Remedy Executioner for fleas: use and precautions

Executioner is one of the most effective flea remedies among the many presented by manufacturers of insecticidal preparations. Why has it gained such popularity among consumers?

There are several reasons why the Executioner has become so popular:

  1. Despite the fact that this is a fairly new product on the insecticidal market, it has proven itself to be extremely positive and works well not only against fleas, but also against bedbugs.
  2. Although the drug contains a very powerful insecticidal component that is fatal to insects, it does not harm human health or pets.
  3. It is convenient and easy to use.

Among the many insect repellents on the market, Executioner is one of the available ones. In order to get rid of fleas and other unpleasant insects, it is enough to purchase 1 bottle and pay only 70 rubles for it. If parasites have just appeared in the house, then getting rid of them will be much easier. As a rule, one treatment is enough to no longer think about your blood-sucking neighbors.

Description of the drug

The executioner contains the poison fenthion, which is lethal to insects.
It only takes a few minutes for the fleas to die. As for the effect on humans, this drug is not very toxic and belongs to the middle class. Scientists from Germany worked on the composition. All efforts were aimed at making it as toxic to insects as possible and at the same time as less harmful to humans as possible.

As for appearance, it is an almost transparent liquid with a yellowish tint. The Executioner is sold in a 5 ml bottle. To avoid purchasing a fake, it has a holographic sticker.

To treat a room consisting of one room, it is necessary to prepare about 10 bottles of the drug. If it is a two-room apartment, then twice as much. The undoubted advantage of this product is that it can be used repeatedly, since it does not cause addiction in insects.

Complete analogue of the classic Executioner in terms of active substance

In fact, the Super Executioner is an improved analogue of the simple Executioner. It contains the same active ingredient (fenthion at a concentration of 27.5%), it has the same smell and color, and is produced by the same manufacturer at the same production facilities of the Alina-Nova plant.

Consequently, Executioner Super could be considered just another packaging variant of the classic Executioner, if the auxiliary surfactants had not been replaced. In fact, the Executioner Super is an improved, more powerful and more economical version of the Executioner from the same manufacturer.


The development belongs entirely to German scientists. They did a lot of research and testing before releasing it into wide production.

The Executioner is based on an organophosphorus compound - Fenthion, which is one of the most powerful insecticides. It enters the parasite's body by airborne droplets and paralyzes its nervous system. Thus, the death of the latter occurs in just a few minutes.

This poison is inactive towards warm-blooded animals. It is classified as a third safety class. However, this does not mean that you do not need protective equipment when using the drug. On the contrary, take care of it in advance

Developed in Germany

The Executioner insecticide was developed and tested in a German laboratory. Before entering the Russian market and launching the production line in Russia, prototypes passed all the necessary tests for safety and effectiveness. The product is based on a twenty-five percent solution of Fenthion. This is a complex organophosphate substance, one of the most effective insecticides.

How it works:

  • The drug remains in the air for a sufficient time to act.
  • Insects inhale air containing Executioner particles.
  • Once in the body, the drug causes paralysis of the nervous system.

After which there are only a few minutes left before the bedbugs die. It is noteworthy that at the same time there are no toxic effects on pets or people. The main thing is to thoroughly treat the room infested with bedbugs. Here is a list of places where there is almost always a large concentration of parasites:

  • blankets;
  • carpets;
  • curtains;
  • mattresses;
  • pillows;
  • skirting boards;
  • wardrobes.

If the problem of how to get rid of bedbugs at home has become extremely acute, you cannot hesitate. The Gaspoint online store has the required number of bottles with a parasite-killing solution.

Use of the drug

Before use, you need to dilute 1 bottle of the product with 0.5 liters of water. It is best to make the mixture in a container that will later be used to treat the room. The manufacturer of the drug also offers consumers special equipment for processing, however, if it is planned to be used once, such a purchase will be impractical.

The executioner is quite economical; one bottle is enough to treat an area of ​​5 square meters. Moreover, it should be carried out in such a way that no hard-to-reach places are left unattended.

The following surfaces should be sprayed:

  • sofa, both inside and outside;
  • skirting boards with shelves;
  • a bed, but only after the bedding has been removed;
  • all the cracks that exist between the parquet or laminate boards;
  • wall surfaces behind the paintings;
  • cabinets, both behind them and inside.

