
  • seal all cracks in windows, doors and floors;
  • clean up the living space;
  • remove other insects.

Some exotic lovers want to have giant centipedes at home. Those wishing to purchase such a pet need to find out all the necessary information before venturing into such an act:

  • how much does scolopendra cost?
  • under what conditions should it be kept?
  • what precautions to take;
  • what to feed.

Then the owner and the scolopendra will coexist comfortably and safely side by side.

Giant centipedes

The largest representatives of centipedes live in the western and northern parts of South America, on the island. Jamaica and Trinidad. The body color of the giant scolopendra ranges from copper-red to brown, although red, green, blue and purple specimens are also found. The legs are yellow. The front jaws evolved from ordinary legs; they are connected to glands that secrete poison. Due to the fact that its body is flat and its shell is dense, it is very difficult to destroy a huge insect mechanically.

Huge centipedes feed on invertebrate animals: larvae, earthworms, beetles. Giant centipedes quite successfully hunt small birds, frogs, lizards, mice, small snakes and even bats. The method of catching the latter is distinguished by its originality: the predator climbs along the cave wall to the ceiling, holding on with its claws. With the help of the front legs, the prey is attacked and held, while poison is injected, which paralyzes the victim.

The process of digesting food in the giant scolopendra is very slow and long, with interruptions. The prey is broken down in the stomach using enzymes.

What does scolopendra eat?

As you probably already guessed, our today's heroine is a notorious predator of the insect world; other smaller insects act as a source of food for centipedes: earthworms, beetles, crickets, grasshoppers, etc.

Scolopendra caught a grasshopper.

But the giant centipede can easily attack small lizards, frogs, birds, small snakes and even bats. To catch the latter, the centipede, holding the surface with its claws, climbs to the ceiling where it sleeps, then attacks the bat with its front claws, simultaneously wrapping itself around the victim and injecting poison into it.

What does a domestic scolopendra look like?

The centipede is not a rare guest of private houses and apartments on the first floors. It is the fact that this insect has a large number of legs and a worm-like shape that causes hostility towards it in most people. The length of the domestic scolopendra grows from 3 to 5 cm. The color of its body is yellow-brown. Some individuals may have a dark brown color. There are rows of dark dots on the sides of the insect. If they are not there, then black stripes on the back are definitely visible. The centipede's eyes are large, bulging, and easy to see. The whiskers are long, almost the same as the insect itself. The body of the scolopendra consists of 15 segments, each of which contains 2 legs of considerable length, bending at a right angle. Thus, this insect has 15 pairs of legs, and there are 30 in total.


Scolopendras move very quickly and are capable of covering 40 cm in a second. The front pair of legs does not participate in running, but serves as arms. It is equipped with claws, which are used by insects during hunting.

You can spot the centipede flycatcher in the house at night or late in the evening. She crawls on the floor, walls or ceiling. She can also often just sit in the corner. When a person appears, in most cases the insect quickly hides in the nearest crack or crevice. Scolopendra is a predator, as its diet consists of flies, cockroaches and bedbugs. Taking this into account, we can call the centipede a useful inhabitant of the apartment, which destroys uninvited and dangerous guests, who often suffer from serious illnesses.

During the day, this insect hides in dark, damp places and waits there for twilight. Most often, such an inhabitant appears in the bathroom, toilet or basement. Sometimes the centipede flytrap is bred specifically to combat cockroaches and bedbugs. This biological weapon helps to effectively solve the problem.

