Do domestic cockroaches bite: photos of bites on the human body

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Greetings, dear readers. In today's article we will talk about the ability of cockroaches to bite people. The controversy surrounding this issue has not subsided as long as arthropods have lived next to humans. Some people believe that red-haired creatures do not bite; others are sure that at night they come out of their hiding places to profit from human skin. Who is right?

I will tell you whether cockroaches bite people, how, when and why they do it. You will learn what a cockroach bite looks like, what kind of trouble it can cause to a person, and also how to avoid these troubles if you do get bitten. At the same time, I’ll tell you how to protect yourself from arthropod cannibals if they do settle in your apartment.

Can pet cockroaches bite humans?

The behavior of cockroaches has its own specifics. The cockroach is capable of biting a person thanks to its powerful gnawing mouthparts. Fixation of the skin occurs between the powerful chitinous lips and horns of the insect's mandibles. A pair of upper jaws holds the skin, and the teeth pinch off the upper layers; when bitten, infection occurs with the contaminated oral apparatus and saliva of the pest. The basis of language with a specific structure is chitin. Well-developed organs allow cockroaches to absorb and digest any food, of any strength or coarseness. The insect can bite through cardboard paper, leather items, shoes, and denim items. Human skin is much more delicate than these things. It is not difficult for a cockroach to bite a sleeping person, especially considering that human skin has an odor that can attract the insect. They are active at night when the lights are off.

A red-pink crust with a diameter of up to 5 mm forms around the site of the cockroach bite. If characteristic signs of a bite are detected, you must immediately consult a doctor to prevent a possible inflammatory process. If a bite is detected, it is recommended to treat the wound with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.

Is it possible?

Cockroaches not only look menacing, they pose a threat to humans. Cases of attacks on humans by Prussians and other individual species of cockroaches are not uncommon. Prussians attack humans due to lack of food and drink. The shortage can be caused by active persecution, lack of direct access to water, an increase in the number of individuals living in the same premises, as well as violation of sanitary standards and regulations.

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When biting a person, cockroaches do not want to harm him, but only want to save their life. They are driven by the instinct of self-preservation. If there is enough food and water, cockroaches will not bite people.

Cockroaches hunt exclusively at night. They can only bite a sleeping person. The pest is quite cautious and timid, and will not approach a person when he is awake.

Different types of cockroaches have their favorite places. Black cockroaches live in the kitchen, red ones can get into cracks and move from room to room.

Carries pathogens of infectious diseases

The main danger of mustachioed parasites is that they actively move not only throughout the entire apartment, but also penetrate into other places in the house.

These are attics and basements, sewer lines and garbage chutes. We all know that such spaces are completely unsanitary.

It is natural that a lot of pathogenic bacteria and helminth eggs settle on their chitinous covers (the abdomen and paws are especially susceptible to this).

Next, insects spread these microbes directly throughout the apartment. Very soon, the causative agents of various diseases from the bodies of insects get onto the food left on the table, into the bread bin and onto the dishes from which you eat and drink.

Cockroaches eat waste, and even animal and human excrement in sewer lines, attics and basements. This means that numerous pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the insect’s digestive system.

During the study, it was revealed that Prussians are carriers of:

  • meningitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • dysentery:
  • salmonellosis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • mycobacteriosis;
  • some urogenital infectious diseases.

The greatest danger comes from barbels that enter the home from the sewer system. No one knows in what environment the cockroach recently crawled and what kind of nastiness it can leave on food after walking over it.

All the pathogenic bacteria that we talked about above can easily get on any surface in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet.

A person can easily become infected with them, either through eating contaminated foods or by not washing their hands after touching dirty surfaces. As a result, a person ends up in a hospital bed and has no idea about the causes of the unpleasant disease.

It is very dangerous if Prussians enter kindergartens and schools, as they can provoke a large-scale spread of infectious diseases. Therefore, in such institutions it is necessary to begin eliminating parasites as quickly as possible.

How do cockroaches bite?

Fleas and bedbugs, after biting a person, leave a bloody spot around which the skin is inflamed.

Cockroaches do not bite, but gnaw human skin and leave behind wounds with slightly torn edges. The affected area of ​​skin looks like a scar after a boil or pimple. Cockroaches are capable of biting through human skin in several places at the same time. Insect tissues, harmful dust particles and pathogens present on the pest's mouthparts, when entering the wound during a bite, can cause infection and an allergic reaction. During and after the bite, the person feels discomfort and a slight tingling sensation.

When examined under a microscope, a deep, crusted bite can be seen. There are bruises and fragments of dried lymph inside the wound. Cockroach bites are painful; itching after the bite indicates infection of the wound.

Regeneration after a cockroach bite is a rather lengthy process, since the upper layer of the epidermis is affected. To quickly restore the integrity of the skin, it is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic solution.

