DDT (dust) – effective use, risks and prohibition. Modern DUST

Find out all about the new products in the Dichlorvos line against bed bugs. Instructions, recommendations, reviews, tips for destroying bedbug eggs and exterminating domestic insects. Choose what really helps at the best price-quality ratio.

Unwanted insects have appeared in your house... And life suddenly turns 180 degrees: there is no restful sleep, constant thoughts about it deprive you of peace. Dichlorvos was known to our grandmothers and was intended to combat insects. In particular, many use it in the fight against bed bugs.


  • What is DDT (dust)
  • About the history of DDT
  • Purpose and use of DDT
  • Risks and consequences of using DDT (dust)
  • What instead of DDT, or modern dust?
  • Methods of using dust
  • a) Dusting (ground pollination)
  • b) Pre-sowing treatment of seed material (dry dressing)
  • c) Medical and household disinsection

DDT (dust) ... there are always a lot of questions on this topic: “What is dust?”, “Why was dust banned?” “Now you can buy dust,” “Is dust effective against bedbugs and cockroaches?” etc. We will understand the concepts and answer frequently asked questions.

Composition of the drug

Dichlorvos is an insecticide that helps destroy many types of parasites - mosquitoes, flies, bedbugs, cockroaches, and has an excellent effect on flying insects. But to completely remove them, careful and repeated processing is necessary.

List of components in the chemical composition of the drug:

  • ethanol;
  • aliphatic carbohydrates;
  • piperonyl butoxide;
  • cypermethrin;
  • permethrin;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • tetramethrin and synergist;
  • preservative

The first aerosol samples contained the substance dimethyldichlorovinylphosphate (from this word the name “Dichlorvos” arose).

In modern improved versions of the product, this element has been replaced with less dangerous synthetic pyrethroids. They do not have such a strong effect on the human body, but with frequent use they become addictive to parasites.

What is DDT (dust)

Dust is a preparative form of the drug, and not the active substance itself.

DDT is a classic example of an insecticide. DDT - dichlorodiphenyl trichloromethyldi(p-chlorophenyl)methane. Chemical formula of the insecticide: C14H9Cl5. It is prepared by condensing chlorobenzene (C6H5Cl) with chloral (Cl3CCHO) in concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4).

In form, DDT is a white crystalline substance that is tasteless and almost odorless. Preparative form – powder. In epidemiological situations, an aqueous solution was used.

The widespread common name for DDT is “dust”. So, initially “dust” was the name given to the powdered form of the insecticide DDT.

DDT is an externally acting insecticide, that is, it leads to the death of the insect upon external contact with the substance, affecting its nervous system.

Alternative to Dichlorvos

The spray is considered the simplest and most affordable remedy in the fight against bedbugs. But in some cases its use may be difficult or completely prohibited. For example, people with respiratory tract diseases should choose a method of destroying parasites that does not leave an unpleasant specific smell in the apartment.

The most popular products without the use of chemicals:

  • Mechanical destruction. A very labor-intensive task. It is necessary to independently find and kill all individuals, as well as their larvae, which is almost impossible and does not provide any guarantee.
  • Hot steam treatment. There are special companies engaged in exterminating insects using this method. The service is not cheap, but the effectiveness remains for quite a long time.
  • Unconventional methods. Since parasites die at too high and low temperatures, clothes and underwear can be left in the cold (below -10 ° C). The duration of the “ice” treatment is from 12 to 24 hours. The upholstery of sofas and beds can be doused with hot steam from an iron, and furniture, panels, and floors can be wiped with a concentrated solution of vinegar, turpentine, kerosene, and ammonia.

For prevention, you can place herbs in cabinets and niches of sofas - wormwood, tansy, and birch leaves. The smell of these plants repels blood-sucking insects.

About the history of DDT

In 1939, Swiss chemist Paul Müller discovered insecticidal properties in 4,4-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). A year later, he patents a new insecticidal drug. In the early 40s, field tests were carried out on the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, moths and mosquitoes and showed stunning results. Literally a few months later the insecticide goes on sale.

In 1948, Paul Müller was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery “for the discovery of the high effectiveness of DDT as a contact poison.” This was the first and only time in history that a scientist received the highest award for the discovery of a pesticide. However, this reward was not only for the saved harvest, but also for the millions of human lives saved.

