Insect repellents for the home - a review of the best products

Preparations for combating insects that maliciously damage agricultural crops and terrorize human homes have a rich history. Aristotle recommended an insecticide in the form of sulfur to kill lice. And pyrethrum was familiar to ancient warriors. Since then, more than one generation of chemists, zoologists and entomologists have been tirelessly working on toxic substances that reduce the number of insect pests and parasites.

In addition to plant poisons, chemical industry products are actively used - chlorine and phosphorus compounds, mineral oils, various types of emulsions (lime, soap, kerosene and others).

Insect repellents in the home in the form of aerosols

Broad-spectrum preparations are used against flying and crawling insects indoors. They are easy to use, do not contain an unpleasant odor, do not leave marks, and do not damage the material. Sold in spray cans. Before use, shake the can and remove the protective membrane.

Treat the floor, walls, ceiling. The bottle is held at arm's length at a distance of 20 cm from the surface to be treated. Leave the room closed for 2 hours, thoroughly ventilate, and carry out wet cleaning in areas where hands may touch.

On a note!

Insect repellents in the home in the form of aerosols contain several active ingredients and begin to act immediately after spraying the surfaces. The maximum effect lasts 2 hours, then the properties gradually weaken. After a week, the poison is completely neutralized. Insect repellents in the form of aerosols are most effective against flying and crawling pests if their habitat is known.

Repeated disinfestation is carried out after 7-14 days if necessary. While working, you need to use rubber gloves, a respirator or a gauze bandage. If safety rules are not followed, poisoning of varying degrees of intensity occurs.

The best insect repellents:

Security measures

A house poison is required, in accordance with a number of safety recommendations.

Chemicals can cause intoxication and allergic reactions. It is forbidden to treat people prone to allergies, pregnant and lactating women.

It is necessary to poison bedbugs in the apartment yourself, observing the following rules:

  • use gloves;
  • use a gauze bandage;
  • wear closed clothes;
  • close your head;
  • After the process, wash your hands and face thoroughly;
  • leave the house for a while;
  • take off your clothes and wash yourself.

When to treat plants

All drugs have instructions for use. in which the dosage is indicated in detail, as well as favorable conditions for spraying. The rules for processing garden crops are as follows:

  • It is worth considering the phase of the insect’s life cycle when choosing an insecticide - for adult insects it is too late to use ovits, which only affect eggs;
  • when treating with several drugs, it is worth considering their compatibility, because if used incorrectly, chemicals can cause irreparable harm to plants;
  • treatment is not carried out as a preventive measure - only when the first symptoms of damage are detected;
  • When plants are flowering, you should stop spraying - this may adversely affect the quality and quantity of the crop;
  • the end of spraying occurs 40-45 days before harvest, since pesticides can harm the human body.

To obtain maximum effect, treatment should be carried out in dry, windless weather, in the evening.

You should also avoid dripping of the drug from the leaves and strictly adhere to the instructions from the manufacturer.


Insect repellents for apartments and houses based on a broad-spectrum insecticide. They are highly effective, killing adults, nymphs of different ages, and larvae. The maximum effect lasts 2 hours, the residual effect is present from 14 days to 6 months. The most effective microencapsulated concentrates. The toxic substance is in a capsule that is not afraid of high temperatures and sunlight.

Insect poison is used to kill bed bugs, cockroaches, a large number of flies, and mosquitoes. Before disinsection, you need to prepare a solution - the concentrate is diluted in water at room temperature, stirred for 5 minutes, poured into a spray bottle or spray bottle. Spray walls, floors, ceilings, furniture from the back side.


When working with toxic substances, you must use rubber gloves, a protective suit, and a respirator. Contact of the poison on the skin causes an allergic reaction, and in the respiratory tract - intoxication of varying degrees of severity.

Effective pest control products:

  • Sinuzan;
  • Executioner;
  • Cucaracha;
  • Tetrix;
  • Delta Zone.

After treating the rooms, leave the room closed for 2 hours, then ventilate thoroughly. Carry out wet cleaning in places where hands will touch. Soapy water with the addition of baking soda completely neutralizes the effect of the poison. If necessary, repeated disinfestation is carried out after 14-20 days.

