How to get rid of mosquitoes in a summer cottage: looking for a win-win option

Mosquitoes are a real scourge, especially during the warmer months. In some regions, the warm season can last up to six months. All this time, bloodsuckers are active and significantly reduce the quality of life in the territory. For example, in a country house.

To cope with this scourge, there are three options:
Rating: 10 best mosquito repellents
Rating: 10 best mosquito repellents

Even the best spray against mosquitoes and ticks in nature does not always protect against other blood-sucking insects...

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  1. Leaving the house less and not paying attention to mosquito bites. This is not always possible. Especially if the house is located next to a forest or pond.
  2. Use professional pest control products. They are very effective, but require proper handling.
  3. Apply traditional methods. For example, plant geraniums around the site. It is not only simple, but also aesthetically pleasing. True, it is not as effective as in the case of professional products.

Natural and artificial methods can be combined to achieve better results.

Let's try to figure out which drugs perform better, what traditional methods can be used, what their pros and cons are.

Fighting mosquitoes with folk remedies

The first thing that owners of summer cottages resort to. Everything is used - vinegar, lemon, cinnamon, vanilla extract, eucalyptus oil, juniper sprigs, mint, rosemary, basil, garden lilac and indoor geranium. The list is far from complete, but there is an opinion that all these things protect against mosquitoes and repel them. And this is true, but only half.

How does it work

Female mosquitoes find victims based on the heat and scent they emit. What do acetic acid and basil have in common? That's right: a sharp, pronounced aroma. It is unlikely to repel insects, but it will mask the smell of human sweat. This is exactly how most folk remedies work.

You can check. Spray some perfume around yourself - the effect will be no worse than vinegar.


❏ Cheap, accessible, always at hand.

❏ Safe if you are not allergic.

❏ There is a result, but with some reservations.


Geranium and vanilla will not help get rid of mosquitoes in the country. These are more like personal protective equipment: they will “hide” you, make you “invisible” for the bloodsuckers for a while. The duration of action is limited to 20-30 minutes, but the mosquitoes themselves will not go away. Therefore, if you decide to defend yourself with lemons and mint, stock up on them properly.


Jurax. This product is concentrated and gives excellent results in the fight against ticks, cockroaches, mosquitoes, and other parasites that annoy you on vacation. The difference is that the product has a long-lasting effect, creating a barrier that lasts up to one month. This drug can be used to treat recreational areas, areas, and can be used to impregnate clothing. For use: The emulsion is prepared before use, mixed with water, stirring evenly for 5 minutes. For clothes you need to take 5 ml; the optimal dose is obtained by mixing the drug with water in the required proportions.


They are fumigators. This method of controlling mosquitoes has shown to be highly effective indoors, but devices for outdoor spaces are also on sale. Portable devices ThermaCell, Raptor, Xiaomi have proven themselves well.

How they work

The principle of action is similar to repellents, but repellers use other active ingredients - insecticides. Most often it is allethrin: in the format of a bottle with liquid, or plates soaked in it. Fumigators are equipped with a heating element powered by mains power, a battery, batteries or a portable gas cartridge.

Portable gas-powered ThermaCell repeller. Photo from the manufacturer's website

The surface interacting with the insecticide heats up and the poison evaporates. The vapor concentration is harmless to humans and animals, but not to insects. Allethrin disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, causing spatial disorientation, hyperactivity, prostration, and paralysis. Indoors this ends in the death of the bloodsuckers; in the open air they try to get away.


  • Suitable not only for individual but also group protection. You can hang it on your belt or put it in a gazebo while relaxing - there will be no mosquitoes within a radius of 5 meters.
  • Duration is limited by the life of consumables and power supply. The repeller will work quietly all night.
  • The devices are universal - you can take them with you fishing, on a hike, or even turn them on at home.


As soon as the device stops working, the mosquitoes will return. Hungry and angry. And if you left the range, they are already waiting for you. In general, repellers will help you spend a couple of relatively calm evenings at the dacha, but, alas, they are not able to destroy mosquitoes on the site.

There are ultrasonic mosquito repellers on the market. We did not consider them in the article for two reasons: firstly, many studies were conducted that did not confirm the performance (not to mention the effectiveness) of such devices; secondly, if we assume that ultrasound has a negative effect on insects, then there may be unpleasant consequences for pets. Whatever one may say, the idea looks dubious.

Smoke bombs and spiral fumigators


Used to fight bloodsuckers in small areas. They are placed near gazebos or in other places where bloodsuckers should not be. They set it on fire and are satisfied with the result. While the spiral is smoldering, insects do not fly up. The main thing is to carefully monitor the source of potential fire and place it correctly.

Spirals are made from parts of dried pyrethrum. A special perennial plant that is not tolerated by mosquitoes.

Smoke bombs

Basically, the active ingredient of most smoke bombs on the market is the same cypermethrin in different concentrations. The principle of operation is the abundant release of toxic smoke for several minutes, which settles on the surface, destroying and repelling insects. Thus, with the help of one or several checkers (depending on the size and concentration), you can treat from 50 to 500 m2 of territory.

Read more about mosquito smoke bombs in our previous article.

Treatment of the area

A radical solution to the problem, a way to combat mosquitoes for the most desperate. Most often used for processing:

❏ Cypertrin;

❏ Force site;

❏ Jurax;

❏ Digital;

❏ Medilis-Ziper.

How does it work

The area is treated with insecticides in two stages. First, attention is paid to places of potential accumulation of larvae (ditches, pipes, drainage systems, drainage barrels), then to the remaining area. Since mosquitoes do not migrate far from their habitat, the risk of an outbreak is minimized.


A truly effective way to get rid of mosquitoes in an area is to completely wipe out the population.


