How to get rid of the smell of a dead rat yourself: 5 proven remedies

In an attempt to get rid of a rodent in the house, many people begin to use pesticides, considering them the most effective way to get rid of harmful animals. To a large extent, this point of view is correct. But the consequences of these actions need to be thought through in advance, otherwise the mouse or rat may die in a place that will be difficult to immediately detect. And then the whole apartment will be filled with unpleasant odors.

In some cases, you will have to incur considerable costs to remove the corpse of an animal from a wall or from under the floor.

  • 5 When does the smell go away?
  • 6 Mummifying poisons
  • 7 Conclusion
  • How to find the source of stench in the house?

    The smell of a dead mouse or rat is difficult to confuse with something else if you have ever smelled it. It is difficult to come to terms with the sweetish-nauseating stench and wait for it to disappear on its own. Therefore, finding the animal’s corpse and removing it from the house becomes a top priority.

    At the first symptoms of illness, a rodent seeks to hide in its burrow, and it can be anywhere: in a closet, in furniture, behind a baseboard, in ventilation, in a wall, under the floor or in the attic. To locate a dead animal, you must first narrow your search. The following signs will help:

    • the smell of a dead rat or mouse is felt stronger near the corpse of a rodent;
    • a cat or dog living in the house will show special interest in the source of the stench;
    • flies are attracted to the smell of corpses, so you can track where they swarm.


    Having discovered where the deceased animal is approximately located, you need to carefully examine the furniture that is there: take things apart in the closet, check the sofa. In the kitchen, a rodent could get into a package of cereals or flour.


    Absorbents are good at removing the smell of dead mice.
    To be effective, they must be placed in close proximity to the source. The vast majority of purchased products in the form of powders, tablets and aerosols only mask the problem rather than eliminate it. Among the available means, good absorbents are salt, lime and soda. Salt can be used in living areas to absorb unpleasant odors. It is enough to sprinkle the substance on the source or simply place a fabric bag with absorbent on a shelf. Salt has the ability to absorb moisture and unpleasant odors, and also lightly disinfect the air.

    Signs of a dead rat or mouse under the floor

    If you fail to find the corpse of a mouse or rat in the furniture, then most likely it died under the floor. This is most often faced by owners of suburban real estate. In the fall, rodents climb into the house and make nests. Decomposed pesticides cause the animals to die. The faint smell of a rat dying under the floor can be felt already on the third day, when the dead animal begins to actively decompose, the body swells and secretes fluid.

    Over time, the stench will become stronger and stronger until the corpse completely decomposes. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how long a dead rat stinks, since it depends on the air temperature and humidity in the room. The warmer it is, the faster the process will go.

    In apartment buildings, it is much more difficult to find the corpse of a rodent, as the smell spreads to neighboring apartments. In this case, the best solution would be to seek the help of professionals.

    Help from professionals

    When your own efforts are unsuccessful, or there is no desire to do all this, you should turn to specialists. You can find out which services can find a dead rat in a particular region via the Internet by entering a phrase in a search engine.

    If a rat died in the entrance, or there are pests in the basement, you must provide information to the housing office or housing cooperative. The payment for the maintenance of the common property of the MKT includes a fee for rodent control. Housing and communal services are required to carry out the work. Contact Rospotrebnadzor if other authorities do not respond. Inform the government agency - SES.

    Special pest control companies deal with dead rats in a private house or apartment. They enter into a pest control agreement with the specialists and make a payment. Private specialized rodent extermination services will respond to requests much faster than bureaucratic government agencies.

    To get rid of a dead rat or an unpleasant smell in the house, you need to carry out search work yourself or enter into an agreement with private pest control companies. You can neutralize the smell with folk remedies or professional preparations.

    Removing a dead rodent

    When the corpse of a rat or mouse is found, it must be immediately removed from the house, while not forgetting about safety measures. It is imperative to work in rubber gloves and a respirator, since the risk of contracting an infection carried by rodents remains even after the death of the animal. The body is carefully placed in a bag, which is sealed and either buried outside the living area or thrown into a trash can.

    Finding a dead mouse or rat under the floor is quite difficult, since it is impossible to determine the exact place where it lies. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to open the floor in the center and look under it with a long stick for where the corpse lies, checking all the corners.