If the treatment is carried out for the first time, it is best to also spray the balcony, vestibule, sockets, having previously de-energized them, and ventilation. As soon as the product hits the surface, the parasites sense it and try to find a clean place. At this moment, there is no need to kill the parasites manually; even if they manage to hide in some secluded place, they will still die.

After the room has been treated, it should be closed for about 7 hours, after which the room should be ventilated for about 30 minutes and everything should be washed. If the parasites still remain, you can treat them a second time only after 1-2 weeks.

However, based on user experience, a single use of the product is sufficient. And even if re-treatment is required, there is no need to purchase a new one, since the Executioner is not addictive to insects.

Where to buy and what is the price of “Executioner”

When wondering where to buy “Executioner” for bedbugs, and what its price is, you need to study the offers of specialized stores. The drug is affordable and not in short supply. It can be purchased in departments specializing in the sale of gardening products, as well as on online resources offering similar products. The price of 1 bottle of the product varies from 60 to 80 rubles. The product can be sold in 1 bottle individually or in sets of 5 pieces (price - about 400 rubles).

How not to buy a fake

To buy “Executioner” without fear that the insecticide is counterfeit, you need to ask sellers for a license to sell such products and a certificate for the product, and avoid purchasing the product from street vendors.

It is advisable to carefully inspect the packaging and the label on it. The original product has a hermetically sealed bottle, and the label is clear, easy to read, without blurry text or spelling errors. It must indicate the manufacturer and date of manufacture of the drug.

The price of fake insecticides may be reduced to attract buyers.

How does this remedy work?

The effectiveness of the drug lies in its composition, namely, the presence of fenthion there. This is an insecticide that has the most effective effect on various types of parasites, including fleas. To achieve a positive result, you just need to follow the instructions.

This product penetrates the respiratory organs of insects along with the air, thereby killing them. It only takes a few minutes and the insects become paralyzed, resulting in death. In two hours you can completely get rid of fleas indoors.

Some reviews also indicate the effect of the drug on insect larvae and eggs. However, this effect is achieved very rarely. After all, insect eggs are well protected and do not allow anything else to penetrate there. But after they hatch, the drug is still able to destroy them. "Executioner" is valid for a month. But, if the room is heavily infested with parasites, then re-treatment can be carried out, but not earlier than after two weeks.

For a very long time I was looking for a flea remedy that effectively and quickly fights this type of parasite. They appeared for various reasons, then crawled out of the basement. It seems like I was poisoning, but to no avail. A friend advised me to try the flea remedy “Executioner”, they say it kills completely and irrevocably. The only downside is that you will need a lot of it. I bought it, and on the very first day all the parasites disappeared in the house, as well as in the basement. It's been a couple of months now and there's been no sign of them. Olga

Executioner Super more economical than regular Executioner

Executioner Super is sold in 100 ml bottles. The cost of such a bottle is similar to the price of 11 bottles of the regular Executioner, despite the fact that in 11 bottles of the regular Executioner the buyer receives only 66 ml of the product - one and a half times less.

If we also take into account that out of 11 bottles, one may leak (in practice, during long-term delivery this happens quite often), then the quantity of the classic Executioner that the buyer receives turns out to be even less.

Executioner Super bottles are sealed in such a way that no amount of shaking during delivery will cause them to leak.

Consequently, for the same money for which you usually buy a simple Executioner for processing a one- or two-room apartment, you can buy one and a half times more Super Executioner, which acts in exactly the same way. This amount is already enough for either two treatments - the main one and the fixing one - in the same one- or two-room apartment, or one full treatment in an apartment or house with three or four rooms with sleeping places.

Moreover, practice shows that buyers who purchase less than 10 bottles of Executioner - 5 or 6 - are much more often forced to re-treat, since one baiting with such a small amount of Executioner, for example, cannot remove bedbugs or fleas from a two-room apartment. To be sure to get rid of parasites, you need to buy at least 10-15 bottles of Executioner, and for this money it is more profitable to buy one bottle of Executioner Super.

Benefits of the flea drug “Executioner”

  • Effective, since most of the parasites die;
  • It acts quickly, after two hours the insects die;
  • Low toxicity, not dangerous for people and animals;
  • Simple and easy to use;
  • Does not leave traces after processing the room;
  • Convenient to dose;
  • After airing the room, there will be no odor left from the product.