❏ Insecticides are extremely dangerous for humans and domestic animals.

❏ The consequence of treatment can be a serious disruption of the natural balance, because not only mosquitoes, but also other insects will be destroyed. This will negatively affect fruit and berry crops.

What kind of pests are these?

The common mosquito (squeaking mosquito) has a wide habitat, found almost anywhere in our country. Mosquitoes are carriers of a number of dangerous diseases, such as yellow fever. In some countries, mosquitoes act as carriers of Japanese encephalitis, inflammation of the brain, and borreliosis. These insects also transmit the larvae of various parasites with their saliva.

Important! These are small (mosquito size 3-8 mm) flying insects. The body color of ordinary mosquitoes is gray.

Only female mosquitoes drink human blood, and they can be carriers of diseases dangerous to humans.
The main diet of mosquitoes consists of plant juices and human blood. At the same time, only female mosquitoes prefer human blood - they need it for high-quality fertilization and development of eggs, in other words, to increase the population. Males feed only on plant sap.

Mosquito exterminators

There are two types of exterminators – carbon dioxide and propane. Among the first, summer residents speak well of Grad Black installations; in the second category, SkeeterVac devices are popular.

Mosquito exterminator SkeeterVac - popularly nicknamed “mosquito genocide”

How they work

They cunningly and sophisticatedly impersonate living warm-blooded creatures. This happens thanks to three things.

1. Attractants that imitate the smell of sweat

. For example, Octenol. Placed in a reservoir blown by a built-in fan, the substance evaporates and attracts mosquitoes.

2. Heat and carbon dioxide

. In propane exterminators, they are released during combustion (this is also what powers the fan). In carbon dioxide, CO2 is supplied from a cylinder, and the body is heated by a built-in electric heating element.

3. Backlight

– the same as in UV lamps, only here it imitates movement (“running” lights).

The mosquito is sure that this is an animal. After all, what he is flying towards:

a) warm and breathable;

b) smells appropriate;

c) moves.

Having flown closer, the insect is sucked into the device if the exterminator is propane, or is killed by electric shock if the trap is carbon dioxide. That's it, finita la comedy.


❏ Allows you to completely get rid of mosquitoes in your summer cottage, and we are talking about a large area (manufacturers claim a range of up to 50 acres).

❏ They work continuously - a cylinder with propane or carbon dioxide lasts for a season.

❏ A completely safe way to control mosquitoes for people and animals.


The only sad thing is the cost. Although it is more than compensated for by efficiency, the fact remains: not everyone can afford shredders.

How does a propane exterminator differ from a carbon dioxide exterminator?

The principle of operation is almost identical, but from the point of view of operation there are differences. There are three important points to note here:

1. carbon dioxide traps must be connected to a 220V network, and since it is recommended to install the device on the far border of the site, stretching wires to it is, to put it mildly, inconvenient;

2. CO2 exterminators kill insects with electric current, which is accompanied by a loud, but almost constant crackling sound;

3. It is more difficult to fill a cylinder with carbon dioxide - in the regions there is sometimes nowhere to do this (and propane is available at every gas filling station).

Sipaz Super

The insecticide is an emulsion concentrate. The active ingredient is cypermethrin. Sold in two versions: 1.5 liters and 25 liters.

Retains destructive properties for 1.5 months, guaranteeing the disappearance of pests. Paralyzes insects, which entails their death.

The drug kills bees, so you need to be careful and avoid using it near an apiary.

Directions for use: spray over the area. 3 g of insecticide is diluted per liter of water. If the pest infestation is small, 50 ml of solution per 1 m² will be enough. When faced with a large infestation of mosquitoes and midges, it is recommended to use 100 ml per 1 m².

Approximate price: 2,300 rubles.

Medilis Cyper

This drug is a powerful chemical. It is used to treat things and devices, but it is not recommended to be applied to living organisms. After treating the object, you need to wash the room no earlier than 12 hours after disinfection. The product causes irreversible death of various insects: mosquitoes, bedbugs, flies, wasps.

You can purchase the product in the following situations:

  • For pest control on any site. Utility premises, residential buildings, public institutions, hospitals and kindergartens;
  • Preventive method for scabies, allergies, irritation;
  • To treat waste so that it does not become a source of insect breeding in the future;
  • Disinfection of equipment and premises associated with the collection, storage, sorting or transportation of waste;
  • Destruction of a major source of mosquito breeding in reservoirs, sewers, and similar areas within the city. Using the drug outdoors is not recommended, and even prohibited.

The instructions indicate that the substance has a moderate effect on the human body. May cause poisoning if ingested.

By contacting our store, you can purchase any mosquito repellent at an affordable price. We guarantee the high quality of all products by ensuring delivery.

Harm to cultivated plants

Mosquitoes are also destructive to garden plants. Particularly harmful are centipedes, meadows and jerks. After all, the main food of such species is plant juices and fragile roots of young plants. Both adult mosquitoes and mosquito larvae cause enormous damage to the crop.

They pose the greatest danger to the following crops:

  • cereals;
  • berry;
  • legumes;
  • tuberous;
  • root vegetables

Expert opinion

Mityuk Stefania Bogdanovna

Owners of cultivated pastures located near water bodies are experiencing extensive damage. Much attention must be paid to crops grown under conditions of high humidity.

Force site

The substance repels insects and does not evaporate. The Force Site property makes repellents safe for humans.

The advantages include:

  • The effectiveness of the product. The product has become a brand, there is no doubt about the work;
  • Small price. The drug is available to everyone;
  • Cost savings. The dosages are optimal, they last for a long time;
  • Safety, ecology. The quality of the product is beyond doubt, the toxicity is minimal, it can be used in residential premises and public institutions.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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