TOP 13 best anti-tick drops for cats: rating, which ones to choose and buy, characteristics, reviews, pros and cons

Among the diseases that cats suffer from, a significant proportion are those caused by various parasites. One of the most common diseases in this group is demodicosis. The causative agent of demodicosis in cats is the subcutaneous mite. This parasite can cause a lot of anxiety and problems for your mustachioed pet. The Murkoshi team will talk about what it is, how the disease progresses and how to remove this parasite in this article.

1) Pathogens of demodicosis and methods of infection 2) Risk groups 3) Types of demodicosis 4) Symptoms of subcutaneous mites 5) Treatment of a localized form 6) Treatment of a generalized form 7) Prevention of demodicosis


The subcutaneous mite causes skin lesions in humans and animals - demodicosis. The mite settles in the hair follicles of the head, eyelashes and eyebrows, in the ducts and secretions of the sebaceous glands of the facial skin. A subcutaneous mite is a normal phenomenon, and for the time being it does not pose a danger, since it feeds on waste cells. But if the body’s defenses weaken, the mite begins to actively multiply, penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and causes inflammation. According to the observations of researchers, women are more often affected by this disease.


It is believed that more than 20% of people are carriers of demodicosis, but no clinical signs are detected.

Varieties of demodicosis

Veterinarians distinguish two forms of demodicosis - localized and generalized. When localized, one area of ​​the animal’s body (sometimes several) is affected, and there are no signs of the disease on the cat’s paws. With generalized disease, many areas of the body are affected at once, and the paws also suffer. The generalized form, of course, is much more difficult to tolerate and more difficult to treat. If a cat gets sick with a generalized type of demodicosis, then there is a high probability that she will pass the disease on by inheritance. Therefore, such cats must be sterilized.

Signs of illness

In its manifestations, damage to the subcutaneous mite is very similar to rosacea or acne. Peeling of the skin and its redness are noted, itching may occur, constant or worsening after using tonics or washing with cold water. Sometimes there is a combination of demodicosis caused by subcutaneous mites and the above-mentioned skin diseases. And this is not surprising, because the occurrence of demodicosis is influenced by negative changes in the skin. Thus, both acne vulgaris and rosacea weaken the skin’s natural defenses. When affected by skin mites, the following parts of the face are most often affected: eyelids, forehead, chin, nasolabial folds and brow ridges. Exacerbations of demodicosis occur in autumn and spring.

Why do animals scratch their ears?

Scratching your pet's ears is a common hygiene procedure to remove dirt and particles. It is normal to itch several times a day.

What should alert the owner:

  1. When an animal constantly itches, shakes (shakes) its head vigorously, trying to free itself from an invisible object, and presses its ear with its paw.
  2. Anxiety, aggressiveness, irritability of the pet.
  3. Growling, hissing, meowing, and other sounds when scratching.
  4. Sores, sores, scratches behind the ears (near) and inside.

Such actions can be caused by domestic or pathological reasons.

Household problems are determined by the owner, go away on their own and do not require the intervention of a doctor. These are, in particular:

  • water that got in while swimming;
  • foreign object;
  • minor hematoma from injury;
  • scratches the neck - most likely fleas;
  • accumulation of earwax due to insufficient care.

There may be cases when the pet lies down. So before you sound the alarm and take your cat to the vet, it’s better to make sure that there really is a problem.

Pathological causes are dangerous to health. The animal needs medical attention if the cause of scratching is:

  • abscess;
  • allergic reactions;
  • fleas;
  • fungal infections;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • otitis media of various origins;
  • ear mites;
  • eczema or dermatitis, going bald;
  • swollen ear.

Risk factors

As mentioned above, what is unpleasant is not the presence of a subcutaneous mite as such - in itself it cannot harm a healthy person - but demodicosis, which is caused by a mite. If the body is weakened and there are additional risk factors, the tick can settle in the skin for a long time and cause considerable mental and physical damage to its “breadwinner”. Risk factors include:

  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, changes in the composition of sebum, vascular changes;
  • some skin diseases (rosacea, acne, seborrhea);
  • long-term use of hormonal corticosteroid ointments;
  • adolescence;
  • pregnancy;
  • stress.

Unfortunately, non-specialists react with unacceptable ease to the appearance of acne on the face and body. The appearance of such problems is attributed to age and ordinary acne, which sooner or later should disappear on their own. We have to disappoint you: demodicosis caused by subcutaneous mites will not go away on its own. The disease can travel from one area of ​​the skin to another, existing for years and ruining the life of its “donor”.


squeezing out acne when infected with a subcutaneous mite only leads to an exacerbation of the infection, since during this process the mites are pressed into healthy areas of the skin and infect them.
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Why is otodectosis dangerous?

