Does dust help against bedbugs? Tornado, Clean house, Antiklop, Absolute dust from bedbugs

Is it effective to poison bedbugs with dust?

When bedbugs attack, the first thing that comes to mind is to poison them with dust. This powder is associated with killing insects, so it would be logical to use it in the fight against biting pests. But does dust help against bedbugs, is it harmful to humans, and how to use it correctly?

Properties of dust against bedbugs

We will tell you later how to poison bedbugs with dust correctly and without harm to humans. First, a little educational information about the poison itself.

Dust is a group of insecticides produced in powder form. Hence the name: from the English dust - dust, powder.

Dust is especially harmful to birds. But they still use it, because... The insecticide is highly effective and inexpensive.

The difference between the dust intended to combat bedbugs is that it contains pineronyl butoxide.

This component is responsible for increasing the duration of the damaging effect of the active components of the dust on bedbugs. Those. It is enough to treat the room once to ensure a poisonous effect for a long time. Next, we’ll look at how to use dust in such a way as to eliminate pests not just for a long time, but forever.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dust, like any substance, has pros and cons. They need to be matched before being used against bloodsuckers.

Dust is valued for:

  • convenient use (can be used directly after purchase),
  • affordable price,
  • economical (50 g is enough to treat an area of ​​10 m²),
  • long-term preservation (five years),
  • low toxicity and safety for the human body,
  • wide spectrum of action (effectively eliminates bedbugs, ants, cockroaches and fleas).

Disadvantages of dust:

  • due to the low concentration of poison, it cannot instantly kill bloodsuckers,
  • dangerous only for young and adult individuals, the larvae are not afraid of it at all,
  • mandatory re-treatment a week after the first procedure,
  • if ingested by a child or pet, it can lead to intoxication and spasm of the respiratory organs.

Effect of dust on bedbugs

A bedbug is not a cockroach that feeds on scraps of food and may accidentally ingest poison. Apart from piercing the skin and sucking blood out of it, the bug cannot do anything else, so an insecticide in powder form will not work. But then how does dust act on bedbugs? It’s very simple: the powder is diluted with water, and a poisonous solution is obtained.

Microparticles of the diluted dust settle on the surfaces along which the bug runs. The poison sticks to its legs and proboscis, so as soon as the insect decides to make a suction, the dust will get inside the bug and kill it.

What is the danger of bedbugs?

Bedbugs are not direct carriers of serious infections and diseases. These parasites are small bloodsuckers that feed on human blood. The places where they bite itch and hurt a little, which in itself causes severe discomfort. Since parasites attack in groups, there are many bites left on the human body that you want to constantly scratch.

In addition, bedbugs can carry pathogens of many serious diseases, such as syphilis, tuberculosis, typhus and smallpox.

Important! Parasites are nocturnal, so they will not allow you to fully rest at night.

How to make dust at home

Many people buy powdered insecticide and do not know how to dilute the dust to treat their apartment. Each drug usually comes with instructions, but if there are none, then you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • Wear rubber gloves, a respiratory mask (or at least a medical gauze mask), and safety glasses.
  • Open the bag and pour the dust powder against bedbugs into a bucket.
  • Add water there in the proportion of 1 liter for every 20 g.
  • Stir with a wooden stick or spoon, which will need to be thrown away later.
  • Use a rag soaked in the solution to wipe all surfaces on which bedbugs can crawl: the backs and legs of furniture, floors, baseboards, etc.
  • It is also advisable to wipe beds and sofas from the inside.

Popular types of dusts against bedbugs

Let's look at the two most popular remedies for bed bugs.

Dust "BOZ"

The dust is designed to effectively kill bedbugs, cockroaches and ants in your apartment and country house. Will help you quickly get rid of annoying insects.

Bedbug dust Clean home

Dust Clean House
The product has an acute insecticidal effect and is intended for the destruction of cockroaches, flies, fleas, bed bugs in facilities for various purposes: industrial, food (in the absence of people), health care facilities (except wards), residential (in the absence of people), children's (except playrooms and bedrooms) in the absence of children, by specialists from organizations that have the right to engage in disinfection activities and by the population at home (in accordance with the household label). Consumption rate is 5 grams per square meter of treated surface. Methods of use: —

  • Dry. In this case, the dust crumbles in places where cockroaches may appear. —
  • In the form of a liquid suspension. To obtain a solution, the dust must be diluted with water, poured into a container with a spray bottle and sprayed over surfaces.