Types of predators

  • Californian. It is green in color and is classified as a giant, as its body size reaches 20 centimeters. Lives in arid regions of Mexico and the USA. Whether scolopendra is dangerous for humans in normal conditions can be seen by observing the predator in the wild. In a calm environment, the centipede does not pose any threat, but in case of danger, running its numerous legs over a person’s skin causes inflammation at the site of contact. For all time, only one death of a seven-year-old child in the Philippines from the bite of this poisonous centipede has been recorded.
  • Ringed centipede. Found in Mediterranean countries, Southern Europe, North Africa, and the southern region of Russia. It is widespread in Crimea. The body length is from 14 to 17 centimeters. Scolopendra is painted in a beautiful golden yellow color, but is also poisonous, like its relatives.
  • Vietnamese. This representative is distinguished by the secretion of a luminous liquid that smells of phosphorus, which severely burns the skin and causes inflammation. The bite of the Scolopendra subspinipes insect produces a wound up to 1.5 cm in diameter and 5 mm in depth. The toxin is similar in action to viper venom. The wound bleeds for a long time, since a special substance is injected along with the poison that prevents blood clotting. There is an increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees and an increase in the bitten limb several times. The injured person must be immediately given an antiallergic drug and taken to the nearest hospital.
  • African scolopendra. She can make noise with her hind legs in the form of chirping and crackling noises to scare away enemies. The individuals themselves do not react to this sound in any way.
  • Blind, poisonous centipedes, Cryptops, live in the upper layers of the soil. They, like moles, practically never appear on the surface. These small yellow-brown scolopendras, 3–4 cm long, can be found in steppe regions and in garden plots even in Moscow latitudes. They do not pose a danger, since the weak jaw apparatus cannot bite through human skin. In the tropics there are various species of these insects, which are colored in different colors, ranging from green to purple hues.
  • Drupes (Lithobiomorpha) are small relatives of centipedes. They can accidentally get into the stomach with fruit or crawl into a sleeping person’s nose or ear, but this happens very rarely. Mainly found in cities near damp foundations.
  • The Scutigera coleoptrata has 15 pairs of long legs and long antennae. Scolopendra is a nocturnal insect, but this species can be seen during the day on the wall of a house. Preys on flies and other small insects. It tolerates dry air best of all species, although in the hottest daytime it tries to hide in shelter. Scolopendra of this species is able to be active at lower temperatures, which provides it with advantages in hunting over other insects. Today it is rarely seen in Crimea. The black scolopendra also belongs to the scutiger class.

Character and lifestyle of scolopendra

Scolopendra does not have a friendly character; rather, it can be classified as an evil, dangerous and incredibly nervous species. Increased nervousness in scolopendras is due to the fact that they are not endowed with visual acuity and color perception of pictures - the eyes of centipedes can only distinguish between bright light and complete darkness

That is why the centipede behaves extremely cautiously and is ready to attack anyone who disturbs it.

You should not tease a hungry centipede, because when it wants to eat, it is very aggressive. Running away from a centipede is not an easy task. The insect's agility and mobility are enviable. Among other things, the centipede is constantly hungry, it chews something all the time, and all because of its digestive system, which is primitive.

Interesting fact: Researchers once observed a Chinese centipede

Having dined on a bat, she digested a third of the meal in less than three hours.

Most people, due to ignorance, have the false idea that scolopendra has a potent poison and is therefore dangerous to humans

. But this is fundamentally wrong. Basically, the venom of these insects is no more dangerous than the venom of a bee or wasp.

Although in fairness it is worth noting that the pain syndrome of a bite of a large scolopendra

comparable in pain to 20 bee stings produced simultaneously.
A scolopendra bite
poses a serious
danger to a person
if he is prone to allergic reactions.

If a person is bitten by a scolopendra, then a tight tourniquet should be applied above the wound, and the bite site should be treated with an alkaline solution of baking soda. After providing first aid, you should go to the hospital to exclude the development of allergies.

This is interesting: People who have unbearable constant pain can be helped by a molecule extracted from the venom of centipedes. Scientists from Australia were able to find a cure for pain in the poison contained in Chinese scolopendras

. Now a substance is produced from the venom of predatory arthropods, which is used in a number of analgesics and antidotes.

