The problem of protecting children from lice is especially relevant in kindergartens and primary schools, where head lice spreads very quickly. Just the mention of someone somewhere contracting this disease is enough for any parent to think seriously. Therefore, prevention of head lice is one of the primary tasks of parents who send their children to an educational institution. The lice repellent Paranit was created by the manufacturer specifically for the purpose of preventing head lice, to protect against the appearance of lice when frequently staying in a room with infected people; it can be used by both adults and children over 3 years old. The drug is available in pharmacies in Russia and Ukraine. The repellent reliably protects against lice throughout the day, it does not need to be washed off, and it smells pleasant. Let's take a closer look at the principle of its operation and instructions for use.
Composition and principle of action
The main active component of the drug is the synthetic substance IR 3535, which affects the chemoreceptors of the sniffing apparatus located on the antennae of parasites, thereby repelling insects. In this regard, the development of pediculosis caused by mature forms of lice and their larvae is impossible. For the same reason, reliable protection against infection by pathogen eggs (nits) is provided.
Due to the absence of neurotoxic components, parasites do not develop resistance to this drug, and in humans the risk of complications is minimal.
The presence of white mineral oil Clearol in the composition of the medicine, by blocking respiratory processes and preventing parasites from absorbing moisture, enhances the effect of use. The composition of perfume substances provides the product with a pleasant smell, which is especially important when using a repellent to treat children's hair.
The chemical composition of the drug also includes denatured ethyl alcohol and water.
High efficiency is achieved when using the product in accordance with the instructions for use, which clearly indicate how to apply the medicine correctly.
Paranit repellent - protection against lice: instructions
The use of Paranit for lice is considered one of the best ways to quickly and reliably get rid of blood-sucking parasites that appear in human hair. Available in two forms - shampoo and spray.
The shampoo is completely free of chemicals and aggressive substances that can harm human health, as well as insecticides found in similar preparations for lice and nits.
The product contains only a unique mineral-based oil, Clearol, which is white in color and consists of a complex of natural oils of anise, coconut and ylang-ylang.
The substances contained in the shampoo do not have any toxic effects either on lice or on the human body as a whole. But clearol is able to block the respiratory system of lice and nits, and also leads to their dehydration. Due to this, the complete death of all adult individuals occurs.
The main active ingredient of Paranit spray is dimethicone, which by its chemical nature is considered silicone. This component of the product envelops the chitinous cover of lice and penetrates the spiracles, thereby blocking them. As a result of this, suffocation and death occur not only of adult insects, but also of their nits.
IMPORTANT! Dimethicone is considered absolutely safe for humans. And if it gets on the hair and scalp, it almost never leads to side effects.
Instructions for use of repellent Paranit
Paranit Repellent is recommended for use to prevent lice infection in adults and children over 3 years of age during unfavorable disease conditions, disease outbreaks, or to protect against re-infection with parasites after previous treatment of the scalp with other medications, such as Paranit shampoo.
To ensure effective daily protection against lice, a single application of repellent is sufficient. The drug was developed for daily use in areas of infection, without causing harm to the body.
- Before using the product, it is recommended to conduct a thorough examination of all family members for the presence of insects in vegetative form. Mature parasites are sometimes difficult to identify, but transitional forms and insects at the egg stage are easy to notice in good lighting. For this purpose, the test is done when the hair is dry. Initially, they are combed and only after that they are carefully checked, moving from the nearest strand to the further tufts. Particular attention is paid to the hair roots in the behind-the-ear and lower part of the occipital region of the head.
- It is necessary to wash your hair thoroughly and dry it well. After which you need to comb your hair. The drug is applied at a distance of twenty centimeters over the entire length of the hair from the very roots.
- Areas of increased accumulation of parasites and their activity are recommended to be treated separately. The manufacturer stated an approximate consumption of the product based on the calculation of twenty sprays during one procedure. Depending on the length, quantity and nature of hair, variability of these indicators is possible.
- The product does not need to be washed off. The treated areas dry out on their own. It is forbidden to use a hairdryer or dryer for drying.
- Treated hair can be combed with a special hair comb, which is sold separately at the pharmacy. This is not necessary, but by using a comb you will be sure that the lice protection is working.
- When the product is applied to the hair, a specific shiny film is formed, similar to hairspray. This is how the oil components of the drug appear. To wash it off, you can use shampoo or liquid soap. Remember that for the daily effect of the drug you do not need to wash it off.
Actions after use
After washing off the shampoo, dead parasites and nits are combed out of the hair using a special comb included with the product.
When combing out nits from long hair, you should use hairpins to make it easier to separate the treated curls from the rest.
If you have thick hair that is difficult to comb, after using shampoo, you can apply a small amount of regular conditioner, and then start combing out the lice.
It is recommended to comb the comb from the very roots of the hair, as close as possible to the skin and to the very ends. After each such manipulation, the comb is washed with water or wiped with a cotton pad in order to eliminate the possibility of combed-out parasites and nits being applied to the hair. Read about the features of the lice comb here.
IMPORTANT! In a similar way, it is necessary to thoroughly comb all hair, since this determines the likelihood of re-infection.
After applying the spray, the strands are combed individually with a comb to remove insects and nits, and after each strand the comb should be cleaned with a cotton swab or disk.
When spraying, you need to rub the product especially carefully at the very roots of the hair, since this is where lice live.
In addition, special care must be taken to ensure that the spray does not come into contact with the eyes, nose or mouth. If this happens, the eyes are washed with plenty of water. If you feel short of air during the procedure, you should stop all activities and go out into fresh air.
Also on our website there is a lot of useful information about such medications that fight lice as: sprays for lice and nits - Nyuda, Pediculen Ultra, Para Plus, as well as anti-pediculosis ointments: Benzyl benzoate (ointment, emulsion) and Sulfuric.
Contraindications and side effects
The manufacturer prohibits the use of the product to protect children under three years of age from head lice. There is a health hazard when using the drug by pregnant or lactating women. A categorical contraindication to the use of this repellent is the presence of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. To prevent possible undesirable effects, use after the expiration date is prohibited.
Precautionary measures
To avoid repellent getting into the body, it is recommended to follow the rules of use:
- The presence of a bandage or scarf on the head of the person being treated in order to protect against accidental exposure to the eyes, ear cavity, airways or oral cavity.
- Due to the fact that the product is highly flammable, smoking is prohibited during application and should be kept close to open fire.
- Do not consume food or liquid products while spraying.
- If itching or burning occurs at the site of application, immediately rinse the drug with plenty of water.
- If you experience tickling, coughing or sneezing, stop using the product, leave the room, provide air flow, and thoroughly treat the oral cavity with baking soda in a two percent solution.
Despite all the positive qualities of Paranit, the greatest effectiveness can be achieved from its use only if all the recommendations specified in the instructions are followed.
In addition, careful combing of parasites with a comb plays an important role in obtaining the desired results when using Paranit.
However, you can get rid of lice and nits not only with shampoo and spray.
Treatment of lice can be supplemented with the use of traditional medicine, such as: vinegar, kerosene, dichlorvos, hairspray, hair dye, essential oils, including tea tree oil, hellebore water, hydrogen peroxide, tar, laundry and dust soap. The main thing is to be especially careful and not harm your own health.