Does dichlorvos help get rid of fleas: instructions for treating the room

Using dichlorvos is an effective way to kill fleas, bedbugs and other parasites indoors. The compound contains powerful insecticidal components. Dichlorvos against fleas can be used in a city apartment, country house, and premises where livestock are kept.

Dichlorvos is a universal insecticide that is successfully used to remove fleas.

Types and composition of dichlorvos

The effect of this product is due to the presence in its composition of 3 substances with an insecticidal effect: cypermethrin, permethrin, and piperonyl butoxide. All of them have an effect on the nervous system of parasites, causing a failure in the transmission of impulses. As a result, the insect becomes paralyzed and dies.

Dichlorvos is produced in the form of an aerosol, packaged in small dropper bottles with a volume of 10 ml and canisters containing 10 liters of solution.

The product for household use comes in various variations:

  1. Station wagon. This is a classic substance in an aerosol bottle. It contains no additional components, which makes dichlorvos affordable.
  2. Eco. The product has a pleasant lavender aroma, while maintaining its high effectiveness.
  3. Neo. This variation of dichlorvos is odorless.
  4. “Varan.” The product is designed to kill fleas and bed bugs. After spraying it, a slight lemon smell remains in the room.

A little about the product

The question often arises whether dichlorvos will help, because today there are a huge number of flea remedies. But, despite the abundance of aerosols, the domestic product is effective. It is available in several forms:

  1. Station wagon. This is a classic remedy without additives.
  2. Eco. The composition includes lavender fragrance, which muffles the unpleasant odor.
  3. Neo. A characteristic feature is the almost complete absence of unpleasant odor. It disappears within half an hour after treating the room, so reviews from users of dichlorvos neo for fleas, produced without odor, are the most positive.

The action of the drug is based on the main component - dimethyldichlorovinylphosphate. Many people are interested in how this powerful insecticide works. It has a neuroparalytic effect, and when it enters the body of an insect, it causes paralysis and death.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to remove fleas using dichlorvos, you should know that it also helps against ants, cockroaches, moths, lice, and bedbugs that have taken a fancy to your home. There are no contraindications for use, because if safety rules are followed, the product will not harm people or animals. But be extremely careful if you decide to get rid of dangerous small fleas using dichlorvos, because it is toxic. If the product enters the body of a person or dog, for example, it will cause serious poisoning. This is the only but significant drawback.

Dichlorvos is available in the form of aerosols. With its help you can easily remove fleas and other insects. Compared to other products, the drug is cheap and has been so popular for many years.

NameAddressPrice for Dichlorvos neo
1.Online store "Sima Land"73 rub.
2.Online store "Evisan"64 rub.
3.Online store "Top555"3.16 Belarusian rubles.
4.Online store "Domestik"27.90 UAH.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of dichlorvos are:

  • high efficiency even with a high degree of infestation of the premises by parasites;
  • rapid action and death of adults within the first hours after treatment of animals, household items, houses or apartments;
  • possibility of use for periodic preventive treatment;
  • effectiveness against different types of parasites without them getting used to the product;
  • low cost.

Dichlorvos for fleas in the apartment helps to completely get rid of parasites.

Despite the presence of a large number of advantages, dichlorvos is not without a number of disadvantages. This is the following:

  • the eggs that parasites lay are not susceptible to the active ingredients of the product;
  • The effect of the solution lasts a short time (7-10 days), after which the room needs to be re-treated to get rid of a new generation of pests emerging from previously laid eggs.

What to do in case of poisoning?

In case of poisoning, you must leave the room for fresh air. If poisons enter the body, it is necessary to induce vomiting and after a few hours drink a laxative to remove the poisons from the body. In case of contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, rinse the eyes with cold water. Do not enter the treated area for several hours until the product wears off.

Usually, if poisoning occurs, a person returns to full normalcy within 3 days, even if no additional first aid is taken. But you shouldn’t wait until everything goes away on its own; if the symptoms of poisoning continue for several hours, you should consult a doctor for help.

Principle of action on fleas

Regardless of what type of dichlorvos is chosen to treat the premises against parasites, the mechanism of action of the components of this product is the same. The action of cypermethrin, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide is aimed at the nervous system of fleas. Once on the body of the parasite or in its body, dichlorvos leads to paralysis and then to the death of the insect. The effect of the drug applies only to adults.