    If the deceased rodent was on the ground, then its top layer is thrown away along with the animal.


    Mice and rats love to settle close to human habitation, because there they can always find food and warmth during the cold season. In winter, mice crawl into the warm underground, bask on hot pipes, and look for food in the pantry. There the animal may die, after which an unpleasant odor appears in the house, which can spread over tens of meters. Very often, rodents die from poison from bait traps.

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    What to do if it is impossible to get a corpse?

    Situations when it is impossible to get a dead animal are not so rare. In this case, all measures must be taken to reduce the corpse odor of a mouse or rat to a minimum. First of all, it is necessary to seal all the cracks from where it could potentially leak. After this, be sure to ventilate the room, carry out general cleaning with disinfectant solutions, and wash all fabric products with fragrance.


    Special means will also help to neutralize specific miasmas.


    People have long noticed the ability of some substances to absorb odors. Adsorbents also help with the stench from the decomposition of a dead rodent. You can use store-bought boxes of bamboo chips. The usual activated carbon and baking soda perform the same function no less effectively. To get results after cleaning the room you need:

    • place the crushed substance in small bowls;
    • place containers in the room where the mouse died under the floor and close the doors;
    • after some time the powder needs to be changed;
    • within a week, the product will absorb particles of gaseous compounds, and the unpleasant smell of a decaying rat or mouse will disappear.

    If there is high humidity in an apartment or house, then you can use adsorbents longer.

    Air ionizer

    Special air purifying devices will help not only at the moment when there is a dead mouse lying under the floor, but will also come in handy later. Ozonizers and ionizers eliminate odors and disinfect the air. The undoubted advantage is that using these devices does not require any effort or time. The disadvantage is their high cost compared to other methods.


    The industry offers many substances that help get rid of the unpleasant odor if a mouse or rat has died under the floor. They are produced in the form of powder, spray or liquid:

    • "Lizafin" is a concentrated liquid that must be diluted with water. Used both for spraying and for treating soft furniture elements and carpets.
    • Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator easily removes the stench of a dead animal. The spray is convenient to use for treating hard-to-reach places.
    • Medifox Dez liquid disinfects and eliminates unpleasant odors.
    • "Chlorapin" is sold in powder or tablets. When diluted, it is used to disinfect premises. Can be added when washing textiles.

    Folk remedies

    Grandmother’s methods will help remove the unpleasant odor no worse than industrial ones in a situation where the mouse has died and the corpse cannot be found:

    • smoke from a smoldering splinter or piece of cotton wool will clear the air of miasma;
    • aromatic oils of citrus plants, wormwood, mint, lavender will help to overcome the stench of a decomposing animal corpse;
    • the use of chlorine-containing liquids will not only remove the smell of a dead rat, but also disinfect the room;
    • solutions of vinegar, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide will serve to destroy harmful bacteria if there are no special chemicals in the house;
    • coffee beans and coffee grounds poured into plastic cups will serve as natural adsorbents.

    Coffee beans

    Calling specialists

    Mostly, residents of apartment buildings resort to professionals when the smell from a dead rat or mouse spreads to the entire entrance. This service is ordered from specialized organizations at the request of residents by the management company.

    Most often the problem is solved using dry fog. With this disinfection method, particles of potent substances penetrate into the smallest crevices. Air deodorization helps eliminate the smell of a dead rat or mouse.


    During disinfection and deratization, the premises are always ventilated, but this method can also be used to remove the unpleasant smell of decomposing corpses from the apartment. But in order for this to have any benefit, you need to be patient and have spare housing, since it will take a very long time to ventilate and preferably during the cold season.

    Rats, although they have high resistance to absolutely everything, do not tolerate drafts quite well . If you often open windows wide for several hours in winter, there is a chance that rodents will escape. And along with them, domestic insects, for example, bedbugs, can also die. These parasites cannot tolerate low temperatures at all, and as soon as the thermometer drops below twenty or twenty-five degrees Celsius, they freeze to death.

    When does the smell go away?

    It is definitely impossible to answer the question of how long it takes for a rat to decompose and how soon the stench will disappear. This depends on several factors:

    • Air temperature. The higher it is, the faster the process occurs.
    • Rodent size. The stench from the corpses of small mice will go away in a few days, but an adult large rat can smell up to 10-15 weeks.
    • If an animal passes into another world in an empty room, and the amber has managed to soak into the upholstery and furniture, then it is very difficult to get rid of it.