Even the fact that this flea remedy needs to be prepared does not cause difficulties. This is all described in detail in the instructions, the main thing is to follow it.

The drug is available in bottles, which allows you to purchase as much as you need for your premises. This way you won’t have to overpay for extra grams.

Effect on bedbugs

The remedy for bedbugs Executioner contains an active organophosphorus substance - fenthion, its share is 27.5%. The composition also includes various fragrances and stabilizers. Fenthion is one of the most effective insecticides and has a detrimental effect on all insects and spiders. The mechanism of the substance is based on inhibition of the enzyme cholinesterase, which promotes the transmission of nerve impulses. In the absence of this enzyme, the nervous system is paralyzed, as a result of which all vital processes are suppressed and the insect dies.

After treating the room, the product penetrates either through the chitinous cover of the bug in direct contact with the poison, or enters the respiratory system with air. A characteristic feature of the drug is the smell of kerosene, which acts as a bait for bedbugs. Thanks to him, they begin to actively leave their shelters and quickly receive their lethal dose of poison. With proper treatment, bedbugs are completely destroyed after 5-6 hours. In cases of severe infestation, the number of insects is noticeably reduced and repeated disinfestation may be necessary to achieve complete elimination.


For humans and warm-blooded pets, the effects of the Executioner are less toxic, with the exception of birds. Due to the low toxicity of fenthion, the use of products based on it in residential premises is permitted, subject to personal safety rules. The substance fenthion belongs to the category of poisons, so it is not available for sale in its pure form to the general population. To purchase it, you need a special license to work with toxic substances.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that this product is quite safe for humans and pets, the possibility of poisoning still exists, so you should try to follow certain safety measures:

  1. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to completely empty the room of both people and animals.
  2. To work, you need to wear protective gloves and a cotton-gauze bandage. The legs should also be completely covered.
  3. The room should be treated for no longer than 3 hours. Then you should leave the premises.
  4. Upon completion of work, the room must be closed for at least 7 hours.
  5. Clothes that have been used should be washed at maximum temperature.
  6. If the room was treated in the summer, it is best to open all windows to ensure the ventilation of toxic substances.

The Executioner product can be purchased in specialized stores that sell insect poison. In addition, this drug can also be found in garden stores.

Cleaning the premises

Once the treatment of the room is completed, it is necessary to do a wet treatment using detergents. Insects are collected using a vacuum cleaner, and all surfaces are wiped.

Despite the fact that the product is low-toxic, it still tends to accumulate in the body, so cleaning should be carried out as efficiently as possible.

You should return to the apartment only after it has been completely ventilated. Even if a few individuals remain in the room, they must die.

According to numerous reviews, the drug Executioner perfectly destroys fleas even when there are quite a large number of them and conventional aerosol products cannot cope with them.

The only drawback that users note is the smell that remains after treatment. However, it disappears quite quickly; it is enough to ventilate the room for several hours.

Instructions for use

Executioner goes on sale in liquid form and requires dilution with water. It doesn't matter what temperature the water is. However, there is a belief among some that it is better if it is hot. One bottle contains half a liter of water.

The cooking process should be carried out exactly in the vessel from which you plan to process. Buy a spray bottle in advance and put on the nozzle for convenience.

The manufacturer also offers to purchase special processing containers equipped with pumps and diffusers. They are incredibly convenient and have a narrow tip through which the solution enters the most inaccessible places, crevices and folds of furniture.

But if you need to perform a one-time processing, of course there is simply no point in buying such equipment. The drug is fully adapted for household use, so you can use ordinary indoor or garden sprayers. You can even take a bubble from under the windshield wiper. Pour the required amount of water into it, fill in the solution according to the instructions, screw on the sprinkler and use.

To thoroughly treat an average two- or three-room apartment, you will need to purchase about 25 bottles.

The drug must be diluted on the basis that one bottle of the product will be used per 5 square meters of area. If you cooperate with your neighbors and buy a lot of funds at once, you will be pleasantly surprised by a good discount.

Before processing, be sure to put on a mask and gloves and tightly close all window openings and doors. This is the only way to ensure maximum effect from the product.

As for the treatment itself, you need to start exactly from those places where insects are most likely localized. Beds, sofas, crosses, cabinets, cracks, places behind carpets, paintings, bookshelves, window sills, baseboards, the back of cabinet furniture - literally everything needs to be treated.