Professional insect control products

You can buy the drug in a specialized store. The price depends on the capacity. 10 ml of concentrate is enough for two treatments at home or in a large apartment. The cost of a bottle is from 300 rubles. up to 1000 rub. The shelf life of insect repellent is 2 years from the date of manufacture. The prepared solution should be used within 3 days, or better immediately after dissolving the poison in water.

  1. Alexander: “Without much success I fought cockroaches with various store-bought products, but I didn’t pay attention to them, since they don’t cause significant discomfort. I only sounded the alarm at the moment when bedbugs appeared in the house and bit my wife and me at night. I didn’t have time to figure out how to get rid of these parasites, so I decided to simply call specialists to remove them. We used the service of spraying cold fog in the apartment. My wife and I returned to the apartment 5 hours after treatment, removed all the smell and carried out a global cleaning. The bedbugs disappeared after the first procedure, and along with them the cockroaches disappeared, which was a good addition to the main service.”
  2. Anastasia: “I used gel against cockroaches, used it according to the instructions: dripped into the cracks and treated potentially dangerous areas. It was actually possible to remove these insects, but the cat was seriously poisoned and had to go to the veterinarian. This is despite the fact that many people talk about the safety of such products for pets. Only later did I learn about the existence of gels that contain special bitter ingredients that repel pets. I really regret that I didn’t know about this earlier and I advise other people to pay attention to the composition of the drugs they purchase.”
  3. Alla: “I always believed that removing cockroaches is a very difficult task that requires a lot of time and effort. I personally became convinced that this can be done very easily with the help of Raid aerosol, which in just a week helped get rid of the Prussians that were left to me as a gift from people who rented an apartment. I took the rest of the drug with me to the dacha, where I tried it on ants and spiders, and it also helped a lot against them.”

Preventive measures

To avoid bugs in your home, you need to seal all cracks in door frames, window frames and sewer connections. Areas where insects may accumulate should be regularly treated with mild insecticides. To repel pests, strongly scented plants should be placed in all rooms. Daily general cleaning is also necessary. Such measures will prevent insects from making new nests.

Bed bugs are small worms that can feed on human blood. The adult (hungry) is pale brown in color, and the full worm may even be black in color. The larvae, flattened by insects, look like white grains. Active reproduction of pests leads to the rapid filling of space in the house.

Before you start fighting bed bugs in your apartment, find out how to get into the room. In most cases, the homeowners themselves are to blame, but sometimes neighbors and pets are to blame.

Where do bedbugs come from? Experts identify several of the most popular ways to attract bloodsuckers into people's homes:

Look at the overview of the most effective ones in the apartment and learn about the rules for their use.
Bed bugs are unpretentious, they like secluded places, and they can live in a person’s apartment. Insects feed exclusively on human blood, so they choose secluded places closer to the victim’s resting place. Feast on the blood of a sleeping person who poses no threat to the bloodsucker. After all, during a bite, the worm secretes a special anesthetic liquid that causes discomfort.

At first, uninvited guests are difficult to notice. A few bites after a night's sleep can be considered mosquito bites. Only with an increase in the population and a regular blood supply does the presence of pests become acutely noticeable.

Characteristic signs of bedbug infestation are the following signals:

  • Body bites, women and small children are at risk. One bite is not an indicator; the bloodsucker makes up to seven holes in the skin at one time, and then hides in a dark corner. Therefore, the bites form a small stripe;
  • an unpleasant odor that is difficult to destroy. The aroma is similar to the smell of rotten berries, bad brandy;
  • the presence of adults or larvae on the bed;
  • remnants of chitinous cover (dark brown plates on the bed, in the area of ​​the baseboards). There is also a large amount of droppings;
  • blood on the sheet. The beetle injects saliva that prevents blood from clotting, which is why bed bugs have characteristic brown spots.

It is important!

If errors are found, immediately begin eliminating them. Ignoring pests will lead to a noticeable increase in their population, a sharp deterioration in sleep and general well-being.


Simple, easy-to-use insect repellents with low toxicity. They are made in the form of plates, liquids, and spirals. Effective against flying insects. The active substances are contact insecticides. As well as substances that enter the body of pests through the respiratory tract.