What to do if the scolopendra still bites

  1. Do not panic. The poison of the Crimean centipede is not fatal to humans. The wound looks scary, but most often it heals without consequences.
  2. Doctors advise washing the bite site with soap and treating it with any antiseptic as quickly as possible. For washing, you can use a soda solution or, if you don’t have one, just water.
  3. You can take an antihistamine tablet prophylactically to prevent possible allergies. You can also lubricate the bite wound with antihistamine ointment.
  4. Doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol when bitten, so as not to speed up the absorption of the poison into the blood.
  5. If there is nothing suitable to provide assistance, you can apply a piece of soaked sugar or a cut onion to the wound, and make a soda compress.
  6. It is important to drink plenty of water to speed up the removal of poison from the body.
  7. If on the second day the symptoms of poisoning do not subside, but, on the contrary, intensify, you should consult a doctor.

Important! When hiking in Crimea and the Crimean Mountains, it is worth taking some antiseptic, antiallergic drugs, pain relievers, and antipyretics. All this can be useful for providing first aid if you are bitten by a scolopendra.

It is better to avoid communicating with the Crimean centipede in the wild, in a tent or room, limiting yourself only to dry exhibits of the peninsula’s museums telling about its rich and diverse fauna. But, alas, this is not always possible. Of course, you shouldn’t refuse a trip to Crimea for this reason. It is only important to properly prepare for traveling to the habitats of this spectacular centipede.

How to get rid of scolopendra?

The scolopendra has a rather durable chitinous top layer, so catching it in order to kill it is not so easy. Of course, you can resort to a mechanical method and catch it in a jar, take it away from home to another place, and throw it out into nature.

Fortunately, scolopendra is not an aggressive creature, but in the event of a bite, swelling, nausea, dizziness, burning, and temperature rise to 39 degrees. It is worth providing the victim with first aid. help: treat the bite site with antiseptics, apply a gauze bandage or bandage it.

Signs usually, as well as after a bee sting, can last for 2-3 days.

Due to physiological characteristics and lifestyle, it is difficult to fight scolopendra. Not many chemicals can completely get rid of insects. You can spread adhesive tape, like against mosquitoes, but even if you leave the insect without legs, it will not get rid of the scourge. The scolopendra's legs will soon grow back. Various baits are not valid, since the animal feeds exclusively on live insects.

First of all, you need to eliminate humidity and dampness in the house, which are favorable factors for the living of this animal. Scolopendras will disappear if:

  • ventilate and dry the room well;
  • reduce humidity levels;
  • or install artificial ventilation;
  • eliminate mold on the ceiling and walls;
  • seal all seams, cracks in the toilet, bathroom using silicone;
  • fill voids in window and door openings;
  • check pipes, mixers and taps, repair them in case of malfunction;
  • rehabilitate the sewer system;
  • check devices for condensation;
  • clean the territory, deposits, unclean places near the house.

Perhaps the centipedes will leave the home on their own. If the invasion of hordes of scolopendra cannot be avoided without the use of more effective and radical methods

Insecticides are effective in getting rid of them, but only special preparations, so when choosing, you need to pay attention to the packaging and read the instructions for use. You need to choose insecticides in stores with a wide spectrum of action against many parasites

For safety reasons, sanitize your home by covering your face with a protective mask and your hands with gloves.

On a note! It is necessary to use poisonous drugs only in exceptional cases, when there are many parasitic animals, entire hordes.

The main chemicals include:

  1. Combat as an aerosol by injection into cracks and ventilation.
  2. Starex for the purpose of spraying places where parasites accumulate.
  3. Medilis-Ziper as a concentrate for spraying. Must be diluted with water before use. Spray with a spray bottle, treating areas where animals gather.
  4. Raid is a non-toxic product with a pleasant aroma and you can spray the room without leaving it.

Silverfish in an apartment: how dangerous is it and how to get rid of it?

If there are children and animals in the house, then it is advisable to use preparations with natural additives or dry chemical preparations (insecticides) by pouring them into baseboards and other elements into which centipedes can penetrate.