When you process the inside of cabinets and various nightstands, pay attention to the clothes. There are bedbug eggs on it, which will later continue to exist.

For a 100% guarantee, we advise you to clean even balconies, sockets and ventilation ducts in the house.

If the solution is prepared correctly, then bedbugs can crawl in immediately after application. Don't waste your time manually killing them right away. They will soon die themselves.

Upon completion, leave your apartment in this form for about 7 hours. After it has stood well, come back and ventilate the room by opening all the vents and windows. All treated clothing must also be washed. The specific smell of the Executioner will probably be felt, but it will disappear after a day of airing.

Usually, the Executioner removes individuals at one time (maximum two, if the larvae did not die the first time). Like many other insecticides, bedbugs did not become accustomed to the Executioner. Habituation occurs when an insect is treated with a certain insecticide, but in an insufficient dose. Then the bedbugs will go to the neighbors. And upon returning, they will develop immunity to the drug with which they were “slightly poisoned.” In this case, you have to use a completely different tool. The impossibility of parasite resistance to the drug is one of the main advantages of the Executioner over others.

Where to start processing

Executioner for exterminating insects
Processing procedure:

  1. Disinfestation of the room begins with spraying the sleeping area.
  2. After treating the outer surfaces of the sofa or bed, they are opened or turned over, providing access to the internal spring mechanisms and wooden structures. Sometimes you even have to remove or cut the fabric inside the sofa, since this is where bedbugs most often hide.
  3. The mattress, bedding, carpets in the apartment, mirrors hanging on the walls, paintings and photographs are sprayed in a similar way.
  4. The internal surfaces of cabinets and things stored in them are thoroughly sprayed with the Executioner solution so that they do not become a source of re-infection. Subsequently, clothes and bedding are washed.
  5. Favorite habitats for indoor bedbugs can be folds of curtains, cracks in ventilation, under baseboards, window sills and near electrical outlets, during the treatment of which it is necessary to turn off the electricity.

The panicky state of indoor parasites can be observed even at the time of treatment. There is no point in wasting time catching them, since they will still not be able to avoid inevitable death.

How to use flea medication

One bottle of Executioner!!! stir in 0.5 liters of warm water and apply a thin stream from a regular spray bottle (from under a windshield wiper or pump - Balan of different capacities) on the floor, baseboards, cracks, under sofas, beds, under bedside tables, behind radiators, on walls - no higher than one meter ( fleas do not jump above 100 cm), it is advisable to treat the entire room infested with fleas.

Then open the windows for two hours and ventilate the room. Do not wash off the treated surface for three days.

What to do after processing. What to do to prevent bedbugs from coming back again

When the spraying procedure is completed, you should leave the room. Windows and doors are left closed. This will kill as many bedbugs as possible. After 30 minutes or 2-3 hours (depending on how much free time a person has), you can perform through ventilation - open the windows and doors. Immediately clean some (not all!) surfaces of insecticide: armrests, door and window handles, shelves and bedside tables.

You can prevent the appearance of parasites if you take a number of measures:

carry out minor repairs, it is important to eliminate cracks on the floor, walls, window and door blocks; treat the ventilation grille and baseboards with Mashenka pencil or Executioner;

  • they lay out strong-smelling herbs around the apartment: wormwood, tansy;
  • regularly inspect the premises;
  • install a fine mesh mesh on the ventilation grille.

Cosmetic repairs after treatment

How to properly breed Executioner to kill bedbugs, cockroaches, and other domestic insects

The contents of one bottle are diluted in 500 ml of warm water. It is advisable to immediately stir the drug in the container from which the treatment will be carried out. You can buy a set of special equipment offered by the manufacturer of the drug. However, for one-time use such a purchase is unlikely to be advisable.

The remedy for bedbugs Executioner is economical. The instructions say that one bottle is designed for 5 m2 of room area. Thus, to treat one room of 10 m2 you will need 2 bottles.


The room is treated over the entire area of ​​the apartment, not bypassing corners and hard-to-reach places.

What you should know

Due to the fact that the Executioner against bedbugs is moderately toxic, it should be used with caution, using protective equipment (respirator, safety glasses, rubber gloves and the most closed clothing possible). The room is treated with the window open.

If the rules of use are not followed, fenthion poisoning may occur, which may result in:

  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • muscle weakness and dizziness;
  • difficulty breathing and increased blood pressure;
  • abdominal pain and diarrhea.