  • Electrofumigators. House Insect Repellent runs on electricity. A plate impregnated with insecticides is inserted into a special device, or a bottle of liquid is screwed on. When heated, a toxic substance enters the air. This concentration is not noticeable to humans; pests die within 20 minutes. The device operates silently, plugs into a power outlet, and is enough for one room.
  • Spirals. Insect repellent on the street, in the veranda, on the terrace, in the gazebo, but is often used indoors. A significant drawback is the unpleasant smell. The spiral is made from pressed shavings impregnated with an insecticidal substance. Place it on a non-flammable surface and set it on fire. Acrid smoke is released that poisons insects. When using indoors, be sure to open a window or window. Otherwise, headache, dizziness, and nausea appear.
  • Aquafumigator. The only fumigator of its kind is Raptor. It works similar to the professional disinfestation method - drip spraying. It is more effective than concentrates, aerosols, powders, electrofumigators, and other insect repellents. The toxic substance is released along with droplets of moisture, penetrates into hard-to-reach places, and passes through the fabric surface. A special jar of poison is inserted into the water; upon contact with the liquid, a chemical reaction begins and the fumigator begins to burn. The action lasts 2 hours. The residual effect lasts for 2 weeks.

Fumigators for insect control Effective insect repellents:

  • Raptor;
  • Raid;
  • Clean house;
  • Quiet evening;
  • Mosquitol;
  • Gardex.

In the warm season, insect repellent products are sold everywhere. Many brands make several types of fumigators. Electrical devices based on plates and liquids are especially popular. The plates need to be changed every night; a bottle of liquid lasts for a month. During the day, the device must be turned off; in the evening, it must be turned on 20 minutes before bedtime.

On a note!

Separately, products are produced to protect children from insects based on the natural insecticide – pyrethrum. Obtained from Caucasian chamomile. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and smells like flowers. Install the device at a distance of at least 2 m from the sleeping place.

The cost of spirals is from 50 rubles, the price of an electric fumigator with plates or liquid is on average 450 rubles. They act against mosquitoes, flies, moths, and fleas.

Visiting guests

There are many of them. Some of them fly into apartments in search of food, such as flies. Some are looking for a warm shelter for the winter - the same flies, ladybugs, some riders and butterflies. Some people are attracted to burning light at night—chafer beetles, lacewings, small moths, especially the chestnut leaf miner. There are also those who get into an apartment by accident, for example, bird bloodsuckers often fall from birds onto balconies - rather specific flies that resemble a tick with wings. And wasps and hornets may choose the balcony as a wonderful place to build a nest.

What are weeds and what weeds are related to it?

Weeds (or weeds) usually mean plants that have grown where other crops were originally planned to be grown. As a rule, the appearance of such weeds reduces the yield, or, if it is a flower garden, worsens its decorative properties.

Weeds can be divided into annual and perennial:

of weeds, many of which are not so bad at all, and even medicinal .

But the most “troubling” weeds in our gardens are creeping wheatgrass, which is also called “dog grass” (although the roots of this plant are very useful and have an enveloping, diuretic, hemostatic, expectorant and diaphoretic effect), as well as Sosnovsky’s hogweed , which can grow simply to unimaginable sizes and if you come into contact with it, you can get quite a severe burn, even through your clothes.

Video: how to defeat hogweed

Dusts act by contact-intestinal route. They penetrate the body and cause muscle paralysis and death. In order for the poison to get inside, you must first run over it, get dirty, and then lick it off. For this reason, powders, dusts, and crayons are rarely used as an independent means of control; they are combined with aerosols and fumigators. Used against crawling insects: cockroaches, fleas, ants.

Effective means:

  • Clean house;
  • Chalk Mashenka;
  • Super Fas;
  • Storm;
  • Frontline.

You can buy the drug in a specialized store, hardware departments of supermarkets, retail outlets on the market, or you can order via the Internet. Shelf life: up to 4 years; store away from direct sunlight in a dry place. Price per package from 10 rub.

Insect repellents and chalks


Based on the type of active substance, insecticides are divided into the following groups:

  1. Pyrethroids (“Tsunami”, “Senpai”, “Decis”, “Intra-vir” and others).
  2. Based on imidacloprid (“Biotlin”, “Confidor Extra”, “Iskra Zelenaya” and others).
  3. Phenylpyrazoles (“Cosmos”, “Regent”, “Axial”, “Standac Top” and others).
  4. Based on malathion (Karbofos, Iskra-M, Antiklesch, Actellik and others).
  5. Based on avermetins (“Agravertin”, “Fitoverm”, “Vermitek” and others).
  6. Neonicotinoids (“Neoron”, “Aktara”, etc.).