This method is ideal for treating small cracks or crevices.

Absolute dust from bedbugs

Designed to kill cockroaches, ants, fleas, flies, bedbugs and rat mites in any dry premises, including residential areas. Method of application: the product is applied to places where insects are detected, accumulated, possibly inhabited, and may enter the premises. Consumption rate 3 -5 g/m2.

Precautionary measures : processing is carried out in a well-ventilated area in the absence of people and pets; dishes and food should be carefully covered or removed. After treatment, ventilate the room and remove dust using a wet method.


From . The price of one 200 ml bottle is approximately 120 rubles. The aerosol should be sprayed directly on insects from a distance of 20-30 cm, as well as in places where larvae may be deposited. Antiklop dust is odorless, but it must be treated with the windows open and not closed for another hour.

It is best to use Anti-Bug dust in an empty apartment, without strangers and animals. Those. you can send your family to the dacha or to relatives, and at this time treat the rooms. Antiklop contains special substances that do not leave marks on the floor or furniture. But still, after the bedbugs die, you should carry out a general wet cleaning.

Dust the Vigilant Guard

Vigilant guardian dust against cockroaches and bedbugs - a universal insecticide designed to destroy all types of cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies. DV: Fenthion - 0.25%; deltamethrin - 0.02%; fragrance, fillers up to 100%.

To carry out the treatment, it is necessary to spray the product evenly in places where insects may inhabit, accumulate and move.

From Bedbugs - places where insects may live (the back surface of carpets, furniture, paintings, sofas, armchairs, beds, cracks in baseboards). The contents of the packages are enough to process 25-30m2.

Dust Phenaxin-L

The product is intended for the destruction of cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, flies, ants (red house and various types of garden) and rat mites in objects of various categories: in industrial and residential premises, in educational, administrative, utility rooms of medical organizations, social security, public utilities -for domestic purposes (hotels, hostels; sports complexes, etc.), by specialists from organizations involved in disinfection activities, and by the population at home.

Its active ingredients are: pyrethroid lambda-cyhalothrin - 0.03% and a representative of inorganic acids - boric acid - 0.25%. It also contains vegetable or mineral oil, which prevents dusting, and talc or kaolin fillers.


This is a universal remedy for many types of indoor insects. Sold in the form of a fine powder. The cost of one sachet weighing 150 g is only 20-30 rubles. But Tornado bedbug dust is not as effective as aerosols, so it is recommended to use it in combination with other drugs. Those. treat surfaces, for example, with Antiklop dust, and pour Tornado powder into the crevices of baseboards, hoods and other hard-to-reach places.

Front double 2

Fas-Double 2 is a grayish-colored insecticidal powder designed to destroy the main types of synanthropic insects and rat mites. Convenient packaging of the drug in 10 kg bags ensures economical and effective use. The product retains its protective effect for 4-6 weeks.

Mode of application

Safe use of Dust Absolute is possible only after detailed study of the instructions. For each insect a certain dose of the product is indicated, but the average consumption is 5 g/m2. It is important to pay especially careful attention to cracks in the floor, baseboards, doors and places at the joints of water pipes.

To forget about the existence of cockroaches, you need to buy Dust Absolute. The composition should be used due to the following advantages:

  • Death of insects after first contact with the substance;
  • Duration of action – the effect lasts more than six weeks;
  • Absolute safety for adults and children;
  • Ergonomic, because the product does not need to be mixed with liquid, and the consumption is small due to the convenient bottle;
  • Dust Absolute is always in stock on our online store page.

Cleaning after dust treatment

How to treat an apartment with dust from bed bugs

If you managed to defeat the bedbugs and you are ready to move into the apartment again, do not forget to clean it first. To do this, you should also wear protective clothing, gloves and a mask.