In most cases, two ears are affected at once. The possibility of infection increases during warm and humid periods of the year. Small kittens and weak pets are at risk. Interestingly, it can take a year from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs. The disease will become noticeable when a bacterial infection is attached to it. The furry friend will constantly experience discomfort, will not eat, sleep, and will start shaking his head.

The ear will scratch due to unbearable itching. This damages the capillaries and leads to the appearance of large hematomas. In the area where the skin has been damaged, infection in the form of bacteria or fungi penetrates. The inflammatory process starts, tissue swelling, redness, and pus appear.

If the inflammation is not stopped, it will spread to the eardrum, and this can lead to weakening or loss of hearing. At this time, your furry friend will behave irritably, nervously, even aggressively. Over time, inflammation can reach the head. The prognosis in these cases will be disappointing - the pet may die from the tumor.

It is important to avoid complications. If you notice deviations similar to the symptoms of otodectosis, contact a professional doctor immediately.


Treatment of demodicosis caused by subcutaneous mites is a long and difficult process. Its complexity is that often this disease develops against the background of a decrease in the body’s defenses and has accompanying skin problems. Therapy tactics include suppressing the parasite, treating underlying diseases and increasing immunity.

The most commonly used local therapy is lotions and special ointments. In more severe cases, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics in combination with external therapy. Sometimes plasmapheresis procedures are recommended. In special cases, even surgical intervention is possible.

An important point in the course of treatment is diet. It is necessary to exclude hot, spicy and salty foods, foods rich in carbohydrates and fats from the diet. Those who are being treated for subcutaneous mite infestation are recommended to consume large amounts of fruits, vegetables, microelements, fiber, and dairy products. During treatment, you should not use face masks, especially those containing honey. You need to limit your exposure to the sun. You should also wait until better times to visit the bathhouse and sauna.

Therapy and care

Many people are interested in how to treat ear mites in cats if there are other animals in the house? First, you need to isolate the sick person from other animals, throw out all bedding, rugs and other textiles on which the cat was located from the house. The apartment is thoroughly washed with disinfectants. The treatment of a sick animal is carried out wearing gloves and clothing that is not taken out of a closed room or closet.

The main rules for treating ear mites in cats include the following:

  1. If there are several furry inhabitants (cats or dogs) in the house, then everyone will have to be treated - regardless of whether they have the disease or not. For kittens and pregnant animals, it is worth using a gentle spray.
  2. Don’t forget about careful cleaning of your home. It is better to throw away bedding and rugs, or, as a last resort, boil them.
  3. It is worth remembering that a pet’s recovery directly depends on the strength of its immunity. Provide the patient with balanced, high-quality food and include vitamins in the diet.
  4. Clean your home more often. Remember that harmful microorganisms settle on various objects, in cracks in the floor, in fabrics and even in books.
  5. Never use products containing ethyl alcohol to treat ear mites in cats.

The duration of treatment for ear mites in cats will depend on the degree of neglect of the disease and on the drugs chosen. Simple cases can be resolved in one to three weeks. But in case of complications, when there is a secondary infection, the treatment process will drag on for several months.

Hygiene procedures and processing

All medications will be prescribed by a doctor. He will also tell you about the treatment regimen. Further actions will be approximately as follows:

  1. First of all, the surface of the ears is cleaned of crusts and dried particles, and the hair that gets in the way is trimmed.
  2. Warm hydrogen peroxide is carefully and slowly injected using a syringe. 2-3 ml is enough. You have to wait 15 minutes. You can replace this substance with olive oil.
  3. Using tweezers and a cotton swab, carefully clean out all the secretions. Dirty swabs are placed in a closed container. After completing the manipulations, they must be burned.
  4. After the ear canal has been thoroughly treated, 1-2 ml of acaricidal liniment or solution prescribed by a veterinarian must be administered, heated to 32 degrees (slightly warmer than room temperature).
  5. The auricle is bent and a small massage is given for about five minutes.
  6. Acaricidal powders are blown into each auditory organ or special aerosols and drops are used.

Such manipulations are repeated three times every week, but the exact schedule of procedures will be drawn up by a veterinarian. External cleaning of the ears is carried out daily.

Drug treatment

There are various medications for ear mites in cats, produced in Russia and abroad. The most popular are ointments for ear mites in cats or drops. There are also sprays that can be used to treat bedding, the cat’s body and its “personal items”. The ointment has the longest working time, but it is not as easy to apply as drops or spray. What remedies for ear mites in cats in the form of drops does modern pharmacology offer:

1. Amitrazine

. It is quite popular because it has a triple therapeutic effect: it destroys infections, fungal infections and subcutaneous pests. The substances begin to act immediately after instillation. This option is considered less toxic. The positive thing is that there are no negative effects.