Paul Hermann Müller discovered the insecticidal properties of DDT, a revolutionary discovery in the field of pesticides

Pros and cons of insecticide

To finally decide on the choice of means to get rid of blood-sucking parasites, you should familiarize yourself with the main advantages and disadvantages of Dichlorvos.

Among its advantages:

  • Convenience and ease of use. There is no need to calculate proportions for preparing the substance. No additional tools are needed for processing.
  • Availability in stores. You can purchase the aerosol at most retail outlets; the product is not in short supply.
  • Price. The price is relatively low - about 100 rubles for a 190 ml can.
  • Does not leave stains even on fabrics.
  • Versatility. It acts not only on bedbugs, but also on many other insects.
  • Minimum danger. The possible harm to humans is negligible (especially if precautions are followed).

Despite the fact that the drug is quite popular for household use, it is still not a panacea for getting rid of bedbugs. Its disadvantages:

  • To penetrate hard-to-reach places, special nozzles are needed;
  • short duration of action - up to 7 days;
  • the need for repeated treatments;
  • may be ineffective at high levels of infestation.

The insecticide is good for prevention, but only if the insects do not appear in too large numbers. Small doses of the product will not only not help, but will also cause insects to become resistant to the poison, so before you start treatment, you should make sure there is a sufficient amount of the drug. Usually per 1 sq. m area, 20 g of spray is consumed.

Purpose and use of DDT

Paul Müller's discovery can be considered a revolution in the field of pesticides. DDT became the first reliable agent with a stable effect on grain, vegetables, industrial and other crops, in gardens and greenhouses against a wide range of insect pests. DDT is one of the few truly effective means of killing locusts.

The use of DDT in agriculture at that time, thanks to the total destruction of insect pests, significantly increased yields. The results were truly impressive.

In addition to effectively controlling the number of insect pests (cockroaches, moths, mosquitoes, Colorado potato beetles, etc.), DDT has a number of merits on a global scale:

  • in 1944, a typhus epidemic in Naples was prevented with the help of DDT;
  • in India, thanks to DDT, about 5 million lives were saved from malaria in 1965, while in 1948 almost 3 million people died from malaria;
  • in Greece in 1938 there were a million people with malaria, and in 1959 there were only 1,200 people;

By the way, as before, the official position of the WHO on the use of DDT to combat malaria vectors (The use of DDT in malaria vector control): it is recommended to use DDT for the prevention of malaria.

Operating principle

There is no need to doubt whether Dichlorvos will help against bedbugs. During treatment, bloodsuckers die due to the nerve paralytic effect of the drug. In addition, insects will be exterminated if particles of the substance fall on the body, i.e. we can talk not only about the nerve-paralytic, but also about the contact principle of action of the insecticide.

The aerosol should be used strictly according to the instructions, not forgetting the safety precautions.

Stages of treating a room with Dichlorvos against bedbugs:

  • Remove personal hygiene items, clothing, food, and dishes from the room. If this is not possible, then at least pack them in plastic film. Pets should be temporarily placed in another room.
  • Wear a mask or respirator, gloves (ordinary non-sterile medical ones will do). It is advisable to use a work robe that protects areas of the body and home clothes.
  • Close doors and windows during disinfestation.
  • Shake the canister with its contents thoroughly.
  • Carefully spray the product into various crevices that harbor parasites. Carefully process every piece of furniture, frame and upholstery of beds and sofas.
  • Leave the room for at least half an hour.
  • Upon arrival, ventilate the room well.

Please note that furniture upholstery will retain a specific odor for a long time.

In order not to miss a single insect, it is necessary to thoroughly treat their usual habitats. Parasites come out to drink blood mainly at night, so their nests are located in close proximity to humans:

  • in floor cracks near sofas and beds;
  • under baseboards;
  • in the corners and crevices of bedside tables and chests of drawers.

Risks and consequences of using DDT (dust)

The first effective and rapid results from the use of chemical insecticides at that time formed false ideas about the non-toxicity of DDT. What caused the rapid growth of pesticide consumption, uncontrolled, without complying with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards. DDT was used anywhere and everywhere. In the 60s, up to 80 tons of this pesticide were produced and used annually.

The current situation could not but lead to negative consequences. DDT is an insecticide with a long aftereffect and a wide spectrum of action. Its use causes negative environmental consequences.