When using aerosols, spray around the entire perimeter of the room, spraying carefully, avoiding contact with eyes. To completely destroy insects, you need to apply the product 2-3 times, thus carrying out several treatments over 3-4 weeks.

Why do you dream about scolopendra?

Given the unsightly appearance of centipedes, many believe that seeing one in a dream means trouble. But in practice, dreams with scolopendras are often positive.

Simply seeing a centipede in a dream indicates that you are in pursuit of imaginary values. It may also indicate betrayal. If you often see centipedes in your dreams, take a closer look at the people around you. Perhaps there are envious people among them. When talking with people, try to restrain yourself and not tell anything personal about yourself, much less about your plans. You should not fall into despair, believing that someone has definitely betrayed you. Scolopendra in a dream is a sign that you need to take a closer look at those around you and nothing more.

If the centipede was exaggerated in a dream, had enormous dimensions and looked like a fanatical monster, we can conclude that you are afraid of finding yourself in an extremely difficult situation. And the larger the centipede in a dream, the stronger the fear.

If you dreamed of a group of centipedes, you can assume financial losses. After such a dream, it is better to think several times and not take on new things if you are unsure of their outcome.

Of no small importance is what the centipede did and what the person dreaming did. If scolopendra crawled over the body, then troubles may await you in life, which will result in a nervous breakdown. You should be prepared for this and, if possible, warn.

If a scolopendra bites, this may indicate a deterioration in health in real life. Please note that the more painful the centipede bite was, the more serious diseases can be detected.

If in a dream a scolopendra bites a person sitting next to you and blood appears on the wound, then we can conclude that you are a very sensitive person. You express compassion to the person next to you and may take his problems too close to your heart.

If you killed a centipede in a dream, you can prepare for a trip or trip. According to another dream book, this indicates getting rid of existing problems. The size of the centipede also matters here. The larger it is, the larger problems will be solved.

In addition, killing a centipede may also indicate drastic changes in life. Thus, seeing a centipede in a dream means preparing yourself for changes, be it with your health or with life in general. Such a dream prepares a person in advance and makes it possible to react correctly to changes that arise.

Features of the life of a poisonous centipede

Scolopendra are bright representatives of the genus of labiopods. Their distinctive feature is modified forelimbs that have turned into jaws. The body consists of segments, the number of which varies from 21 to 25 in different species. Each segment has its own pair of legs ending in sharp claws. The segmented antennae serve as organs of touch.

The variety of colors attracts attention to these creatures. Their paint contains red, blue, orange, purple, yellow and numerous combinations

Giant scolopendra

A variety of species and colors of scolopendra are found in hot tropical forests. The largest representatives of the family, the giant centipedes, live here. The average length of their body is 30 cm, but there are individuals up to 45-50 cm. They choose prey equal in size to themselves. But an aggressive manner of attacking any danger can provoke a person to bite. Scolopendra is a long-lived invertebrate; in captivity there are individuals that have lived up to 7 years.

Nutrition and reproduction

Scolopendras are nocturnal predators; they hide from the sun's rays, which dry out their bodies. Creatures live in crevices, under stones, in holes. Agile animals move quickly on numerous legs not only on horizontal, but also on vertical surfaces, and climb onto the ceiling of a cave or house. Centipedes hunt insects, small rodents, snakes and lizards.

During the breeding season, males lay a special sac with seed - a spermatophore. Females are fertilized by crawling over it. Caring mothers protect the eggs from danger for several weeks, covering them with their own paws. After the offspring appear, the female crawls away. The white, soft-bodied babies grow on their own, becoming more adult-like with each molt.

Poisonous apparatus

In order to have a good idea of ​​the consequences of a scolopendra bite, it is worth considering the structure of its poisonous apparatus. The jaws with which the centipede catches prey consist of 6 segments. The outermost one is a sharp claw, curved inward. The venom gland channel runs inside the maxillary. At the tip of the claw there is a hole through which the toxin is injected into the victim. It contains substances that cause severe pain, tissue numbness, swelling and inflammation. Painful sensations last from several hours to several days.