2. Otoferonol

. This option is similar to the previous one. This is an excellent substance for ear mites in cats. Drops have low toxicity. They are comfortable and safe to use for treating kittens. It is only important to dose and apply the substance correctly. This drug must be injected into two hearing organs at once, even if only one is damaged.

3. Tsipam

. The medication has no side effects or contraindications. If the intervention is started in a timely manner, the treatment can be carried out only once. If the disease is advanced, you will have to repeat the manipulations every week until the condition finally improves.

4. Drops Bars

. They are instilled directly into the auditory organ, 3 ml each. If purulent inflammation is present, the dosage is increased. The areas need to be treated for seven to ten days intermittently. However, side effects often occur due to individual sensitivity.

Use ointment as an aid. The doctor will prescribe Aversectin ointment, Amidel-gel. Vedinol Plus, Ordermil.

Acaricidal powders are also used in veterinary medicine


  1. Phenothiazine

    . It has a light yellow tint and a weak specific odor. The substance has a strong acaricidal, antimicrobial and anthelmintic effect. The drug is low-toxic and can be stored in closed packaging for quite a long time without losing its properties.

  2. Fine sulfur.

    Light yellow powder that is insoluble in water. It should be used as part of a set of measures when infected with mites or fungi. The product can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy, the drug is widely available.

A small dose of powder is poured into the hearing organ using paper. The advantage of the powder is its uniform distribution, the disadvantage is that it is quite difficult to apply. If your cat does not tolerate treatment procedures well, it is best to stop with drops.

Radical methods of therapy include the special antiparasitic drug Ivermectin, which is administered subcutaneously. The instructions contain the exact dosage, calculated based on the weight of the animal. This substance is very toxic, so it is prohibited for use outside veterinary clinics. It should not be used for small kittens, pregnant or weakened animals.

If otodectosis is advanced and signs of meningitis appear, then antibiotics, immunomodulatory elements, and vitamins are used for treatment. Such a “severe” patient is usually admitted to a hospital.

Folk remedies: useful and dangerous

At the first signs of otodectosis, you can try using folk remedies. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the entire process so as not to prolong the disease. Before starting home therapy, be sure to consult with a veterinarian - you can call the veterinary clinic and agree on treatment measures over the phone.

Popular options include almond butter and strong green tea. They are used to treat mite-affected areas. It is important to observe personal hygiene measures here: carry out all manipulations only with special gloves. It is worth doing the procedures regularly, otherwise they will not give results.

All products must be fresh and at a comfortable temperature. To do this, they are slightly heated.

It must be remembered that some folk remedies for ear mites in cats can cause harm rather than benefit. For example, some owners prefer to use soda or crushed garlic, but they can lead to poisoning. Even worse is to use celandine, since it is extremely toxic not only to pests, but also to animals.

To avoid harming your pet, consult your doctor about each decoction or drug. Ideally, folk remedies should be combined with medications - only then the treatment will bring quick and positive results.

Classification of the disease

The disease can occur in mild and severe forms

Demodicosis can occur in two forms, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. The generalized form is characterized by extensive damage to the skin. A sick animal develops purulent rashes that give off an unpleasant odor. Generalized demodicosis affects the cat's shoulder blades, paws, neck and sides. After opening the rash, wounds remain on the skin and become crusty.
  2. The localized form results in a red rash that appears on the cat's face. A crust resembling scales forms on the affected areas. In attempts to clean their fur, cats often damage these formations, resulting in wounds appearing on the skin. It is through them that infection can enter the animal’s body.


Otodectes (ear mites) is a parasitic disease caused by the Otodectes cynotis mite. This is a sarcoptiform mite from the family Psoroptidae, its size is quite small - females are 400-500 microns, males up to 395 microns. The parasite looks like a translucent circle or oval with legs; the last pair of legs has long bristles. Parasitizes the external auditory canal of the animal. It has a powerful mouthparts (chelicerae). The life cycle of a tick is about 21-28 days ; in the environment (without a host) it can live up to 25 days .

This is what the causative agent of the disease looks like - the Psoroptes mite, or Psoroptidae Up

Preparing for cleaning: what to buy

To care for pets, only specialized preparations are used, especially when cleaning the ears. The products protect against fungus and bacteria, prevent infection, and are safe for pets. The instructions for the product should indicate cleaning, not instillation. Under no circumstances should you take anti-inflammatory drugs if there is no indication for it. For cleaning it is recommended to use:

  • AUROCLEAN with chamomile extract softens sulfur;
  • Leopard, Dewdrop for cleansing ears;
  • EAR cleaner cleans;
  • Euracon Pharma Otoklin removes dead skin cells, softens sulfur, moisturizes;
  • Doctor Vic softens sulfur, used before using medications;
  • Veda acts as an antiseptic, heals, removes inflammation;
  • Vetoquinol Otifri eliminates impurities, relieves itching, and improves the condition of microflora.

