Wasps have built nests in the countryside in an inaccessible place, what to do?

Wasps love to settle in close proximity to humans, which often becomes a real problem for summer residents and owners of country cottages , since the proximity to these insects is often uncomfortable or downright dangerous.

In this case, to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to destroy not individual representatives of this species, but the entire nest at once, but first you will need to find it.

To spend less time on this process, you need to know where wasps like to build their shelters:

  1. Tree branches that are densely overgrown with foliage, which allows you to hide your home from prying eyes.
  2. Hollows in tree trunks.
  3. Burrows dug in the ground, if we are talking about the earthen variety of these insects.
  4. Shrubs with dense foliage or hedges.
  5. Open areas of trees or just places in the grass, if there are no more favorable natural conditions nearby for creating a nest.
  6. Domestic or utility buildings, such as attics, basements, cellars, closets or toilets, where people do not disturb these occupants too often.
  7. Niches formed under the roof of a building.
  8. Gaps that form in walls if the sheathing begins to move away from their surface over time.
  9. Balconies, loggias and other similar structures.
  10. Pile of rarely used items or other junk.

However, it is not always possible to find a nest on your own, even after checking all the named places, especially if we are talking about large buildings or a vast territory.

The wasps will begin to fly to the bait, at this moment it is necessary to track their route; most of the wasps will fly between their home and the bait.

What harm do wasps cause and the reasons for their appearance?

Wasps can cause quite a lot of damage to human health, because they can actively spread dangerous diseases such as intestinal infections. Therefore, if these insects land on a plate of fruit, it is advisable to wash them again. It is impossible to predict their actions and reactions to the appearance of someone near the nest. They are capable of attacking the whole family without any reason. The bites of these pests can cause skin redness, irritation, swelling, suffocation, and in some people an allergic reaction.

These insects look for places where they can settle near food, where they can easily attach their nest and no one will disturb them. It is for this reason that most often their cocoons can be found near the house or right in it.

Use of traps and baits

Traps and poison baits are especially convenient when it is too difficult to get to a wasp nest or if the wasps fly into the house from somewhere far away (a nest outside the house or land).
It should be remembered that the food in the bait should be attractive only to wasps, but not to bees, otherwise these beneficial insects will die along with the wasps. Therefore, you can take fermented sweet foods and drinks, and avoid using sugar syrup and honey.

Closed traps

Devices for catching insects can be purchased or made independently. It’s easy to make a good trap from a plastic bottle with your own hands. To do this, remove the lid from it, cut off the upper third, then the cut part, neck down, is tightly inserted into the lower part. Just above the middle of the trap, holes are made for rope or wire “handles”; the structure will be suspended from them.

To make a trap, you need to take a plastic bottle and cut off the neck

The wasp’s favorite food is placed inside the trap - fermented jam, slightly rotten juicy sweet fruits, beer, kvass. Fermented stuff attracts wasps, but bees are indifferent to it. You can add boric acid to the bait (wasps die from it) or odorless insecticides (for example, Lambda-Zone). Toxic substances are added so that the insects die faster and cannot cause harm when it comes time to change the contents of the trap.

The traps themselves should be placed where the wasps are most often visible, and if the location of their nest is known, then not far from it. When there are a lot of insects on a plot of land, traps are placed on every two to three dozen square meters. The traps are cleaned as they become filled with insects; the contents must be regularly replaced with a fresh portion.

Glue traps

Glue-based traps can also be purchased at hardware stores or made yourself. To make it yourself, you will need a sheet of cardboard and Alt, RaTrap or similar glue. The glue is applied in a layer of medium thickness to the entire sheet of cardboard, and bait (a piece of meat, fish, rotten fruit) is placed in the middle of the sheet. The wasps will stick tightly to the trap and will not be able to free themselves.

Poisoned baits

The same food is used for baits as for traps, but the food is always poisoned with odorless insecticides (so that nothing alerts the wasps). For this purpose, for example, effective drugs “Lambda-Zone”, “Delta-Zone”, “Empire 20”, “Smelnet”, “Xulat-S25” are used. Boric acid is slightly less effective, but it is also suitable. The bait is placed in different parts of the house or summer cottage on unnecessary dishes. Wasps that eat such bait die within a few hours.

Favorite habitats of wasps

Before you begin to get rid of these pests, the first thing you need to do is find their habitat. Moreover, it is capable of being located even at the most unexpected points:

  • on the trees in the garden;
  • in the ground in an embankment;
  • in outbuildings;
  • under the branches;
  • in diaries;
  • under stones;
  • under the roof;
  • in the attic;
  • on a loggia or balcony;
  • in the garage;
  • bird's nest;
  • under the floor;
  • in an anthill;
  • in grass;
  • in the barn;
  • on the veranda;
  • cracks.