Nature has provided millipedes with anatomical adaptations for successfully catching prey - jaws, a wide throat, poisonous glands, and tenacious legs. Domestic arthropods are called flycatchers for their ability to immobilize insects and then eat for a long time.

It is difficult to escape from a dexterous and agile predator. The ability to run on horizontal and vertical surfaces and quickly respond to any vibration gives her an advantage. Cockroaches, bedbugs, and spiders become food.

The centipede is capable of catching several victims at a time, holding them in its paws, and then eating them one by one. Saturates slowly and for a long time. The bite of the centipede is fatal for most small creatures; cutting up immobilized carcasses is not difficult for the arthropod predator.

Animals living underground are of main interest to forest centipedes. These are earthworms, larvae, beetles. When hunters come out of hiding, they catch grasshoppers, caterpillars, crickets, ants, even wasps.

A developed sense of touch helps predators provide themselves with food. The primitive digestive system requires constant processing of food. Hunger makes the centipede aggressive. Large species of tropical centipedes feast on small rodents, snakes, lizards, and attack chicks and bats.

Those who like to breed centipedes in terrariums need to know that different species cannot be planted in the same container. Predators are distinguished by cannibalism - a strong individual will eat a weak centipede.

Amazing natural flexibility allows these creatures to crawl into the narrowest and most winding places to hide. Therefore, escaping from the terrarium is not a problem for her. The maintenance of arthropods has its own characteristics.

The soil must be moistened so that it is suitable for digging minks. You can add crustacean wood lice to the centipedes; their centipedes will not be touched. Feeding arthropods should be close to nature - crickets, mealworms, cockroaches, insects. The temperature in the terrarium should be maintained at approximately 27°C.

Crimean scolopendra - sizes and features

The length of an adult insect reaches 15-20 cm (the average individual is slightly longer than a lighter). The color of the shell ranges from sand to dark brown. The head is flattened black with two curling red mustaches, the legs are yellow (honey-colored). Each body segment has a pair of legs (most centipedes have 21-23 pairs).

7 years is the average lifespan of the ringed scolopendra (in captivity), this is a fairly decent period for an insect, but more often than not, in the wild, it does not live up to this period. She has enemies; snakes, rats and ordinary cats can feast on the centipede. However, it is generally not advisable for the latter to do this, since the insect’s body contains many parasites and toxic poison, all of which can harm members of the cat family. Centipedes themselves eat cockroaches, worms, lizards, spiders, beetles, mollusks, larvae and other small and large insects.

Ringed millipedes reach sexual maturity in the second year of life; it is during this period that they actively reproduce. Mating occurs at night, when there is silence around. In the last segment of the male’s body, a cocoon with seminal fluid (spermatophore) is formed, from which the female, during copulation, draws it into her genital organ. After a few months, the female Crimean centipede begins to lay larvae (up to 120 pieces at a time). They ripen on average in 2-3 months. Young offspring live with their mother for some time, as a result of which it often happens that she can be eaten by them, or vice versa.

From the photo you can understand that the ringed scolopendra is a strong insect; its powerful jaws are the first pair of legs. She grabs a victim with them, which can exceed herself in size and weight, and tenaciously holds her. Thanks to a sensitive pair of antennae on her head, she easily navigates in space; with them she feels her way while moving quite quickly.

Although Scolopendra is considered an aggressive predator, her behavior is calm, she tries to be unnoticed. In the summer heat of the day, she passively hides in the damp shade - grass, branches, stones. At night it goes out hunting to get food for itself, so it can easily crawl into a tourist tent or a private house. Catching up with prey is not difficult for centipedes, thanks to its fast hind legs. She grabs her prey and plunges her toxic jaws into it, thereby paralyzing it. Thanks to its protective shell, which resembles chain mail, it is almost impossible to crush it; the flat-bodied centipede can even withstand a blow from a stone on soft ground.