    Animal cadaveric poison

    A much greater danger to humans is the carcass poison of animals. A dead cat that has climbed into the basement of a house, or rats that have died from poison in the sewer, is a source of cadaveric poison, a foul odor, and also a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.

    Cadaveric poison, formed as a result of the decomposition of the bodies of dead animals, can accumulate in a room for a long time, and if the dead body is not removed and disinfected, the risk of poisoning from it becomes quite high. It is especially dangerous to live in a room filled with the carcass poison of many animals, such as rats.

    Application of products on different surfaces

    Depending on the surface on which the mouse died, there are some nuances for cleaning it. Here are some examples:

    • If the corpse of a rodent was found under the floor, on the ground, the top layer of soil will have to be removed, since microorganisms involved in the decomposition of the mouse have already penetrated into it.
    • When cleaning wooden surfaces, you should not use methods based on the use of moisture. This is due to the fact that the liquid will soak the porous structure of the wood, and the smell will become even more firmly entrenched in it. In such situations, it is better to use adsorbents to get rid of the smell.
    • If you have any doubts about what product to apply to a particular surface, it is better to give preference to table vinegar. It is suitable for cleaning any materials from unwanted odors.

    Features of processing various surfaces

    The biggest problem arises when treating porous surfaces, as they tend to absorb odors. This feature is taken into account when disinfecting various materials.

    Before processing, the chipboard must be freed from dust and dirt and degreased, and then a disinfectant must be applied on both sides. The final stage is to protect the surface with sealant or polish.


    If the drywall is soaked through, it is impossible to remove the smell from it. It will be easier to throw away the damaged sheet and replace it with a new one.

    Natural wood

    The wooden surface is cleaned in several stages:

    • First of all, use any absorbent to remove residual liquid; for this purpose, cover the surface with an even, dense layer for some time.
    • After removing the absorbent, the affected area is disinfected using folk remedies such as vinegar or potassium permanganate, or professional sprays.
    • Finally, the wood is treated with sealant or polish.

    Ways to drive out mice

    In order not to face the problem of eliminating the smell of a dead mouse under the floor, it is best to try to get rid of rodents in advance, as soon as signs of their vital activity are noticed. There are many ways to do this, both with the help of folk remedies and with the involvement of professionals.


    Mousetraps come in a variety of designs. Bait is placed inside, which is changed periodically, after which the trap is placed in the place where the mouse droppings were found. The disadvantage of mousetraps is that they provide only a single catch, without helping to massively solve the problem in the case of a large number of pests.

    Poisons can help get rid of an entire mouse population. The poison is placed in a place accessible to mice, but inaccessible to pets and children, and left for some time. The disadvantage of mouse baiting is that the carcasses must be collected for disposal, and some rodents may end up in inaccessible areas. In addition, with this method of disposal, cats often suffer because they catch and eat poisoned prey.

    Deratization service

    Deratization specialists get rid of rodents using mechanical, biological, and chemical methods. The issues of deratization in urban apartment buildings are dealt with by the housing office and housing cooperatives; the need to carry out treatment against rodents can be reported to the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. To exterminate mice in a village or country house, they turn to the services of private companies.


    Ultrasonic repellers are one of the most modern methods of rodent control. The principle of operation of the device is based on the fact that it constantly emits ultrasound of a certain frequency, which is not perceived by the human ear, but causes great discomfort to mice and rats. Animals themselves leave the room in which the repeller is installed, obeying the instinct of self-preservation.

    Essential oils

    Aromatic herbs are a good help in the fight against both the mice themselves and the smell of dead animals, but the smell of dried plants is subtle and quickly disappears, so it is better to use essential oils. The most commonly used oils are peppermint, lavender, and coniferous trees. The product is applied to a cotton ball and left in the problem area.

    Coffee beans

    Coffee beans are an excellent absorbent. To neutralize the smell of a dead mouse, coffee beans are laid out near the source in bulk or placed in a cotton bag. Dry coffee grounds have the same effect.


    Formalin, or formaldehyde, is used by pathologists to neutralize cadaveric odor. The substance will also help to cope with the stench of a dead mouse. It should be remembered that the compound is quite toxic, and use it at home with great caution.