DDT (dust) can accumulate in the body of animals and humans. Neither high temperature nor enzymes are capable of having any noticeable effect on the decomposition process of DDT. Thus entering the environment, DDT is able to accumulate in significant quantities, first in plants, and then, through food chains, in warm-blooded animals, and in particular, in the human body. High solubility in fats and low solubility in water cause DDT to be retained in adipose tissue, which results in a tendency for large amounts of DDT to accumulate in humans.

It has a particularly detrimental effect on the reproduction of birds, since it accumulates in the shells of eggs, causing serious pathologies and frequent cases of embryo death. There was a global outcry on this issue after the publication of the book “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson.

In addition, as a result of long-term use, acquired stable resistance in insect pests was recorded.

All this subsequently led to the abandonment of the use of DDT. Although, until the end of the 80s of the 20th century it continued to be used everywhere. Now DDT is officially banned for production and use in all developed countries, incl. and in Russia.

MORE DETAILS: “INSECTICIDES - summary table of drugs used (by composition/active substance)”

How to treat an apartment against bedbugs with Dichlorvos?

You must remove animals and children before treating the room. Remove pet accessories and cover the fish aquarium to protect dishes, food, personal care products and textiles.

Wear long sleeves, rubber gloves, plastic goggles and a respirator.

First of all, you need to shake the can and send a stream of aerosol to where the pests were noticed. It is important to keep the spray away from each other to prevent the fumes from getting into your face. You should treat walls, baseboards, cabinets, corners, furniture, window sills, the area around the sink and the trash can. Don't forget to spray carpets, pictures, wallpaper, legs and backs of furniture, especially walls.

Immediately after treatment you must leave the room. After 10 minutes, start airing it.

Returning to the premises should not occur earlier than an hour later.

Expectant mothers, children, allergy sufferers, people and animals, people weakened after illness, can be allowed into the premises after 4 hours.

But the best option for everyone is to wait 24 hours. After airing the room, you should carry out a thorough wet cleaning using an aqueous solution with soap and soda.

How to treat clothes?

I would like to answer directly: there is no better way, but wash it in hot water and leave it in the dryer for a long time.

Dichlorvos may leave stains. If you want to process fur products, be as careful as possible. Bedbugs do not like leather items.

What instead of DDT, or modern dust?

Currently, powder insecticides (“dust”) continue to be used, but use other chemical compounds.

Once again, DUST is not a drug or an active substance. Powder is called dust; it is a finely ground mixture of active substance and filler.

Talc, pyrophyllite, chalk, kaolin, gypsum, tripoli, silica gel and various clays are used as fillers. The most convenient are pyrophyllite and talc, which adhere better to plants.

The content of the active substance in the dust depends on its activity and purpose and is usually 1-10%. The active ingredients for modern powder insecticides are:

  1. FOS (organophosphorus compounds). They have been put into circulation since 1965 to replace DDT, hexachlorane and other organochlorine compounds. FOS turned out to be easy to synthesize and highly effective against insects; they are currently actively used. Among the active ingredients of insecticides of this group, produced in the form of powders, are MALTHION (“Karbofos”), CHLORPYRIPHOS (preparations of the “Clean House” brand), etc.
  2. Inorganic substances , for example, BORIC ACID (“Baf, Dust”, “Bifetrin”, “Phenaxin”), ZINC PHOSPHIDE (“Ratox”, “Commando”), SODIUM TETRABORATE/BOROX (“AntiAnt, P”), etc.
  3. Bacterial bases , for example, powder “Lepidocid” or “Bitoxibacillin”.
  4. Neonicotinoids are nitromethylene heterocyclic compounds (artificial nicotine), for example, the drug “Stozhar, RP”.
  5. Pyrethroids , for example, the powder preparation “Fas-Double for ants” or the well-known drug “Iskra”, etc.
  6. Vegetable base ( tobacco). Preparations - “Antitlin, P”, “Tabazol, P”, “Tobacco dust, P”, etc.
  7. Phenylpyrazoles . Among this group, the leading place is occupied by FIPRONIL. For example, drugs - “HECTOR powder for ants”, “HECTOR powder for bedbugs”, etc.

READ MORE: “Boric acid for ants and cockroaches (FOUR basic recipes and ready-made preparations)”

Brands and varieties

Many manufacturers producing Dichlorvos slightly change the composition of the drug. In modern aerosols against bedbugs, the substance dimethyldichlorovinylphosphate is no longer used, but many companies leave the word “dichlorvos” in the name of their insecticidal products, because customers are accustomed to trusting this product. Thus, various brands of Dichlorvos appear, which differ in price and set of components.