In order to find their nest, you should inspect the entire territory.


The destruction of wasps in a dacha does not always involve exterminating them; you can scare away a family and force them to move. The location of the nest in the depths of the garden, at the end of the vegetable garden, does not require emergency action; their presence on the site does more good than harm. To do this, you need to know what to be afraid of wasps.

You can get rid of wild wasps in your area with a strong odor. The nest is watered with flammable substances - kerosene, gasoline, machine oil. Or lay out a soaked rag nearby. Insects do not like the smell of herring; they throw the head of a fish at them.

Bunches of peppermint, wild rosemary, and elderberry are hung in the attic of the dacha. A decoction of these herbs is periodically wiped across window sills, window frames, and doorways.

Methods for controlling wasps and wasp nests

There are many options and methods for destroying a hive. It’s worth choosing depending on where it will be located. To begin the process itself, you must first put on a special beekeeper suit or clothing that insects will not be able to pierce.


You can remove the entire wasp nest on your own without any additional funds. The main thing is to act at night, when they are sleeping.

Destruction with water

This method is suitable if the pests are inside or outside. When they are in the ground, you need to boil a bucket of water and fill the nest with it. If the hive is suspended, you can use water of absolutely any temperature. To do this, fill the bucket completely and carefully lower the nest into it. Since the entrance to it is always located at the bottom, the exit will be blocked. After 30 minutes the entire cocoon can be removed.

Destruction by fire

When insects are found in a vegetable garden, garden plot, or flower bed, fire can help eliminate the nest. To do this, you need to pour fuel, kerosene, machine oil or any other flammable substance on it and set it on fire. In a few seconds, the entire cocoon with absolutely all the inhabitants in it will disappear.

Destruction with a vacuum cleaner

This unusual method of complete elimination will also work. To do this, you will need a powerful vacuum cleaner, as well as a long hose to reach the nest itself. It should be inserted into the input and turn on the device to the maximum. In 15 minutes, all pests will be pulled into the bag.

Advice! The swarm bag can be sprayed with insecticides, immersed in water, or released away from the house, but in this case you should be very careful.


These insects do not need to be exterminated, but simply made to fly away from your dacha. You can get rid of them with the help of herbs - wild rosemary, elderberry, peppermint. A decoction of such plants should be used to wipe window frames, window sills, and doorways from time to time. Products that have a strong odor will help - gasoline, kerosene, motor oil. You can pour them over the cocoon or moisten a rag and place it next to it. An interesting way is to toss the head of a herring.

If the nest is located in the far corner of the garden or garden and is not in the way at all, then the wasps will be able to bring you more benefit than damage. They are able to provide good pollination, which will subsequently produce an excellent harvest, and these insects also work well against agricultural pests.

Baits and traps for individuals

It is possible to reduce the number of wasps in a summer cottage or completely exterminate them using simple DIY traps. They are made from plastic cans. To do this, cut off the neck and make a couple of holes on top to hang the cut container. The bait itself may contain more than just poison. You can use compote, lemonade, jam, juice, syrup, kvass, bubbling yeast. All the pests will fly towards the sugar, getting inside, but they will no longer be able to get out. The advantage of this method is that not only wasps will get into this mixture. If a lot of insects have already accumulated in the jar, they can be completely filled with water, thrown into the fire, sprayed with poison, or released away from the house.

Peels from melons or watermelons, which should be soaked in advance in an unscented insecticide, are perfect. Insects will eat the crust and die instantly.

Traditional methods

Now there are a large number of effective folk recipes that are excellent in the fight against wasps.

  1. Dishwashing detergent - soap can envelop it in an airtight, dense film. Therefore, if you pour this product inside the nest, the wasps will not be able to fly away and will begin to suffocate.
  2. Fumigation with smoke - if it is difficult to get to the hive, you can smoke it, and after all the insects have flown away, you should treat the place where they lived with an aerosol insecticide.
  3. Acetic acid - using a spray bottle, you need to spray it all around the cocoon. Over the course of some time, the room will begin to become free of these pests.


All professional means for exterminating insects are certainly effective, but their constant use can be harmful. Therefore, you should be extremely careful with them.

Destruction with polyurethane foam

This option is suitable for garages, outbuildings, cracks in the floor or wall, and in attics. This product is good because it can instantly harden, and, therefore, when applied to the required place, the insects will instantly harden. However, some people notice that sometimes wasps are able to break through.