As reviews show, insecticides based on organophosphorus compounds are practically a thing of the past. Research by scientists has shown that such chemicals have a negative effect not only on pests and parasites, but also on humans, being carcinogens. In addition, many compounds from this group caused resistance (immunity) in plants, which negated the advisability of their use.

According to their action, insecticides are divided into:

  1. Continuous action drugs. Several types of pests are affected simultaneously.
  2. Selective agents. They only affect a certain type of insect.

Depending on the method of entry of the substance into the insect’s body and the mechanism of its action, insecticides are divided into four groups:

  1. System.
  2. Intestinal.
  3. Contact.
  4. Fumigants.

We will consider each type separately.

Poisonous baits

Effective remedies against crawling insects - cockroaches, ants. The special gel consistency does not dry out for a long time when in contact with oxygen, and remains effective for up to 30 days. They update their defense as they eat “treats”.

The bait contains broad-spectrum insecticidal substances. If ingested, they block the transmission of nerve impulses, causing paralysis and death. Mass death of the pest colony is observed within a week. In addition to the active substance, the composition includes flavorings and flavoring additives. Insects eat poison better than regular food.

The gel is easily removed from the surface and leaves no traces. Apply with a dotted line to the baseboards, the floor around the perimeter of the rooms, and leave behind the furniture. The product is safe for humans and pets, but it is not advisable to use it in a home with small children.

The best gel baits:

  • Fas;
  • A great warrior;
  • Ant-eater;
  • Antiant;
  • Absolute;
  • Trap;
  • Battalion commander

You can buy the product in a specialized store, supermarket, market, and often order it online. Sold in syringes with a convenient dispenser. The price of one is from 50 rubles. The product should be stored in a dry place, away from direct sunlight.

On a note!

Moth baits are made in the form of tablets and sachets. They are laid out in cabinets, on shelves, in places where cereals and grains are stored. One tablet of protection lasts for six months.

Insecticide treatment methods

There are several effective methods of treating with chemicals that are widely used in gardening. These include the following:

  1. Spraying the entire surface of the plant with an aqueous solution of the drug. In this case, special equipment is used - a spray bottle with a long hose in order to reach the upper branches. It is the most common and effective way to kill insects. Systemic insecticides for fruit trees are used mainly by spraying the drug.
  2. Pollination with a substance in the form of powder, with this method the concentration of the drug is higher, which guarantees its effectiveness.
  3. Burying granules into the soil allows you to fight parasite larvae that develop in the soil.
  4. Fumigation is the spraying of chemicals over garden crops in the form of steam.
  5. Soaking seeds in an aqueous solution of insecticide helps get rid of microscopic insect eggs.

The method is selected individually and depends on the wishes and capabilities of the gardener.

Call exterminators

Turning to specialized services for help from professionals has become more widespread recently, since this service has become much more accessible to virtually all segments of the population.

This technique has the following features:

  1. Most organizations provide a guarantee that insects will not appear within a certain period. Such nuances are discussed in advance and recorded in a written agreement.
  2. A specialist will select those types of insecticides that are suitable for destroying specific pests that annoy humans. All wishes regarding processing methods, toxicity of the products used and other nuances will also be taken into account.
  3. The cost of the service in most cases depends on the individual characteristics of the situation. First of all, it is influenced by the chosen method of exterminating insects, the dimensions of the room being treated and the distance from the city, if the procedure is carried out on a summer cottage or in a country house. Typically, exterminating pests in a one-room city apartment costs from 1,500 rubles, and in a house located in the countryside, from 3,500 rubles.

Folk remedies for insects

If there is no possibility or desire to use professional preparations, you can exterminate or drive away insects using folk remedies.