    Why is he dangerous?

    It is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers and people with bronchial asthma. Mice are carriers of various diseases (for example, typhoid fever). Pathogenic microorganisms are present in their excrement. This smell attracts flies, which contribute to the spread of pathogenic microbes. If you do not begin to solve the problem, the situation may worsen.

    Important! Mouse odor is easily absorbed into wooden surfaces.

    Removing traces of urine and cadaveric rot from surfaces

    Having identified the source of unpleasant odors, you can begin to neutralize it. The smell of urine and droppings carries the same danger to the inhabitants of the house as a decaying rodent. Therefore, the treatment is carried out in a similar way, using less aggressive drugs.

    Concentrated urine from mice not only has a foul odor, but can also carry hantaviruses. They are distributed by rodents. To date, no vaccine has been found against it, and in a third of cases of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, patients do not survive. Therefore, the seriousness of its prevention is not worth talking about.

    How to treat the surface depends on the materials from which they are made. Any characteristic stains found on a wooden surface should not be heavily moistened, since urine will be absorbed into the wood along with the preparation. It is better to use a powdered absorbent, and then a spray that neutralizes odors.

    It is more difficult to remove stains from drywall, therefore, having determined the extent of the contamination, you need to either cut out a part or replace the entire sheet. How to eliminate the smell if chipboard is damaged? You can try to save the damaged part of the furniture. To do this, thoroughly wipe the contaminated areas with alcohol and treat with a chemical neutralizer.


    Chlorine, as you know, has an interesting property: it removes any odors, and at the same time disinfects the surface being treated. The most famous representative of chlorine-containing products is “Belizna”.

    Using bleach is similar to using vinegar. It is also necessary to treat horizontal surfaces, especially carefully around the baseboard and in all cracks in the walls. In addition to the smell, whiteness can destroy various microorganisms that can be harmful to health and pose a risk of poisoning.

    White (bleach) removes unpleasant odors well

    Duration of decomposition

    Everyone wonders how long it takes for a rat to decompose. Because no one can tolerate the terrifying smell for long. The situation is complicated by the fact that the corpse of a rat takes from 6 to 10 weeks to decompose. The process depends on temperature conditions. The hotter the room, the faster this will all end.

    Mummifying substances are added to modern rat poison for such cases. The body does not rot and dries slowly. The situation may develop differently. If a rat eats an insufficient dose of rat poison to trigger the mummification process. In this case, the remains rot for up to 2 months; the decomposition process is long.

    What to do if a rat died under the floor is an individual decision. You can try to solve the problem yourself or entrust it all to specialists.

    Tips and tricks

    Rats are afraid of many odors that humans cannot smell or perceive differently. Therefore, people have been using aromatic substances to repel rodents for a long time. Over the centuries, it has been discovered that the use of herbs, perfumes and fuel can quickly get rid of rodents.

    But it is better to take preventive measures and prevent the spread of pests:

    1. Bags of dried mint should be placed in food cupboards.
    2. It is recommended to scatter blackroot seeds over the baseboards.
    3. You can protect the harvest by covering it with elderberry branches.
    4. It is worth hanging several juniper branches in the cellars.


    To prevent the appearance of mice, it is necessary to perform a number of preventive measures:

    • First of all, you need to regularly carry out wet cleaning using disinfectants.
    • Food products should be stored in tightly closed containers.
    • Care must be taken to ensure that there are no crumbs or pieces of food left on the table or floor.
    • It is useful in a village household to get a cat or borrow one from neighbors for a while, so that the animal leaves an unpleasant odor for rodents.
    • Dried herbs are placed in the corners, the aroma of which mice do not like. Such plants include tansy, mint, wormwood, black root and chamomile.
    • It is necessary to hermetically seal all cracks and openings through which rodents can enter the house.
    • The use of ventilation grilles will prevent mice from climbing into the room through the ventilation shaft.

    Mice are not the most pleasant neighbors, both in a private house and in an apartment. But it’s even more unpleasant to discover the corpse of a rodent in the neighborhood, emitting a pungent odor. To solve the problem, there are many methods, both folk and professional, that will help you quickly and easily get rid of unattractive aromas.

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