These insects are quite sensitive to any poison. They can die even from the lowest dosage. Therefore, you can use aerosols, black or any other drug that contains toxic elements. You can spray the bag with them and quickly put it on the cocoon, or spray it on the nest itself, which will give less effect and, in the absence of professional clothing, will not be very safe. Due to the lack of any oxygen and large amounts of poison, all wasps will die in a matter of minutes. It is advisable to ensure that animals will not approach the area for at least 24 hours when applying pesticides.

You can spray the porch, window sills, balconies, and walls with these products. Due to the fact that they contain a large number of toxins, the effect can last up to 20 days. The most effective include: “Get”, “Sinuzan”, “Tetrix”, “Davizon”. These drugs can not only get rid of the problem, but also prevent their occurrence for about 8 months. They are suitable for all insects, however, they should be used as a last resort, because beneficial creatures also die.


The solution should be prepared before use. When working, be sure to use rubber gloves, a respirator, and a protective suit. If this product enters the respiratory tract, it can cause serious poisoning.

However, it is worth considering that these options will only help if the nest is at least slightly visible. If you can’t find it, then the best option to solve this problem is to call specialists.

Destruction by insecticides

The destruction of wasps using special preparations - insecticides, is one of the most effective, modern and widespread methods of combating these insects.

When choosing this method, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. All modern insecticides have a water-soluble form ; in order to obtain a working mixture, they must be mixed with water, but this is done strictly in accordance with the attached instructions.
  2. Prepare a polyethylene bag with a dense structure; its dimensions should be such that the entire wasp’s nest fits inside. 200 ml or more of the diluted solution is poured into the bag.
  3. Place the bag on the nest; this is done with sharp and quick movements so that the angry insects do not have time to fly out and attack the offender. It is tied at the top with rope, tape or tape to prevent wasps from leaving the trap.
  4. Usually all the inhabitants of the nest die after 2-3 days, but first it is better to tap the bag with some object to make sure that there are no living insects left inside that can attack a person.

Today, the market offers a wide range of different drugs designed to kill wasps.

The most effective and proven positives are the following types of insecticides:

Tetrix is ​​quite expensive, but it is still very popular due to its high effectiveness. Sold in cylinders with a capacity of 250 ml, from which you can get 2-3 liters of the working mixture. The cost is about 1,200 rubles, often sold in liter canisters, which cost approximately 5,000 rubles.

Diazinon is not only a good way to kill wasps, but is also used to prevent the appearance of other insects, and is completely safe for most types of domestic animals. The price for a 1 liter container is about 1000 rubles.

Sinuzan is most often used to destroy nests indoors, since this drug can also remove other insects living at home, including cockroaches and flies. The cost of a 5-liter canister is about 8,000 rubles.

Karbofos is an inexpensive and at the same time very effective drug that not only destroys individuals of any age, but also kills larvae. The cost of a 5-liter canister will be only 2500-3000 rubles; you can also purchase a small package, which will cost no more than 30-50 rubles.

Lambda Zone will destroy not only wasps and their larvae, but also all insects in the next 100 square meters. One 50 ml package is enough for exactly this area; its price is only 600-700 rubles.

How to get rid of wasps in a country house under a roof in an inaccessible place

If it is impossible to get to the hive itself, then getting rid of them will become much more difficult, because if it is not destroyed, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of the wasps. However, for these cases there are special recommendations:

  1. Using a spiral - if the cocoon is located under the roof of a house, loggia, or attic, a spiral can help, which contains an insecticidal substance that can act at a distance of up to 2 m. It must be installed on a non-flammable surface. With constant use of this method, you can easily achieve the complete destruction of all pests.
  2. Bonfire - this option is not designed for the rapid disappearance of insects, but after a few days the hive can become significantly empty. To do this, you need to make a fire so that the smoke falls directly on it.
  3. Smoke bombs - if placed correctly, all inhabitants of the nest will disappear in about 3 hours.
  4. Rubber, leather - if you set these things on fire, a sharp, unpleasant aroma will be released in the process. In this case, two days will be enough for all the wasps to survive.
  5. Poisonous bait - ordinary boric acid, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without any problems, is suitable. It has no odor and does not change the taste of food. Therefore, wasps will be able to eat this poison and not understand it. Within a day you can forget about them. You can add this product to sugar, jam, juice, kvass, lemonade or compote.