Folk remedies against insects

  • Boric acid. Colorless powder is scattered around toilets, sinks, in the toilet, on window sills, under baseboards when fighting fleas, cockroaches, and ants. To increase efficiency, boric acid is mixed with products. One of the most effective remedies is boiled potatoes, egg yolk, and water. Add poison to cookies, flour, sugar.
  • Lavender. A fresh, dry plant or essential oil will help get rid of a moth infestation. Bouquets are laid out on cabinets, hung, placed in the corners of rooms. Soak cotton wool or gauze with essential oil, leave it on the lid, and also add it to water for wiping furniture and floors. The smell of lavender effectively repels midges and mosquitoes.
  • Geranium. A universal repellent against many pests - moths, ants, mosquitoes, flies, bedbugs. A flower pot is placed in the kitchen, preferably on a windowsill. Enjoy a beautiful plant, a quiet life without insects.
  • Soda and salt. Folk remedy for fleas in an apartment or house. Mix in equal proportions, scatter on the carpet, floor, and leave overnight. The next day they vacuum, wash the floors, and remove dead insects.
  • Ammonia. Used to combat cockroaches, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, bedbugs. Pour the insect repellent into a container, leave it behind the furniture, on the windowsill, or soak a cotton swab. Add ammonia to the water for washing floors in the ratio of 10 ml of product per 10 liters of liquid. Wet cleaning needs to be done daily. Vinegar works the same way. Use in pure form or prepare a solution.

Essential oils of mint, lemon balm, limonella, chamomile, basil, rosemary will prevent mosquitoes from entering the room. Soak the cotton wool and leave it on the windowsill.


Bites most commonly occur on the ankles and legs.

The affected area is often confused with other insect bites or irritated skin due to allergies. Bed bugs are usually suspected. That's why it's worth knowing what a bite looks like to get started. The picture appears to show a bite.

In terms of external parameters, the site of the lesion on the skin is similar to that of a mosquito. But after the injection, bedbugs have a long-lasting painful feeling, and the redness has clear contours. The bite looks like a round, reddish swelling with a handle in the middle.

The special feature is health, as the beetle usually pierces the skin in several places and sucks blood from each hole. As can be seen in the figure, punctures in the amount of 3-5 pieces are made at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other.

Both people and animals suffer from pests. They usually socialize with dogs, cats, farm animals and aquarium inhabitants.

Quickly adapt to various chemicals. There is no universal cure for bedbugs, but the result depends on how quickly treatment begins.

This doesn't mean they can't be removed. You need to know how to get rid of insects for good.

You can remove them using physical, chemical and folk remedies.

When deciding how to deal with bedbugs, you should proceed from your family budget and the scale of the problem.

How to kill bedbugs in an apartment the traditional way

Wormwood may help fight bed bugs

You can quickly get rid of bed bugs in an apartment using folk remedies only if they have recently been at home.

Wormwood against bed bugs at home

The disadvantages of this method include low productivity. In addition, some people may not tolerate the specific smell in the treated room and may cause allergies.

How to get rid of bedbugs using traditional chemicals

Effective agents include turpentine

denatured alcohol

Disinfection with kerosene and turpentine

Triatom's error

When answering the question of how to independently remove bugs from an apartment using kerosene and turpentine, you should remember that it cannot be used on upholstered furniture and carpets

. Oil stains may remain on the fabric, which can damage the upholstery and degrade the color of the carpet.

Such mixtures can be used to produce wooden furniture, baseboards and floors. But at the same time, it is necessary to use special polyethylene gloves,

because rubber products cause corrosion.

How to remove bed bugs at home using methylated alcohol and vinegar

For sofas, beds and armchairs, it is recommended to use mixtures of denatured alcohol, acetic acid or ethyl alcohol.

To eliminate the errors themselves, you can use a solution of 250 ml of denatured alcohol and 5 g of naphthalene.

It should be remembered that after the procedure you will have to leave the premises for several hours due to the strong smell of the reagents.

Bed bugs - how to get rid of chemicals at home

Chemicals are more effective. They are easy to use and have a long shelf life, which is an advantage as re-disinfection is sometimes required after some time.


How to remove bed bugs using a spray: shake, spray problem areas, repeat if necessary.

Such drugs have several advantages:

The most common are the raptor

battalion commander
. They will quickly get rid of the problem.

Fighting bed bugs with powders and pencils

Breakdown occurs when the insect comes into contact with the powder. These products are also highly effective, but the results are achieved over a longer period of time.

The most popular drugs are chlorophos


Liquid funds

Liquid preparations are not usually used due to their high cost and difficulty in use.

How to get rid of bed bugs using temperature differences

How to deal with bedbugs by changing environmental parameters:

  • cold conditions: remove garden furniture for a while during the cold season;
  • hot conditions: pour boiling water over the worms.

Preparation of the solution

For the success of the procedure, it is important to properly prepare the working solution. Typically, to do this you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Pour 1/3 of the water into the bucket.
  2. Pour in the emulsion or add the drug powder.
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly for 5 minutes.
  4. Add remaining liquid.