Allergic reactions

Another danger to humans posed by exposure to cockroaches is allergic manifestations. Chitinous coverings, which remain in large quantities after the molting of parasites, their corpses and dried excrement, are mixed with house dust and, when they get on human skin, into the respiratory system and into the digestive system, they can cause serious diseases:

  1. bronchial asthma;
  2. dermatitis;
  3. allergic rhinitis.

What does a cockroach bite look like in the photo?

The bite of a cockroach is significantly different from the bite of other insects. Visualization allows you to see the absence of part of the epidermis, as well as the depth of the wound, which is covered with a hard crust with a diameter of up to 5 mm. In people with sensitive skin, the crust can reach large sizes. Sometimes it can be indistinguishable from allergies.

Are all species dangerous?

Today there are many varieties of cockroaches. Some of them pose a danger to human health, and some are practically harmless insects. The threat to humans comes from red, black and American cockroaches.

The most common parasites are red in color; they pose a great danger to people. These insects reach a length of up to one and a half centimeters, their wings exceed the body parameters in size.

The red-haired parasite has long mustaches, which are needed to communicate with its fellows and navigate in space. A cockroach cannot live without its whiskers.

Black cockroaches that settle in homes also pose a danger to people. Their length can vary from 2 to 5 centimeters. The body is black or dark gray in color and has a noticeable metallic sheen.

The wing size of females is slightly smaller than that of males. Moreover, the body of females is larger and can reach 5 centimeters.

The American cockroach is similar to the red cockroach; their body is larger - approximately 5 centimeters. Females are slightly larger than males. A distinctive feature of this type of longhorned beetle is the horizontally located dark brown stripes on the back.

This sign helps to distinguish dangerous insects if a person is overcome by doubts about their safety.

Reasons for attacking a person

The reasons why cockroaches attack people are starvation, lack of access to water and an increase in the pest population. Cockroaches can live no longer than 2 days without water. Not receiving the moisture it needs through water, juice, fruits or vegetables, the insect strives for human skin. He looks for the food and water he needs, extracting them from the corners of a person’s mouth or eyes, as well as other parts of the body.

The cause of a cockroach attack on a person can also be a food shortage caused by a large number of insects in a given room, when not everyone has enough food and water.

Spread of an unpleasant odor

Black cockroaches have a pungent and unpleasant odor. They smell rotten and damp. If there are not very many longhorned beetles, then a slightly noticeable odor emanates from them. However, if the number of insects is large, then unpleasant odors spread in the apartment, which are very difficult to get rid of.

There is only one way out here - either self-disinfestation of the premises, or calling the appropriate specialists.

What to do with bites, first aid

The secretion of cockroaches contains a special protein, which, when bitten, enters the human body and can cause a severe allergic reaction. Allergies can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the strength of a person’s immunity to the protein. In the first days, allergies may look like hives, but then lead to asthmatic attacks.

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An insect bite can also cause:

  1. Numerous inflammatory foci at the site of skin damage. Crusts form on the surface of the inflammation, and as a result, scars. A bite can trigger the development of dermatitis, accompanied by redness and irritation. Such consequences are caused by the bites of red cockroaches that live at home and bite a person in his sleep.
  2. The development of serious diseases such as dysentery, tuberculosis. Red cockroaches are carriers of bacteria of these pathologies.
  3. The occurrence of erosion, papules, blisters. Such consequences appear after the bite of American and Egyptian cockroaches. The bites of these pests are painful; purulent crusts often form after the bite. If the victim has a weakened immune system, the bite sites take a long time to heal, turning into ulcers.

A cockroach bite requires quick and immediate treatment. The treatment is carried out by a dermatologist.

If cockroach bites are detected, first aid must be provided immediately. It is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic to prevent infection. To soften the skin and relieve irritation, it is recommended to apply an ointment or moisturizer.

If the victim is prone to allergies, he should be given any antihistamine.

Favorite bite spots

Cockroaches can bite any part of the body, but they especially often bite the hands and face. Since the pest’s task is to find water and leftover food, those parts of the body that come into contact with food fall into the risk zone.

More often than other areas, cockroaches bite the area of ​​the fingers, around the nail, the corners of the mouth, the area of ​​the cheeks and lower jaw, and lips.

Wounds on the lips take quite a long time to heal; constant contact with food irritates the wound and creates conditions that inhibit the regeneration process. Food debris often contributes to the development of infectious processes in the tissues of the lips.

Cockroaches often target infants due to the abundance of formula or breast milk in the baby's mouth area. The child reacts to unpleasant sensations by crying loudly. A cockroach bite is especially dangerous for newborns, since their immune system is not fully developed and the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction is high. To prevent cockroach attacks on children, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures in a timely manner.

Harm the nervous system, disrupt sleep

However, the danger of cockroaches lies not only in the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. Longhorned beetles crawling around the apartment cause irritation, disrupting the functioning of the nervous system.