Caution is paramount

The main rule to remember is: wherever there is a wasp nest, a person is in danger. He may be bitten for no apparent reason, completely without reason. At best it will be a small bite, at worst it will be numerous bites with an allergic reaction and swelling. In order to get rid of wasps once and for all, it is not enough to simply find the nest and eliminate it, you need to understand the reason for the appearance of uninvited insects on your site.

If the hive is under a roof between logs

In order to remove all the wasps in an inaccessible place between the logs, you just need more patience and a vacuum cleaner.

  • Using a vacuum cleaner, you should suck out as many insects that fly to the house as possible;
  • then you need to spray the wasp’s nest with a preparation that is designed to combat flying insects;
  • You should definitely block the entrance to it.

If the wasps still continue to arrive, the procedure must be repeated.

Gasoline or kerosene

In order to know all the ways to deal with wasps in a wooden house, you need to find out what odors they cannot tolerate. Kerosene and gasoline have a pungent, unpleasant odor that repels these insects.

Fill a container with a sprayer or syringe with a small amount of gasoline or kerosene. Then carefully pour or inject the contents of the container into the nest.

Immediately after this, you need to move a long distance away from the nest, because the insects will begin to fly out.

If not all wasps have flown out of the nest, the treatment is repeated.

After the nest remains empty, it is burned in the fire.

How to get rid of wasps in the wall of a wooden house if the nest is inaccessible

Quite often you can find a nest of bees in the walls of a wooden house. There are several options to remove it:

  1. Use polyurethane foam, which instantly hardens and the wasps harden with it.
  2. Pull them out with a vacuum cleaner, but in this case the queen may not get into it, which means that the result of the disappearance of insects will be short-lived.
  3. Place poisonous baits.


To prevent wasps from returning to the occupied place in the future, it is advisable to wipe it with potassium permanganate, acetic acid, peroxide.


Simple homemade traps will help you exterminate wasps in your dacha yourself or reduce their numbers. They are prepared from plastic bottles of different capacities. Cut off the neck, insert it inside like a watering can, and secure it with staples, adhesive tape, and tape. A cord and wire are threaded at the top so that you can hang it in any convenient place.

Bait, not necessarily poisonous, is poured inside. It can be lemonade, compote, jam with water, syrup, juice, bubbling yeast, kvass. Insects freely climb inside, but get out through the small neck of the unit.

What to do with prisoners is an individual decision. You can fill it with water, throw the bottle into the fire, sprinkle it with an insecticidal preparation, or release it into the wild away from your own property.

How to get rid of a wasp nest on a balcony

It is also quite easy to remove all insects that have settled on the balcony. The main thing is to act in the evening or early morning.

  • hot water - carefully lower the entire nest into one bucket of boiling water. So, stand for about 10-20 minutes. Then carefully remove and destroy;
  • poison - you can spray the aerosol several times inside the bag. Then lower it onto the cocoon and tie it tightly. Leave it like this for several days.
  • mosquito coil – it should be left burning near the nest. In a couple of days the entire hive will disappear.

Folk remedies - time-tested methods

To get rid of pests in the house you need to use folk remedies that have been proven in practice. They are good because they are not dangerous to humans and pets . Most of them are aimed at repelling insects.

Wasps do not like the smell of vinegar. If you spray curtains, curtains and tulle with it, insects will not fly into this room. Vinegar can be replaced with gum dissolved in water. Its smell will keep pests away from the house for a long time.

As a preventive measure against insect infestation, the room can be smoked by burning fresh spruce and pine needles in a portable stove-stove.

Craftsmen have learned to make homemade insecticides. Peppermint oil diluted with water is a clear example of this. It is used as a spray; when sprayed, wasps die from it.

A composition consisting of 2 servings of celandine juice and 1 serving of St. John's wort juice, added to a sweet bait, also serves as a good insecticide.

Soapy water has a destructive effect on pests. Once on them, it sticks to the wings. Insects lose their ability to fly and die.

How to get rid of earth wasps

There are several ways and techniques by which you can eliminate a swarm of wasps that has settled in the soil.

  1. Poisoned baits - insecticide or boric acid should be dissolved in syrup and left near the hole, replenishing periodically. It will take about a week for the wasps to completely disappear.
  2. Fire – this option is the fastest. You need to pour any flammable substance into their nest. Due to the fact that paper honeycombs are underground, they will burn in a matter of seconds.
  3. Hot water - if there are flammable structures nearby, then this method will do. You will need 2-3 buckets of boiling water. It should be poured very quickly into the hole and covered with a stone. It is advisable to act as quickly as possible so that the wasps cannot fly out and start attacking.
  4. Insecticides - you need to pour a poisonous agent into the cocoon and cover it with a stone.