Instead of lotion, you can use saline solution, boiled water, or chamomile decoction.


In case of severe infection, detection of blood clots, pus in the animal’s ears, it is possible to get rid of parasites only with the help of broad-spectrum drugs. Before purchasing, make sure that the list of indications for the drops or spray includes Otodectes cynotis.

In veterinary pharmacies, drugs used to treat otodectosis in cats and combat parasites are presented in an assortment. It can be:

  • aerosols with insectoacaricidal action (Acrodex, Tsiodrin, Dermatosol), which should be sprayed onto the affected areas, holding the bottle a few centimeters from the ear;
  • ointments, the composition of which is based on nicochloran, phenothiazine and other insectoacaricides;
  • drops (Otoferonol, Amitrazine, Bars, Amitraz, etc.);
  • powders (boric acid).

After applying the drugs, you need to do a light massage so that the medicinal composition is evenly distributed. Compliance with the dosage is considered a mandatory rule for the use of medications, because the compositions contain poisons that are dangerous for your four-legged friend. If other types of pets are infested, they may need other medications.


As a preventive measure, do not forget about the hygiene of your cat and regularly inspect and clean the ears using specialized hygienic drops "Bars" and do not forget about the quarterly treatment of the animal against fleas and ticks with drugs: Frontline, Advantix, etc.

In addition, do not neglect regular cleaning using insecticidal agents of all areas where the animal is. Keep the bedding and all cat care items clean, and make it a rule to never use other people's items.

Symptoms of infection

The symptoms that you need to pay attention to first in order to promptly detect otodectosis in a cat or kitten include:

  • the appearance of redness and peeling of the inner surface of the ear;
  • restless behavior of the animal - due to annoying itching, the cat shakes its head and constantly scratches its ears;
  • release of fluid - exudate;
  • the appearance of bald patches and areas with glued hairs in the lower part of the ear;
  • the formation of dark brown scabs;
  • unpleasant odor due to accumulations of pus;
  • crooked head - in complicated forms of infection, the animal tilts its head towards the affected ear.

The owner should keep in mind that the consequences of a seemingly harmless pathology in the absence of therapy can be disastrous.

Folk remedies for black plaque

It is not always possible to use purchased medications at the first stage of tick infestation. In this case, you can use home remedies. They are allowed in the absence of severe mechanical damage from claws, coagulated blood and blackness.

Mineral oil

An excellent tool that allows you to exterminate the parasite and dissolve the dense crust that has formed. To achieve the goal, you need to use enough product so that it evenly covers the inner ear. Oil therapy lasts 2-3 weeks, on the 5th day the ticks should leave their hiding places.

White vinegar

Dilute the product in equal proportions with water. Place a few drops of vinegar in each ear. At the end of the procedure, the inner surface should be wiped with a cotton pad. Do not use the product on cats that have wounds on their skin.


If you suspect an ear mite infestation, you should immediately contact a specialist. Only he will prescribe the optimal treatment option. Before visiting the veterinarian, the owner can verify for himself whether the animal has a parasite. For this you need a cotton swab and dark material. The stick should be used to clean out as much of the mass present in the pet’s ear as possible. Then it should be tapped over a dark surface in order to shake off the parasite. Having directed a bright light at the material and armed with a magnifying glass, you should observe the extracted secretions for some time. If after about a couple of minutes moving, small yellowish dots become noticeable, it means that your pet is developing otodectosis.

When to clean your ears

Cleaning is divided into preventive and therapeutic.

For preventive purposes, cleaning is carried out every 2–4 weeks, depending on the breed, as well as the body of a particular animal. The large ears of Maine Coon, Savannah, Cornish Rex, Abyssinian, Oriental, Somali, Siamese cats, Devon Rex, elves, and Sphynx cats get dirty faster.

Sulfur is especially actively secreted in breeds without hair inside the hearing organ, since the hairs protect against pollution.

It is difficult to clean the ears of the Scottish Fold on your own, so it is recommended to clean them once every two weeks. A small amount of secretion protects your pet from disease, so there is no need to clean it more often.

Therapeutic cleaning of a Scottish or British cat is carried out before treatment against ticks, the use of antibiotics or antifungal drugs. Before each use of drops or rinses, the sink should be cleaned with saline solution or lotion. Parasites and bacteria produce their own byproducts that interfere with the action of medications. Cleaning is prescribed by a veterinarian and is carried out until complete recovery.

Healthy clean ears of a British cat

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