Scolopendra bites, poisons and eats everyone it can overcome: spiders, cockroaches, grasshoppers. Hunts only in the dark. During the day it sits out under stones, roots, and piles of leaves. Prefers moist, dark places.

Reproduction and lifespan

Centipedes reach sexual maturity in the second year of life. The breeding season opens in mid-spring and continues into summer. After mating, the female begins laying eggs a few weeks later. The place for laying is selected damp and warm. There are from 35 to 120 pieces in one clutch; not all embryos survive. Females take care of the clutch, covering it with their paws from danger.

As the larvae mature, tiny worms emerge. The new creatures have only 4 pairs of legs. During development, each millipede molt opens up the possibility of a new stage of growth.

The mother stays with the offspring for some time. Small scolopendras very quickly adapt to their environment and begin an independent life. Among invertebrates, arthropods are truly long-livers. Observations of centipedes in captivity have shown that 6-7 years of life is normal for them.

Types of centipedes

There are about 600 species of these predators in the world. They belong to the genus of labiopods from the order Scolopendra. Prominent representatives of these animals are the Californian scolopendra, ringed scolopendra and Lucas scolopendra. The first reaches 20 centimeters in length and is found in arid regions of Mexico and the United States. This species has one unpleasant feature - when disturbed, the animal causes inflammation of human skin at the point of contact with the limbs of this centipede. At rest, the Californian scolopendra is not dangerous.

The ringed scolopendra is found in the countries of the Mediterranean basin, in southern Europe, North Africa and southern Russia. It is widespread in Crimea. The average body length is 14 centimeters, but some individuals reach 170 millimeters. This species has a beautiful golden yellow color. Like other members of the Scolopenridae family, the ringed scolopendra has venom glands.


There are several hundred different species of centipedes. What unites them is their anatomical structure and a large number of legs. Many species are widely known.

Common flycatcher, or scutigera. The gray-yellow centipede is 4-6 cm long. It lives in Europe, in the southern regions of Russia, and in Kazakhstan. Often found in dry foliage. The cold snap forces people to seek refuge in people's homes - it penetrates into basements, through ventilation pipes into toilets and bathrooms.

It is not capable of biting through human skin, so the maximum harm from it is redness and slight swelling at the site of the bite. An unexpected guest in an apartment is usually picked up with a scoop and sent out the window.

Crimean scolopendra. It lives in Africa, Mediterranean countries, and Crimea. The second name is ringed. The body reaches 15 cm in length. An agile predator is able to cope with prey that is slightly smaller in size, for example, lizards. Strong jaws full of poison. On the human body after movement it leaves burns in the form of red spots from toxic paws.

Giant scolopendra. The name emphasizes the largest size among similar creatures - the body of the centipede grows up to 30 cm, consists of 22-23 segments. Record-breaking individuals reach a length of 50 cm.

The chitinous covering is dark red or brown, the legs are bright yellow. The predator feeds on insects, eats toads, mice, and sometimes birds. An encounter with a giant scolopendra is dangerous.

The venom of the giant centipede does not lead to death in humans, but causes extensive swelling, severe pain, and fever. Scolopendra lives in the hot tropics in the north-west of South America, on island territories.

Chinese redhead. What distinguishes the scolopendra is its ability to live in a community with its own kind, unlike most other solitary species. In Chinese medicine, red centipedes are used to treat skin diseases.

Californian scolopendra. The peculiarity of the species is its preference for arid areas, although most relatives strive for humid environments. The bite is poisonous, causing inflammation and severe skin irritation for several hours.

Scolopendra Lucas. Found in southern Europe. The centipede has a special heart-shaped head. The remaining characteristics are similar to those of other relatives.

Blind centipedes. Small poisonous creatures, only 15-40 mm in length. No eyes. The head has a pair of antennae, jaws and maxillae. They cannot cause much harm, but when crushed, arthropods are especially toxic. A bird that pecks at such a centipede will be poisoned.

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