Burning out nests

Do you want to know how to get rid of wasps in your home once and for all? To date, no more effective method has been invented than burning. Wasps make their home from tree bark. In turn, its structure is identical to ordinary cardboard - it will take a few seconds to burn it to the ground. All you need to do is pour gasoline on the hive and set it on fire. At first glance, everything is extremely simple, but only at first glance.

We have already mentioned that it is strictly forbidden to use open fire - in this case the probability of fire is too great. This method is definitely not suitable for cases where the hive is located in the siding of the house, under slate, or in existing cracks. Use it only when there are no flammable objects nearby.

First aid for a wasp sting

To relieve swelling, it is recommended to rub with onion, parsley, garlic or diluted ammonia immediately after the bite. You can also use soda lotions and take antiallergic medications. If the reaction is severe, use hydrocortisone. If bronchospasm, rapid heartbeat, pain in the lower back, heart area, joints, or convulsions begin, you should immediately call an ambulance.

It is quite possible to deal with a wasp nest on your own if you know what methods and methods should be used for this, as well as how to properly protect yourself when destroying them.

Calling professionals

For certain reasons, some people cannot cope with wasps and destroy their nests on their own. In this case, you can contact and call a specialized service that will destroy the interfering insects.

However, when contacting professionals, you need to know some features of their activities:

  1. The cost of calling specialists ranges from 1000-1500 rubles for exterminating wasps in urban areas and from 2500 rubles for exterminating them in suburban areas. Moreover, for virtually all companies, the price of the service depends on the distance of the dacha plot from the city.
  2. It is recommended to use only those companies that guarantee that the insects will not reappear. Most organizations have a warranty period of 1-2 years.
  3. In some localities it is not possible to call a specialized service. In this case, you can ask for help from the SES or the fire service, but it must be borne in mind that fighting wasps is not their direct responsibility, so the service is provided exclusively by prior arrangement and usually specialists do not arrive immediately.


Chemicals will help you deal with pests as quickly and effectively as possible. They contain toxic substances that will destroy this dangerous insect. However, keep in mind that they must be used extremely carefully - otherwise their use may cause the death of other insects or oppression of domestic animals. It is justified to use chemicals only in cases where the nest has settled near the premises. The most common and effective means include:

  • Troapsil - helps to cope not only with wasps, but also with other pests.
  • Karbofos is a water-soluble product that can quickly rid you of an unwanted neighborhood.
  • Delta Zone is a drug that is characterized by an almost complete absence of odor. However, its effectiveness is significant.
  • Tetrix is ​​a highly toxic drug that is best used by professionals.
  • Mosquitol - helps to cope with all types of insects in areas and indoors.
  • Smelnet is a drug that is practically odorless. It quickly kills wasps and cockroaches, while forming a protective layer on the surface.

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Keep in mind that you will not be able to assess the effectiveness of the drugs immediately. Most of them take effect within a few days. Only after a week can you re-treat. When choosing a particular drug to fight, always take into account its toxicity. It is best that it is safe not only for humans, but also for pets.

Species characteristics of the insect

They are often confused with bees, but the coloration of wasps is slightly different. She is brighter and more aggressive. And the sizes are often larger. There are several dozen species of wasps; gardeners most often encounter paper and earthen ones. The first ones build hive houses from recycled bark. In its structure and properties, the resulting material resembles cardboard or thick paper. Hence the name. Earthlings settle in burrows.

All varieties are stinging. At the end of their abdomen they have a dagger-like sting. It easily steams the skin of animals and humans, then poison is injected through it. After the attack, the insect does not die, as happens with bees. On the contrary, it is ready for the next attack. In addition, it is capable of using powerful jaws. When poison is injected and after death, the individual releases special pheromones, which serve as a call to attack for its relatives. They flock and immediately attack. It is very dangerous.

A wasp swarm lives according to the laws of hierarchy. There are queens, workers, drones. Everything is aimed at breeding and preserving the offspring. Under favorable conditions, the number of stingers quickly increases. They feed on fly larvae, house and garden pests, and plant foods. Favorite treats are berries and fruits. Moreover, they prefer the sweetest specimens.

Special cases

It's not always so simple. How to get rid of wasps in the cracks of a house or in its siding? Often you have to fight a swarm that has settled in a hollow tree. In this case, putting on the bag with the drug will definitely not work. The same “Aktara” will help you, the price of which is very affordable. Can't find this drug? Use any from the list. Your task is to try to pour the drug onto the hive, and in such a way that it gets inside it. It is important to block the exit at this moment. This can be done using a thick cloth soaked in an insecticide solution.

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