The working solution must be used immediately or after the time specified in the instructions for use of the insecticide. It is important to note that when working with chemicals, regardless of their hazard class, you must adhere to safety regulations.


The soldiers of Alexander the Great used powders of some types of mountain chamomile (pyrethrum) to destroy parasites.

Middle Ages

19th century

Dolmat chamomile

Dolmatian chamomile flower, used since ancient times as an insecticide.

In 1896, kerosene-soap and kerosene-lime emulsions were proposed to combat sucking pests, and in 1905, an emulsion of petroleum mineral oils. Herbal preparations were also widely used: anabasine sulfate and nicotine sulfate. [7]

XX century

At the same time, the group of chlorine-containing compounds to which DDT belonged was actively studied. In 1942, it was replenished with a drug effective in destroying pests - hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and its gamma isomer - landane (HCH was first synthesized by Faraday in 1825). Over the 40-year period, starting in 1947, when factories for the production of organochlorine preparations were actively operating, 3,628,720 tons of them were produced with a chlorine content of 50-73%. [6]

The list of insecticides approved for use in agricultural and private household plots in the Russian Federation is in the section Agricultural insecticides and acaricides.

The list of insecticides approved for use for medical disinfestation on the territory of the Russian Federation is in the section Insecticides and medical acaricides.

During World War II, organophosphorus compounds with insecticidal activity were first developed in Germany, and in 1949 the first pyrethroid was synthesized. [7]

The synthesis of pyrethroids began in the late 40s of the last century. Allethrin was synthesized in 1949, tetramethrin in 1945, and resmethrin two years later. On the world market of pesticides in the early 70s, they had a serious drawback: they relatively quickly lost activity in environmental conditions. [5]

Modern range of insecticides

The search is also underway for formulations that are convenient for storage, use and less dangerous for personnel. More effective methods of using insecticides are being developed. The main vector of recent decades has been the development and introduction of effective and less environmentally hazardous drugs. [6]

Currently, the website contains information about the following classes of pesticides:


The Swiss drug is available in the form of water-soluble granules or concentrated suspensions. Suitable for treating open ground crops, greenhouse plants and indoor flowers. Kills most parasites and pests that plague gardeners and flower growers. The drug is presented on the market in different packaging: from 1.4 gram sachets (enough to treat plants in a small greenhouse) to 250 gram packaging (enough for an entire farm). The insecticide is systemic and is produced on the basis of thiamethoxin. Absorbed into the leaves and root system, it acts regardless of weather conditions. Small volumes of the drug cost up to $3, and for the largest package (250 g) you will have to pay about $60.

Service cost

  • Prices for individuals
  • For legal entities
ApartmentCold fogHol. fog + barrier protection Hot fog + protectionComplex
1 roomRUB 1,800RUB 2,700RUB 4,5006,200 rub.
2 roomsRUB 2,1003,000 rub.RUB 4,7006,600 rub.
3 roomsRUB 2,300RUB 3,200RUB 4,900RUB 6,900
4 roomsRUB 2,500RUB 3,400RUB 5,100RUB 7,200
5 roomsRUB 2,700RUB 3,600RUB 5,300RUB 7,600
MOPRUB 1,5002,000 rub.3,000 rub.4,000 rub.
SquareOne-time processingService
50 -100 M²from 2,400 rub.from 2,000 rub.
100 – 300 M²from 30 rub/m²from 25 rub/m²
300 – 600 M²from 27 RUR/M²from 21 RUR/M²
600 – 1,000 M²from 20 rub/m²from 18 RUR/M²
1,000 - more than M²negotiablenegotiable

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Survival of rats is a sharp mind and incredible caution

Rats and mice have a sharp mind that helps keep them alive. There is another feature of the animals presented - division into categories and purpose in the group. There are test rats - they try to try food, assess the situation in relation to this or that “breakfast”. If no consequences occur after eating, then soon everyone will dine here.

Important! If something goes wrong, that is, the animal dies, the poisoned bait will no longer attract attention, and they will refuse the treat.

Almost all modern poisons that are used to poison pests are single-use. But it should be understood that rodenticides do not act immediately - death for the animal usually occurs only 5 days after eating a portion of food. Rats cannot warn their own brothers, since the effect of the poison does not bring any unpleasant sensations, and the rodents still have an excellent appetite. But there is also a drawback that is associated with immunity to small doses of such a drug.