Its active components are not able to kill flea eggs. It is necessary to wait until the young individuals hatch and re-spray dichlorvos indoors.

Safety regulations

No matter how safe a chemical is considered, a number of safety measures must be observed when working with any of them, namely:

  • Do not store them near very hot objects or near open fire;
  • if the product gets into your eyes, mouth or nose, or skin, immediately rinse the area with plenty of clean water;
  • do not buy or use insecticides that do not contain information about the manufacturer, composition and expiration date. It is also not recommended to use a product that has already expired;
  • store Dichlorvos in a place where children cannot reach it.

Even if there are no cats or dogs in your home, this does not guarantee the absence of parasites. For example, fleas can enter your home from the attic or crawl space. Often the basement is the source of infection.

Features of animal processing

The odorless product can be used on cattle, as well as pigs, goats and sheep. This will rid the animals of blood-sucking insects. Dichlorvos is used to treat animal stalls, especially if newborn calves, foals, and piglets will be placed in them. The product will help rid doghouses, rabbit cages or mink cages of fleas.

Dichlorvos can be used to treat animal hair.

The drug, packaged in dropper bottles, is also used to treat skin diseases in animals caused by other parasites: demodicosis, scabies, lice.

It should be borne in mind that dichlorvos in the form of an aerosol or spray is not intended for baiting fleas living on cats or dogs. The active ingredients in the liquid are toxic and can lead to the death of pets. To rid them of blood-sucking parasites, you should buy an appropriate product used by veterinarians.

Instructions for use for apartment treatment

Before spraying dichlorvos in an apartment, you should find the reason for the appearance of fleas in it. Pets should be treated initially. If you neglect this step, insects will appear again and again.

Before starting treatment, close windows and doors tightly in the room. Cat and dog bedding, furniture cushions, carpets, mattresses should be sprayed with dichlorvos on both sides. During treatment, the bottle is kept at a distance of 20 cm. Then the product is sprayed onto other surfaces in the apartment, not forgetting the space under sofas and cabinets, behind the baseboard. Fleas jump easily, so even the walls in the rooms need to be sprayed.

The drug takes about 4 hours to work. During this time, you should leave the room, leaving the windows and doors tightly closed. Then the apartment is thoroughly ventilated, the floors, walls, and furniture are wiped with a damp cloth. For preventive purposes, treatment with dichlorvos should be repeated after 10-14 days.

Pest control

Instructions for using Dichlorvos against fleas allow the treatment of any surfaces. But during disinfestation it is necessary to remove clothes, bedding, dishes, and food.

  1. Shake the container thoroughly several times.
  2. Hold the aerosol at arm's length.
  3. There should be 20 cm left to the surface.
  4. Initially, treat the places where fleas were noticed. Be sure to spray carpets, baseboards, walls at a distance of 1.5 m from the floor, furniture on the back side, and doorways. And also from flea larvae in garbage cans, toilets, and animal sleeping places.
  5. Leave the room closed for at least 2 hours.
  6. Ventilate thoroughly. Wash in areas where your hands will touch.

General cleaning of the apartment should be carried out after repeated treatment, which is recommended after 14 days.


It is possible to remove fleas from a cat with dichlorvos, but it is not recommended. To destroy parasites and protect your pet, special drops, sprays, aerosols, shampoos, and collars should be used.

Precautionary measures

Since the components of the product are toxic, you should carefully read the instructions for use before using it.

Precautionary measures imply the absence of children in the treated area.

When treating a room with dichlorvos, you should use personal protective equipment. You cannot neglect a respirator and gloves. Clothing must completely cover the body. All family members and animals must leave the apartment. If possible, flowers in pots are also taken out of it. Food products, including cereals, are placed in the refrigerator or additionally packaged using bags.

Then, wet cleaning is carried out in the room treated with dichlorvos and all utensils used for eating or preparing food are thoroughly washed.

general description

It is worth saying a few words about some of the features of this product. A drug such as Dichlorvos involves the use of a substance of the same name as the main active component. Now on the market, some manufacturers present this product under the same name, but in a composition that does not use this particular organophosphorus component. Therefore, a society with a well-known drug, they have nothing but the name.