Brief characteristics of popular versions of Dichlorvos of different brands:

  • Varan. It underwent the least number of changes and remained most similar in composition to the Soviet “ancestor”. As a result, insects do not become addicted. When sprayed, a lemon aroma appears in the air. It is divided into two main types - Varan Forte and Universal Antiklop.
  • Neo. Organophosphorus compounds predominate in the composition, which increases the toxicity of the product, so special care should be taken when working with the drug. Although the label states “odorless,” most reviews of the aerosol indicate that this information is unreliable.
  • Universal (innovative). It helps not only in the fight against blood-sucking insects, but is also used to protect outerwear, carpets, and fur products.
  • Eco. A characteristic sign is the aroma of lavender and a faint smell of chamomile that appears when sprayed. The range of pests that the product can fight is extensive - almost all types of crawling and flying insects. The effectiveness of the drug specifically in relation to bedbugs is disputed on online forums on review sites.
  • Extra. It is characterized by a sharp strong odor during disinfestation. Despite its toxicity, it is only relatively capable of controlling large numbers of insects.
  • Mr. Volt. Eliminates most crawling and flying blood-sucking parasites.
  • Super (Super Jet). It is the latest tool. Virtually no odor when sprayed.

To be sure to get rid of bedbugs, you should simultaneously use several different means of combating them (for example, aerosol and dust). Repeated operations will increase the chances of winning.

Methods of using dust

a) Dusting (ground pollination)

Dusting (ground pollination) in the eighties of the last century was used mainly when processing plants with dense leaf cover. This method is currently used extremely rarely in agriculture.

b) Pre-sowing treatment of seed material (dry dressing)

Currently, powders for seed dusting are widely used for pre-sowing treatment of seeds and pre-planting treatment of seedlings/seedlings in the fight against plant diseases and to protect seedlings from damage by soil-dwelling pests. In this case, the proportion of the active substance can reach up to 90%, and the filler is used only in small quantities to improve the grinding of the drug and prevent caking during storage.

What are the features of modern dichlorvos?

Previously, this drug was produced on the basis of dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate and was characterized by high toxicity and a strong pungent odor. But today, thanks to new technologies, the composition of the drug is very different from previous versions. The modern composition includes the main active ingredients: piperonyl butoxide, permethrin, cypermethrin, and in fact, only the name has survived to this day.

Each manufacturer claims that their product is the most harmless, has no odor and leaves no traces after treatment. The drugs are actually harmless and have a third class of danger. And if you use them in strict compliance with the instructions for use, they will not have any negative effects on either humans or animals.

Modern preparations really do not leave traces and can be used to treat sofas, walls, and mattresses.

But there is a smell. Of course, it is not as harsh as the drugs of the previous generation, but, nevertheless, many users have complaints about this from manufacturers.

Instructions for use

Any type of Dichlorvos is suitable for treating premises and clothing against parasites. But for disinfestation to be effective, it must be carried out according to the instructions for use.

How to treat an apartment?

Before spraying the aerosol, it is necessary to wet clean the room, since its effect is enhanced if microdroplets of the insecticide settle on clean surfaces. Before treating with Dichlorvos, you need to put the dishes in cabinets, cover the aquarium, and remove pets from the room.


Disinsection must be done with doors and windows closed. The aerosol should be sprayed from a distance of 20 cm from the surface in places where insects (bugs) accumulate.

Particular attention should be paid to:

  • folds in the mattress;
  • seams of upholstery of upholstered furniture;
  • the backs of a sofa or bed;
  • joints of interior parts;
  • skirting boards;
  • window frames;
  • door frames;
  • cracks in the floor under the berths;
  • the reverse side of carpets, paintings.

After disinfestation, the room must be closed for at least half an hour. After this, the apartment must be thoroughly ventilated to get rid of Dichlorvos suspended in the air, as it causes a sore throat. Then you should wipe only the working surfaces with a soap-soda solution. General cleaning should be carried out 2 weeks after disinfestation.

How to handle things?

You can also use dichlorvos to poison bedbugs in things. This procedure is especially relevant for bed linen and travel bags, in which parasites can hide. To process, you need to place things in a sealed plastic bag and spray the aerosol in it for 5-7 seconds, then close tightly and leave for several hours.

At the end of the procedure, ventilate the items in the fresh air, wash them and, if possible, iron them.

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