How to distinguish Executioner from a fake

"Executioner". As a well-proven poison, it often becomes the subject of falsification along with other well-known insecticides. The market is full of fakes. How to buy a real German drug? It is sold exclusively accompanied by instructions. And it is packaged in small bottles of 5 milliliters.

Before purchasing, it is a good idea to check the integrity of the packaging and pay attention to the bottle cap and sealing rings. A real German bedbug repellent does not pose a danger to household surfaces. It does not leave stains on varnished and painted materials. Does not subsequently lead to cracking, chipping or other defects.

Safety is the main condition

By following the instructions and observing all safety requirements, you can avoid adverse consequences for human health.

The main security measures:

  1. The presence of safety glasses and latex gloves for those conducting the treatment is mandatory.
  2. Children and pets are not allowed.
  3. Exceeding the concentration of poison is unacceptable.
  4. “Executioner” should not be mixed with other insecticides.
  5. Food and indoor plants are removed from the treatment area.
  6. After a few hours, the treated areas are washed several times with clean water.

The drug may be toxic to people if it enters the body. Poisoning usually manifests itself as convulsive activity, and begins with pain and dizziness. At the same time, lacrimation and sweating may occur. Then the temperature rises, and gastrointestinal symptoms appear - nausea with upset and abdominal cramps.

The victim of poisoning is given a dose of activated charcoal and undergoes gastric lavage, followed by treatment in medical institutions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Executioner

Summing up, it is worth noting among the many advantages of the drug its low cost, the possibility of use in any type of premises - residential, warehouse. There is no need to invite specialists for processing. But the main advantage of the “Executioner” is that it is capable of destroying most of the existing species of house-parasitic and blood-sucking insects.

The disadvantages include the extreme toxicity of this drug for all living things, including the human body. If it is necessary to treat large areas, one bottle of the drug will not be enough.

However, the advantages are immeasurably greater. And everyone who has had to share a bed with such terribly unpleasant neighbors as bedbugs hungry for human blood will undoubtedly agree with this argument. There is also little pleasant in the invasion of house ants, the need to share food with cockroaches penetrating everywhere, even into the refrigerator.

All these uninvited aliens vying for a place in human housing bring with them unsanitary conditions with the danger of contracting all infections from dirty hands and those intestinal diseases that have fecal-oral spread. The real savior from all of the above is the insecticide “Executioner” for the destruction of bedbugs and other dangerous insects.

Cost of poison

Affordable cost is one of the reasons for the popularity of “Executioner”. It is noteworthy that the more poison the buyer purchases, the lower the cost of each individual container. And since comprehensive control of bedbugs together with neighbors in the stairwell is considered the most effective, you can cooperate with them even before the start of disinfestation - at the time of purchasing the chemical. The table will tell you how much you can save on such a purchase.

Table - Cost of the product wholesale (data as of January 2018)

Number of containers, piecesTotal price, rublesPrice of one container, rubles

The retail cost of one bottle is 70 rubles.

Despite the popularity of the product on the Internet, purchasing the chemical on the domestic market is not so easy. You can get it, but it’s not a fact that the poison you buy won’t turn out to be a fake. Russian importers of the German product buy the insecticide in Germany in large containers, and then package it in small bottles. The reason for secondary packaging is simple: it is much more profitable to sell in miniature containers than in large canisters.

If there are birds in the house, they will have to be given to neighbors or relatives while fighting bedbugs. Parrots and canaries can return to the family nest only a week after secondary treatment. And if the pet usually moves freely around the house, then for the first two weeks after the “move” you should not let it out of the cage.

Rules for disinfection using the “Executioner” product

One bottle is enough to treat 5 square meters. meters.

The instructions for use contain a complete list of actions for treating the room. First you need to prepare a solution: a bottle of the drug must be diluted in warm water (half a liter per bottle). It is necessary to dilute immediately in a spray bottle to avoid unnecessary contact. There are special spray bottles on sale, but a regular one for flowers will do just fine. The advantage of the special one is its thin sprayer, which gives access to hard-to-reach places.

How to proceed:

  • Wear a gauze bandage, gloves and a respirator.
  • All windows and doors in the room must be closed.
  • Prepare the solution.
  • Treat the room.

