How long does it take to soft-boil an ostrich egg?

How much does an ostrich egg cost in rubles?

Tanned ostrich leather costs approximately 5,000 rubles per 1 square meter, which is equal to approximately one ostrich. The price of a table ostrich egg is 800-1000 rubles, depending on its weight.

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Scrambled eggs

People who have tried ostrich eggs say that their taste is slightly different from the usual chicken or quail eggs. The cooking process is simple, and anyone can handle this task. You just need to observe the duration of the heat treatment. If you do not finish cooking an ostrich egg, the product will be hopelessly spoiled and your money will be wasted. We invite you to prepare delicious scrambled eggs for the whole family. We will add vegetables and ham to it.


  • ostrich egg - one piece;
  • fresh tomatoes - two or three pieces;
  • pitted olives – 100 g;
  • fresh large champignons - four to five pieces;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • green onions - half a bunch;
  • ham - six slices;
  • salt.


  1. There is no need to pre-boil the ostrich egg. Its shell is very strong, so it will be difficult to break it.

  2. To make your task easier, carefully use the tip of a knife to make a through hole in the shell, touching the film.
  3. Now we can easily break an egg.

  4. Transfer the egg mixture to a bowl with high sides. Lightly beat with a whisk.

  5. Dry the olives with napkins and chop into slices.
  6. We wash fresh mushrooms, dry them and chop them into plates.
  7. If desired, remove the skin from fresh tomatoes. Cut the tomato pulp into small cubes.
  8. Finely chop the green onion with a knife.
  9. Grind the ham into strips.

  10. Combine the above components with the ostrich egg, stir vigorously so that all ingredients are distributed evenly.
  11. Add salt, maybe a pinch of ground allspice.

  12. Grease a frying pan with high sides with a small amount of refined vegetable oil.
  13. Transfer the prepared mixture and place it on the stove.

  14. We will simmer this unusual fried egg from an ostrich egg for at least one hour. The heat should be minimal and the pan covered.
  15. It is important to ensure that the egg does not burn, so periodically look under the lid and check the readiness of the scrambled eggs.

How many eggs can a female lay in a season? Natural incubation period

The productive season for the ostrich lasts from March to October. Females make their first oviposition at the age of 1.5-2 years.

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Sadchikov Nikolay Alekseevich

Veterinarian ornithologist

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A young bird produces about 20 eggs per season, while the egg production of an adult female is up to 80 eggs per season. Birds mostly lay eggs every other day. A pause occurs when the number of eggs reaches approximately 20. Females can have 3-4 such productive periods per year. During the breeding season, an ostrich family produces eggs that are almost 95% fertilized. Eggs that are laid early and late in the season may not be fertilized. They are the ones that go into food. The productivity period of ostriches is 25-35 years.

Females lay eggs in a common nest. When it contains 25-30 eggs, incubation begins. Both females and males take turns sitting on the eggs: female ostriches hatch their offspring during the day, and ostriches at night. Ostrich chicks hatch in 42 days.

Cooking methods

You can prepare the ostrich delicacy using any usual method. There are also many exotic recipes, but in all cases the product can be easily replaced with a more affordable chicken one.


It takes quite a long time to cook an ostrich egg.

  • To cook hard-boiled, you will need to lower the product into slightly heated water in a saucepan. Leave until boiling, then reduce the heating power, keeping it on medium heat for another 60-90 minutes. For especially large specimens, the cooking time is increased to 2 hours.
  • If the white and yolk need to be kept half-baked (preparing a soft-boiled egg), it should be boiled for no more than 45 minutes.

To speed up the procedure, the egg can be pre-pierced in the area where the air chamber is located (at the blunt end), and then lowered into a pan of boiling water with the hole facing up.

Frying and baking

It is better to reconsider the usual recipe for scrambled eggs for preparing the delicacy, otherwise you will need a frying pan with a diameter that is too large. The shell is pierced or sawn, breaking the product in half, its contents are mixed and poured into a heated container.

Before frying, the white and yolk can be mixed directly inside the shell, using a knitting needle through a puncture. It is easier to use this product in portions, leaving some for other dishes, such as omelettes.

Original recipes

An unusual product should be prepared according to an exotic recipe in order to fully reveal its taste.

