Brekel Silver is a beautiful egg breed of chickens with an unusual taste of meat. Their main characteristics

Brekel chickens are one of the oldest egg-laying birds. It is difficult to establish the true and exact origin of the breed; there are opinions that Brekels were created thanks to aboriginal breeds. The birds were popular in Belgium for several years. Brekel is also called Campin; they are endowed with decorative characteristics, therefore they are in great demand among breeders.

Brekel Brekel silver (rooster and chicken)

Rooster and hen of the breed Brekel golden

Description of the breed

AppearanceBreeding and rearingProductivity

The head is slightly flattened, small and wide. The beak is bluish-gray, small and strong. The comb is straight, five-toothed. It is highly developed in roosters, while in chickens it is smaller in size. Breckel's lobes are large and white. The back is sloping, with strong and massive shoulders. Males have long, snow-white feathers growing on their backs. The wings fit tightly to the body. A distinctive feature of the tail is its abundant plumage. Roosters also have long braids on their tails. The legs are gray, thin and of medium length; in roosters they are thicker, longer and more massive. There are two varieties of plumage color: golden and silver.

Chicks are born weighing approximately 35 grams, covered with white fluff, and fledge fairly quickly.

Birds are very active, curious, restless and peaceful, they can spend most of the day on the move, which means that they need a large aviary for walking and a spacious chicken coop . Brekels get along well with other birds: they are non-aggressive and non-conflicting.

The breed has completely lost the brooding instinct, so they cannot reproduce and survive on their own.

Chickens begin to lay eggs at the age of 4 months and do this almost until the end of their lives, which is why they are bred . A bird is purchased at the age of 10 days, while still a chicken, or when the chicken turns 4 months old.

The breed has no crosses.

When using an incubator, chickens survive in 90-95 percent of cases. They have good immunity and are resistant to disease.

Planned replacement of the flock should be carried out every 3-4 years, replacing old chickens with young animals, since at this age chickens already reduce their productivity.


  • Strong immunity.
  • Taste of meat.
  • Long lasting productivity.
  • Character.
  • Appearance.
  • Early maturation.


  • Excessive activity.
  • Lack of maternal instinct.

This breed has very tender, juicy and soft meat. It resembles wild partridge meat. The eggs are medium size, weighing about 65 grams. The birds have good egg production. It is noteworthy that a full-fledged chicken begins to lay eggs at 4 months. She does not lose productivity for 3-4 years (almost her entire life) . This breed of birds is not raised in poultry farms: only for personal needs.

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Reviews from poultry farmers

Alexander, 80 years old, pensioner, Kiev. Brekel are very beautiful birds; he began breeding them not only because of their high egg production, but also because of their decorative appearance.
The birds really brighten up my yard, and they look especially beautiful against the green background. The main disadvantage is a very bad character; the birds cannot get along with any breed of chicken. They fight all the time, I thought that the females were calmer, but no, laying hens always find a reason to fight. Very amazing birds. ★★★★★
Oleg, 56 years old, engineer, Astrakhan. Excellent chickens for our region; the birds stay outside for a long time, even at sub-zero temperatures.
They are not afraid of our climate. Recently I had to change my place of residence, it was a pity to sell them - my wife and I decided to take the farm with us, and did not regret it. The chickens survived the move well; this did not affect the quantity or quality of eggs. Hide

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Based on all the advantages of Brekel crosses, we can conclude that the breed is an excellent option for keeping on your own property. Beginners in poultry farming may not be able to cope with breeding birds due to their lack of brooding instinct. And experienced breeders will be able to raise a large population. With proper care of chickens, you can get high egg production rates and high-quality meat.



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The diet of Silver Brekels includes foods such as whole and crushed grains, greens, root vegetables, worms, bone meal, and fermented milk products. It is imperative to add shells to the food to increase the breed’s egg production, as well as various minerals.

  • Stern
  • Recipes
  • Supplements

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Maintenance and cultivation

Brekel is an egg-laying breed of chicken, so for its normal existence, mineral supplements and egg shells must be added to its complete feed. This supplement will help laying hens restore calcium reserves in the body.

In addition, this bird needs proper maintenance. Due to the fact that Brekels are very active birds , they should never be kept in cages or aviaries.

A spacious poultry house with a large yard is ideal for this Belgian breed. The breeder should arrange a high fence and a good canopy around it, since Brekels love to fly. In all other respects, the maintenance of Brekels does not differ from the maintenance of other egg-laying breeds.

Quantitative indicators

The total weight of roosters can range from 2.4 to 2.8 kg. Laying hens can gain weight up to 2.7 kg. They lay an average of 180-220 eggs per year. On average, each white-shelled egg can weigh up to 60 g. Only the largest eggs should be selected for incubation.


Silver Brekel is bred only in an incubator, as the breed has completely lost its maternal instinct.

Table of temperature and humidity modes

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