You need to start from the far corner from the exit, gradually moving towards it. I’m going to treat all the furniture, the space behind it, carpets, paintings and other objects in the room. If there are storage rooms and balconies, then they also need to be treated.

The room must be isolated for eight hours, after which ventilation can begin for at least two hours. All textiles and clothing in the treated room must be boiled and the floors washed. Only after this can animals and children be allowed into the room.

Indeed, the “Executioner” product is highly effective. No reappearance of parasites is observed. The exception is fleas from pets. But to prevent this from happening, you will need to carefully monitor them, and if the slightest suspicion arises, treat your pet. This is the only way to prevent the appearance of parasites. The answer to the question of where to buy “Executioner” is not difficult; any hardware or grocery store has this product.

Fleas are a common problem in my mother-in-law's house. She has many pets, both cats and dogs. The animals are all outdoors, they are rarely at home, but aptly. One day I brought the children on vacation, and the place was simply swarming with insects. I immediately went online, found a lot of reviews about “The Executioner,” and went and bought it. In addition to this, I also purchased medications for animals; we need to help them too. Six months passed after the treatment, nothing appeared again, which means that “The Executioner” coped with the task perfectly. Karina

Preventive actions

Of course, no one is 100% insured against the appearance of fleas indoors, but this probability can still be reduced. To do this, certain preventive measures should be taken.

After coming from any suspicious premises, you need to carefully check your clothes and wash them. To prevent uninvited guests from entering your apartment, it is best to put a mosquito net on the windows. In addition, the ventilation holes should be treated with wormwood or a vinegar solution. In this case, the chance of fleas and other insects appearing in the apartment is minimized.

How effective is the Executioner bedbug killer?

The active substance in the flea remedy Executioner acts by contact. Being near the insecticide, the insect gets dirty in the preparation, which destroys the chitinous cover and penetrates the respiratory organs of the parasites. Fenthion in the Executioner against bedbugs instantly paralyzes the nervous system of the insect, which leads to loss of impulse transmission. The active substance Bedbug Executioner has a principle of action similar to that of other insecticides, only with an enhanced effect. Bloodsuckers feel difficulty breathing within 3-5 minutes. Death occurs within 13 hours.

That is why the drug Executioner is a poison against bedbugs, which rids the house of insects in 1-2 days, even with a large population of parasites. In this case, the principle of distribution of the active substance promotes self-infection of insects. The sprayed insecticide Executioner, the manufacturer of which warns about the need to take precautions, guarantees that the bloodsucker who runs through the insecticide will bring it to its own nest. The infection will continue here.

The German manufacturer of the poison Bedbug Executioner positions the drug as a broad-spectrum insecticide. This is confirmed by laboratory tests and consumer reviews. The poison not only effectively fights bed bugs, but also kills:

  • Muravyov. The German remedy Executioner for ants is as effective as for bedbugs;
  • Zhukov;
  • Cockroaches;
  • Fleas and crickets;
  • Silverfish and flies;
  • Carpet beetles and spiders.

It is worth buying the Executioner flea remedy even if single parasites and nests with larvae, eggs and adults are found in the house. The insecticide effectively fights the listed types of insects at any stage of their development. The modern insectoacaricidal agent Executioner is absolutely harmless to people and pets. But it is still necessary to avoid direct contact and inhalation of the substance. The daily dose of Executioner poison against bedbugs and other household pests for humans should not exceed 0.007 mg per 1 kg of body weight. If the exposure dose is exceeded, you should contact a specialist.

Effective on any invertebrates

Like the Executioner, the Executioner Super kills any land invertebrates. In particular, they die after contact with him

  • Bed bugs at all stages of development - both adults and larvae of all ages
  • Red and black cockroaches, both adults and nymphs
  • Ants
  • Fleas
  • Moth - food and clothing
  • Synanthropic beetles - leather beetles, grinders, weevils
  • Silverfish
  • Butterflies
  • Hay eaters and book lice
  • Woodlice
  • Spiders
  • Dust and ixodid mites
  • Centipedes – nooks, centipedes, drupes

Consequently, Executioner Super can be used quite effectively when insects are found indoors, but their species cannot be determined. Likewise, the remedy helps when parasites that bite people cannot be found at all, and it is not known whether they are fleas or bedbugs. If you treat all sleeping places, floors and baseboards with the drug, then the insects will be destroyed regardless of what species they belong to.

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