  • First, go over all corners with a vacuum cleaner. Move away all furniture and collect dead insects, larvae and remaining powder.
  • Then start wet cleaning. Wipe all previously treated areas with a soap-soda solution (3 teaspoons of soda and a handful of grated laundry soap per 1 liter of water). Then walk again with clean water.
  • Ventilate the apartment for an hour.


All safety measures must be strictly observed. During the treatment process, all windows should be opened, pets should be removed from the premises, and dishes and food should be removed. If the area of ​​application of Dust Absolute exceeds 50 square meters, then be sure to wear a protective bandage and a cap with rubber gloves.

It is important not to enter the room after treatment for six hours. Afterwards, wet cleaning should be carried out with a solution of soap and soda, organizing additional ventilation for 30 minutes.

Recommendations for fighting bedbugs

Reviews of some people who managed to defeat bedbugs recommend:

  • Perform preventive maintenance periodically. For example, leave anti-bedbug powder in the baseboards or behind the sofa.
  • When spraying, close the kitchen door or cover food with plastic bags.
  • Even if you carried out the treatment in protective clothing, still take a shower with soap afterward.
  • Do not buy dust from dubious sellers. It can be destructive not only for bedbugs, but also for humans or animals.
  • If the dust does not help at all, there is no need to use it again and again. It is better to try other remedies (wormwood, folk recipes, calling a special service).

Knowing how to kill bedbugs with dust, you can begin this important task. You may need more than one or two treatments, because bedbugs reproduce quickly and actively. And even if only one couple survives, after a few weeks the apartment is again attacked by hordes of insects.

What consumers say

Having entered the university, my friends and I lived in a dormitory. Just a couple of days later, we began to notice rashes on the skin, which were accompanied by severe itching and burning. At first we thought it was an allergy, but then we remembered that each of us has individual products, cosmetics and household chemicals from different manufacturers. Everyone was shocked!

No one had ever experienced this before. Then they found several black shells and some black dots on the window. I read online that these are signs of bedbugs. Our bites were the same as in the picture in the article. We quickly found a list of budget-friendly ways to kill bedbugs, dust was in first place. Before the couples, we bought a bag, without reading the instructions, sprinkled dust along the baseboards, and went to the couples. We returned home only in the evening, washed everything together and went to bed.

The bedbugs reappeared a few weeks later. I was very upset and decided to ask the seller why they were selling such an ineffective substance. The man asked to tell us in detail how we treated the room, and immediately pointed out the mistake. It turns out that it was necessary to carry out another treatment a week after the first. I returned home, carefully re-read the instructions, and my friends and I did everything correctly.

The result was truly stunning. Now, as a preventative measure, every month we sprinkle dust on the baseboards and the floor behind the cabinets to prevent parasites from having the slightest chance to settle in our room.

Angelina, 18 years old

While training to become a cook, I was sent to do an internship in a village public canteen. There was a very responsible manager who worked there and kept the dining room perfectly clean. When someone saw a bug in the kitchen, the manager decided to sanitize the entire room. As a new employee, I was tasked with processing the cabinets. They gave me some kind of powder to work with. I already began to imagine how I would be poisoned and suffer from the consequences for a very long time, and that even glasses and a respirator would not save me. I was very surprised when, upon opening the bag of the substance, I did not notice a pungent odor. I carefully completed my task, took off my protective equipment and even then did not feel even the slightest discomfort. The next day, the whole team cleaned the dining room well. When I returned to work two days later, there were no traces of pests. I'm glad I had this experience. And now I won’t be confused in such a situation.

Zinaida, student

When I was sent to another city, I rented a room in the cheapest hotel. People come here only to sleep; comfort did not play an important role for me. But later I noticed some red pimples on my arms. They were very itchy and painful. I got scared and went to a dermatologist. It turned out that these were bedbug bites. I had to leave home in two days, so I had already somehow survived two nights. But how upset I was when I found out that I had brought these parasites home. And we have two small children! I immediately went to the market. There I was advised to buy “Clean House” and use it only in accordance with the instructions. I decided not to risk it and did everything exactly according to the recommendations. There was no trace left of the bedbugs. Now, when asked whether dust helps against bedbugs, I answer a resounding “yes.”

Anatoly, 30 years old

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