Of course, their action is aimed at combating insects and parasites. Regarding effectiveness, it is worth noting that some of them show very good results and have become quite popular in a short period of time.

Quite often, all drugs that come in the form of an aerosol in a can are considered dichlorvos. This is a complete misconception, since this name belongs specifically to a separate insecticide and the concepts should not be confused.

Nowadays it is impossible to find on sale the same drug that was sold in distant Soviet times. It was replaced by more modern versions. They use potent insecticides and various additives that are aimed at prolonged action, maximum efficiency, and attraction of parasites.

Regarding the use of drugs at home, it is practically no different from its predecessor. The instructions for use and safety precautions must be followed. The cost of the drug will please buyers; the price is affordable.

What can be replaced

The modern chemical industry produces a large number of products to combat domestic parasites. They have an effect similar to dichlorvos. These are:

  1. "Combat". This product allows you to get rid of fleas, bedbugs and other parasites living in an apartment, country house, or cottage. Aerosol sprays of this brand are available both odorless and with herbal aromas.
  2. "Raptor". Available in various forms, including aerosol and concentrate for dilution in water and subsequent spraying indoors. It can rid your apartment of fleas, bedbugs, ants and other insects.

The effectiveness of the insecticidal drug

The combination of three insecticidal components at once positions dichlorvos as a powerful and effective remedy. With its single use, up to 90% of fleas present in the room die. Some insects may hide in cracks or under baseboards, so re-treatment will be required.

The effectiveness of dichlorvos is higher than that of popular folk remedies for fleas, which eliminate up to 60-70% of the parasite population. This is directly related to the mechanism of action. Aerosols do not repel insects in the treated area, but kill them.

Useful tips and tricks

The effectiveness of dichlorvos or another solution against parasites directly depends on how correctly it is used. Fighting fleas in the house should be comprehensive, and the first step here is treating pets for parasites. They often cause insects to appear in a city apartment.

Residents of the first floors are often exposed to flea infestations. Parasites enter the living space from the basement, which is home to many stray cats and dogs. In this case, the first step to getting rid of insects is to carefully seal the cracks in the floor and baseboards through which fleas enter the apartment. Only after this can you poison them indoors.

A single treatment of an apartment against parasites does not always achieve the desired result, since female fleas lay eggs throughout the apartment. Dichlorvos cannot kill parasites that are just about to hatch, so after a single baiting of insects with a drug with an insecticidal effect, they may appear again. To get rid of blood-sucking parasites forever, you need to re-spray the apartment with the product used.


If the previous methods did not help, you should act in the harshest way. First, get rid of all carpets. Yes, yes, just get rid of everyone. Even from that memorable Persian that would have been given by my cousin for my mother’s twenty-year wedding anniversary. Carpets are a favorite habitat for fleas, so sometimes it is much easier and better to buy a new carpet for your house than to have such unpleasant neighbors in the old one.

After all the carpets in the house have been mercilessly thrown away, you should return to the first point and start cleaning the apartment. Pay special attention to the corners and floor where the carpet was - insect eggs may remain there, waiting for their new home.

After the apartment has been thoroughly washed and cleaned, you can start purchasing new carpets. And don’t forget to put wormwood under them to avoid unwanted proximity in the future.

User reviews

Anna, 35 years old, Moscow: “We bought an apartment in an old building, where several dogs lived with the previous owners for many years. It turned out that she was full of fleas. Before moving, we treated all rooms with dichlorvos twice with an interval of 10 days. The result is excellent, insects no longer bother us.”

Nikolay, 42 years old, Samara: “I keep two hunting dogs at home. They spend the summer at the dacha and in the fall they certainly bring fleas home. I treat each dog with drops from a veterinary pharmacy, and for the home, to kill these insects, I take dichlorvos. The one that is odorless works better. One treatment is enough, because I treat both the apartment and the animals at the same time. The fleas don’t have time to scatter throughout the house.”

Olga, 54 years old, Volgograd: “I live on the first floor. There are a lot of flea-ridden stray cats in the basement. Insects somehow get into the apartment, although there are no cracks in the floor. Once a month, when I go to my daughter, I close all the windows and spray the apartment with dichlorvos. This is an important condition for the drug to work. It helps against fleas and ants. There aren’t even mosquitoes in the room.”


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