A person falls asleep in fear, which contributes to the development of insomnia. Inadequate sleep causes poor health, decreased immunity and weakness. As a result, bacteria, germs and viruses can easily penetrate an unprotected body.

Children may develop a phobia, the official name of which is blattophobia. This is a serious mental illness that causes an inadequate reaction to cockroaches in an adult.

In people with blattophobia, attacks are accompanied by increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, redness in the face and increased sweating.

The patient may squeal loudly, climb up onto a chair with his feet, or scream in fear. Parasites come to them in dreams.

Drug treatment for this disease is not enough. You will need to go to see a psychotherapist for a long time, work on yourself, and rebuild your subconscious.

How to treat?

If a cockroach bite is detected, it is necessary to treat the wound with chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide (3%) or medical alcohol.

When the inflammatory process is fixed, cockroach bites should be treated with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular Fenistil, Akriderm, Levomekol. If allergies occur, antihistamines must be used.

It is not allowed to cauterize the wound with iodine or brilliant green; this will make it difficult to visualize the damaged area of ​​skin, and suppuration may develop under the resulting crust.

What is the danger from a bite?

The danger of bites lies in the possible penetration of a serious infection. An inflammatory process often develops under the dried crust. The presence of an inflammatory focus is indicated by hyperemic skin around the wound, as well as the presence of swelling.

The lack of adequate treatment leads to the development of a purulent-inflammatory course. The victim's temperature rises; when feeling the wound, the patient feels pain, as well as constant pulsation.

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Cockroaches are carriers of various parasitic, fungal and intestinal infections. The latter can develop as a result of eating foods with the excrement of the pest.

Rarely, but there is a possibility of a dangerous disease – myiasis. The disease consists of the penetration of a cockroach larva into the thickness of the skin and its further development. Myiasis is treated surgically by desiccation of the larva with healthy tissue structures and applying an antiseptic bandage.

Often a bite wound becomes infected as a result of scratching or the presence of pathogenic organisms on the cockroach's legs. Cockroach saliva contains toxic components that can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Myths about cockroach bites

There are widespread opinions about cockroaches that are often untrue.

First myth

Many believe that since cockroaches are not harmed by the radiation they accumulate within themselves, their bites can cause mutations.

The truth is that these whiskered pests can withstand 15 times the amount of radiation allowed for humans. But accumulation and mutation as a result of a bite are a fantasy.

Second myth

It is believed that cockroaches love to eat earwax, nails and human hair.

In fact, cockroaches are omnivores and can bite a sleeping person anywhere. They can crawl into a person's ears, creating a serious danger to health and life.

The third myth

It is often said that a cockroach bite can cause anaphylactic shock.

The appearance of such a pathological condition is possible in rare cases. Most often, a person who has been bitten by a cockroach experiences an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of itching, watery eyes and shortness of breath.

Damage to valuable books and equipment

Insulation damaged by cockroaches often causes appliances to fail. There is nothing left but to throw away the failed devices and buy new ones instead.

Also, if the Prussians lack food, they begin to gnaw the bindings of books, even if these copies are of some value. Cockroaches are not interested in this at all!

Prussians love to lay eggs behind wallpaper, thereby damaging it.

Preventive measures to combat cockroaches

The destruction of cockroaches is the main condition for preventing their bites. A radical way to solve the problem is disinfection, which can be organized either independently or with the involvement of special organizations.

To prevent pest bites, you must:

  • Keep the bed clean and avoid getting crumbs and grease on the sheets;
  • Take a shower before going to bed and do not eat after water procedures;
  • Spray with insect repellent spray or use creams with a similar effect;
  • Treat the walls and floor near the bed with a special insecticidal pencil.

It is also important to monitor the cleanliness of the premises and the serviceability of the sewage system. It is necessary to seal all the cracks in the floor, walls and ceiling, install fine mesh grilles for ventilation, and regularly take out the garbage. Food should be kept closed and dishes should be washed immediately after eating.

Cockroaches are synatropic parasites. To prevent their occurrence and further troubles, it is important to monitor household sanitary and hygienic conditions. If signs of the presence of pests are detected, the premises should be promptly treated with special means.

Food spoilage

Another significant harm from cockroaches to humans is food spoilage. Not their destruction, but their damage.

Scientists have been able to calculate that one thousand cockroaches eat about 10 kilograms of dry food during the year. At first glance, this is not such a large number. But imagine a situation where you saw a Prussian crawling on a plate of food.

What immediately comes to mind is that this insect could very recently be running through a garbage chute or sewer. Of course, you will no longer eat this food.

The same goes for other food products. If you regularly observe parasites crawling around the kitchen, then most likely they have already gone through all the products that are not put in the refrigerator or in a tightly closed container.

All these products must be thrown away, as there is a risk of serious illness.

If a cockroach was able to get inside the refrigerator, then it will, of course, run through all the products located on its shelves. From this moment on, food from the refrigerator can be safely thrown away, since it has already become inedible.

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