As a rule, the products act in such a way that the pests do not die instantly - this takes several days

"Decis Profi"

An insecticide of contact-intestinal action that destroys both adult parasites and their larvae. Available in powder form, on the basis of which a solution for spraying is prepared. For 10 liters of water, only 1 gram of the drug is enough. The effect of the insecticide appears after an hour. The treatment effect lasts up to two weeks. The prepared solution cannot be stored. It is also important to take into account that the insecticide can have a detrimental effect on bees. 1 gram of this drug costs less than a dollar.

How to recognize a lacewing

The lacewing insect has individual external characteristics that distinguish it from other insects. Lacewing larvae are oblong in shape, their body is covered with small warts and hairs. At the base of the larva's head there are elongated jaws that help it fight pests. The larvae move at a fast pace, feeling the plant with their jaws until they find the parasite.

Adult insects have an oblong body of bright green color and large transparent wings with blue veins. The lacewing got its name due to its large, iridescent golden eyes, and these insects are also called flaners. If an adult is caught, in order to protect itself, it releases an unpleasant aroma, which it tries to scare off the enemy.


The drug is intended to combat various types of garden pests, including Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Homoptera. Available in the form of a suspension concentrate, in a 1 liter package. The high effectiveness of the Calypso insecticide is due to its active ingredient – ​​thiacloprid. Depending on the type of pests and weather conditions, the drug protects the plant for 2-4 weeks. The composition is applied to plants by spraying. A liter of concentrate costs about $65.

Unfavourable conditions

Before getting rid of bed bugs in an apartment, it is necessary to create an unfavorable environment. They are sensitive to changes in environmental parameters.

The fight against bedbugs must begin by addressing the factors that negatively affect their livelihood:

low temperature - below 15 degrees;

high temperature - more than 40 degrees;

low humidity;

directional sunlight;

without food

To prevent bed bugs in your apartment, you will need to ventilate them frequently and remove clutter.

You can use an ultraviolet lamp for periodic disinfection or treat all possible egg-laying sites with a steam generator.


A popular insecticide that is sold both in ampoules and in plastic canisters. A potent product that fights mites, aphids and whiteflies. A 2 ml ampoule is diluted in 2 liters of water. The composition is used to spray all parts of plants. The product is considered toxic (hazard class 2), so you should use protective clothing when working with it. In enclosed spaces, the insecticide should be used with extreme caution; the room must be ventilated. The price of the drug averages $50 per liter.

Reasons and ways of penetration of silverfish

A prerequisite for the existence of insects is humidity. That's why creatures sneak into our apartments. There are many ways through which parasites enter a home.

Silverfish enter houses through ventilation shafts. Cracks, crevices and open windows are sources of danger. The small size of insects allows them to penetrate through holes in walls.

Objects and products contaminated with larvae or adults are no less dangerous. Silverfish can be found in books, boxes, and products. The modest size of insects does not allow them to be detected immediately, since they are nocturnal. You can only see them if you suddenly go into the kitchen or bathroom at night and turn on the light.

Insects choose those apartments and houses in which the microclimate is clearly disturbed. High levels of humidity, condensation, cracks and debris in the house are an ideal habitat for parasites. Silverfish prefer damp and warm rooms. It is not difficult for them to get into any house. If the conditions turn out to be comfortable, the pests will settle in a new place.

Prevention of home infections

To prevent the invasion of bloodsuckers, block all cracks in the house, install ventilation grilles. Steam pillows and mattresses regularly or keep them clean. For preventive purposes, place peppermint oil and lemon balm in flat bags. Strong aromas will repel bloodsuckers.

More useful tips on how to get rid of bed bugs at home with your own hands in the video below:

Bed bugs not only suck blood from a person - after a bite, skin irritation, itching and inflammation persist. They are also carriers of infection, so the consequences can be unpredictable.

They definitely have to fight. But before you learn how to get rid of bed bugs at home, you need to have an understanding of how they develop.

They are harmless

that live on the street and in garden plots.
I also have a water

The most undesirable species are house worms; there are more than 10 species. Among them is bed


The triatomine bug carries a deadly infection.

A furniture worm bed is the most common type. The picture shows what it looks like.

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