  1. For salads, eggs need to be hard-boiled.
  2. To make a delicate cream, the contents of the shell are drained raw, mixed in a blender bowl with a couple of liters of cream, a handful of chopped herbs (thyme, parsley and dill), a teaspoon of hot chili powder, and salt. The whipped mass is distributed into ceramic forms, ramekins, sprinkled with grated goat cheese and sent to the oven, preheated to 180 °C. The pots are baked for 20 minutes on a deep baking sheet with water under foil, then the same amount without it.
  3. To prepare an ostrich egg for Easter, it is opened by cutting off the top at the blunt end. The white and yolk are mixed directly in the shell, adding salt and spices, and then baked in the oven until cooked.

The beneficial substances of eggs are best absorbed in combination with broccoli and greens that contain a lot of calcium.

How do ostrich eggs differ from chicken eggs?

The taste of ostrich fetuses is practically no different from chicken fetuses, although gourmets note that they have a more pronounced “egg” taste. The product can weigh from 0.4 to 2 kg (average 1.5 kg).

The record size product was obtained in China, weighing almost 2.4 kg.

Nutritional value and properties of the product

One ostrich egg is similar in nutritional content and volume to 25 chicken eggs. Its calorie content is slightly lower, 118 kcal per 100 g of weight, which makes the product dietary.

Any eggs contain a significant amount of vitamins A, E, micro- and macroelements, amino acids. The harmonious ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (12.5, 11.8 and 0.7 g per 100 g of product) is easily accepted by the body. The benefits of this composition are expressed in the beneficial effect of the delicacy on the body. The result of its regular use is:

  • strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle;
  • improved vision;
  • restoration of skeleton and muscle mass;
  • strengthening nails, hair, smoothing out fine wrinkles.

Ostrich eggs should not be consumed if there is a high risk of an allergic reaction. They should be present in the diet in small quantities and in heat-treated form. Raw product can cause salmonella infection.

Acquisition issues

You need to buy the delicacy from specialized farms. To ensure the safety of the product, a veterinary certificate is requested from the owner of the farmstead.

The price of one table egg ranges from 1.2 to 2 thousand rubles. Hatching specimens cost more (about 3 thousand rubles and more).

Fertilized ostrich embryos are not sold as food. They are used to hatch chicks, since poultry meat, skin, feathers and fat are of particular value to farmers. On the shelves you can only find eggs of young females, unsuitable for incubation. Fresh products are available for purchase from autumn until the end of winter and mid-spring.

Storage rules

If you store the delicacy at a temperature just above 0 °C and a relative air humidity of about 80-85%, you will be able to preserve it without losing its healing properties for 3 months. In room conditions, ostrich eggs remain fresh for 30 days.

The contents removed from the shell are poured into a hermetically sealed container and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days. During this time, the whites and yolks do not have time to deteriorate, preserving all the elements of the composition and beneficial qualities.

The shell of ostrich embryos has its own value as an exceptionally strong material that looks like precious porcelain. To preserve it for future use, the product must be broken down with great care.

Preparing the product for use

Before boiling, ostrich eggs are washed under running warm water. Cool liquid cannot be used, since when the contents are compressed due to temperature changes, part of it will be drawn in through the pores of the shell.

If the recipe requires you to first open the egg, place it on a table covered with a towel, and then, carefully holding it, use a hammer and chisel to make a hole at the blunt end, and pour the contents into a bowl. If this cannot be done immediately, another hole is drilled or punched in the second half or nearby.

To preserve the yolk intact, it is better to open the shell in the middle or along the circumference near the blunt end. To do this, mark the cutting line by making small dents with a kitchen hammer, and then pass along it with a regular or serrated knife.

Some useful tips

  1. Fresh eggs (up to 4 days) are more difficult to peel; for boiling in a bag and hard-boiled, take older ones. This applies to homemade ones; store-bought ones manage to “grow old” during sorting and transportation.
  2. The color of the shell depends on the breed of bird and food; it does not affect the quality and taste of the eggs.
  3. Before cooking, wash your eggs with soap and water, this will help avoid infection with salmonellosis.
  4. Do not put eggs just taken out of the refrigerator into boiling water - the shells will burst.
  5. You can identify a spoiled egg by placing it in cold water. The fresh stuff will remain at the bottom or stand upright, while the rotten stuff will float up.

    A fresh egg sinks in water, a spoiled one floats

  6. Examine the shell. In a rotten egg they are smooth and shiny, in a fresh egg they are matte and rough.
  7. A soft shell and spots on it are a sign of a spoiled egg.
  8. Bring the egg to the light bulb. If damaged, dark spots are visible when held up to light.
  9. Shake the egg. A rotten protein will flop around inside.
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